第 39 节
作者:插翅难飞      更新:2021-04-30 17:18      字数:9322
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  Gneisenau; the Chief of the Staff; had lingered behind for an instant;
  and   he   laid   his   hand   upon   one   of   the   aides…   de…camp。 The   fellow   had
  attracted my attention; for I have always a quick eye for a fine man。                   He
  was   tall   and   slender;   the   very   model   of   a   horseman;   indeed;   there   was
  something in his appearance which made it not unlike my own。                      His face
  was dark and as keen as that of a hawk; with fierce black eyes under thick;
  shaggy brows; and a   moustache which would have   put him in the   crack
  squadron of my Hussars。           He wore a green coat with white facings; and a
  horse…hair helmeta Dragoon; as I conjectured; and as dashing a cavalier
  as one would wish to have at the end of one's sword…point。
  〃A word with you; Count Stein;〃 said Gneisenau。                  〃If the enemy are
  routed; but if the Emperor escapes; he will rally another army; and all will
  have to be done again。
  But if   we   can   get   the   Emperor;  then   the   war   is   indeed   ended。 It   is
  worth a great effort and a great risk for such an object as that。〃
  The young Dragoon said nothing; but he listened attentively。
  〃Suppose the Duke of Wellington's words should prove to be correct;
  and   the   French   army   should   be   driven   in   utter   rout   from   the   field;   the
  Emperor will certainly take the road back through Genappe and Charleroi
  as being the shortest to the frontier。         We can imagine that his horses will
  be fleet; and that the fugitives will make way for him。                Our cavalry will
  follow the rear of the beaten army; but the Emperor will be far away at the
  front of the throng。〃
  The young Dragoon inclined his head。
  〃To you; Count Stein; I commit the Emperor。                 If you take him  your
  name will live in history。         You have the reputation of being the hardest
  rider in our army。
  Do   you   choose   such   comrades   as   you   may   selectten   or   a   dozen
  should   be   enough。      You   are   not   to   engage   in   the  battle;   nor   are   you   to
  follow the general pursuit; but you are to ride clear of the crowd; reserving
  your energies for a nobler end。          Do you understand me?〃
  Again the Dragoon inclined his head。             This silence impressed me。           I
  felt that he was indeed a dangerous man。
  〃Then I leave the details in your own hands。              Strike at no one except
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  the highest。     You cannot mistake the Imperial carriage; nor can you fail to
  recognise the figure of the Emperor。           Now I must follow the Marshal。
  Adieu!     If ever I see you again I trust that it will be to congratulate
  you upon a deed which will ring through Europe。〃
  The   Dragoon   saluted   and   Gneisenau   hurried   from   the   room。           The
  young     officer   stood    in  deep    thought    for  a  few    moments。      Then     he
  followed the Chief of the Staff。
  I   looked    with   curiosity    from   my    loophole     to  see   what    his  next
  proceeding would be。          His horse; a fine; strong chestnut with two white
  stockings; was fastened to the rail of the inn。             He sprang into the saddle;
  and; riding to intercept a column of cavalry which was passing; he spoke
  to an officer at the head of the leading regiment。
  Presently after some talk I saw two Hussarsit was a Hussar regiment…
  …drop out of the ranks and take up their position beside Count Stein。                   The
  next regiment was also stopped; and two Lancers were added to his escort。
  The     next   furnished    him    with   two    Dragoons     and    the  next   with    two
  Cuirassiers。      Then   he   drew   his   little   group   of   horsemen   aside   and   he
  gathered     them    round    him;    explaining    to  them    what    they   had   to  do。
  Finally the nine soldiers rode off together and disappeared into the Wood
  of Paris。
  I need not tell you; my friends; what all this portended。
  Indeed;    he   had   acted   exactly   as   I  should   have   done    in  his  place。
  From     each    colonel    he  had    demanded      the   two   best   horsemen     in   the
  regiment;   and   so   he   had   assembled   a   band   who   might   expect   to   catch
  whatever   they   should   follow。      Heaven   help   the   Emperor   if;   without   an
  escort; he should find them on his track!
  And I; dear friendsimagine the fever; the ferment; the madness of my
  mind!      All thought of Grouchy had passed away。                 No guns were to be
  heard to the east。      He could not be near。         If he should come up he would
  not now be in time to alter the event of the day。            The sun was already low
  in the sky and there could not be more than two or three hours of daylight。
  My mission might be dismissed as useless。               But here was another mission;
  more   pressing;   more   immediate;   a   mission   which   meant   the   safety;   and
  perhaps   the   life;   of   the   Emperor。  At   all   costs;   through   every   danger;   I
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  must get back to his side。
  But how was I to do it?          The whole Prussian army was now between
  me and   the French   lines。       They  blocked every  road; but they could   not
  block   the   path   of   duty   when   Etienne   Gerard   sees   it   lie   before   him。  I
  could not wait longer。        I must be gone。
  There was but the one opening to the loft; and so it was only down the
  ladder that I could descend。         I looked into the kitchen and I found that the
  young surgeon was still there。           In a chair sat the wounded English aide…
  de… camp; and on the straw lay two Prussian soldiers in the last stage of
  exhaustion。      The others had all recovered and been sent on。                These were
  my   enemies;   and   I   must   pass   through   them   in   order   to   gain   my   horse。
  From the surgeon I had nothing to fear; the Englishman was wounded; and
  his   sword   stood   with   his   cloak   in   a   corner;   the   two   Germans   were   half
  insensible;     and   their  muskets     were    not  beside    them。    What     could    be
  simpler?      I opened the trap…door; slipped down the ladder; and appeared
  in the midst of them; my sword drawn in my hand。
  What a picture of surprise!          The surgeon; of course; knew all; but to
  the Englishman and the two Germans it must have seemed that the god of
  war in person had descended from the skies。                 With my appearance; with
  my figure; with my silver and grey uniform; and with that gleaming sword
  in   my   hand;   I   must   indeed   have   been   a   sight   worth   seeing。   The   two
  Germans   lay  petrified   with staring   eyes。        The   English officer half rose;
  but sat down again from weakness; his mouth open and his hand on the
  back of his chair。
  〃What the deuce!〃 he kept on repeating; 〃what the deuce!〃
  〃Pray do not   move;〃 said I;   〃I will hurt no one; but   woe to the   man
  who   lays   hands   upon   me   to   stop   me。   You   have   nothing   to   fear   if   you
  leave   me   alone;   and     nothing   to   hope   if   you   try   to   hinder   me。 I   am
  Colonel Etienne Gerard; of the Hussars of Conflans。〃
  〃The deuce!〃 said the Englishman。              〃You are the man that killed the
  fox。〃     A     terrible   scowl    had    darkened     his   face。    The     jealousy    of
  sportsmen   is   a   base   passion。    He   hated   me;   this   Englishman;   because   I
  had   been   before   him   in   transfixing   the   animal。    How   different   are   our
  natures!     Had I seen him do such a deed I would have embraced him with
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  cries of joy。    But there was no time for argument。
  〃I regret it; sir;〃 said I; 〃but you have a cloak here and I must take it。〃
  He tried to rise from his chair and reach his sword; but I got between
  him and the corner where it lay。
  〃If there is anything in the pockets〃
  〃A case;〃 said he。
  〃I   would   not   rob   you;〃   said   I;   and   raising   the   cloak   I  took  from  the
  pockets a silver flask; a square wooden case and a field…glass。                All these I
  handed     to  him。    The    wretch    opened     the  case;   took   out  a  pistol;  and
  pointed it strai