第 30 节
作者:白寒      更新:2021-04-30 16:59      字数:9319
  Powers scornfully。
  〃Merrill and Frome have been thinking of him just as you do。〃 James
  waved his hand toward the newspaper in front of the railroad king。 〃With
  what result our election shows。〃
  〃Well; where does his power lie? How can you break it?〃 the old man
  〃He   is   a   kind   of   brother   to   the   lame   and   the   halt   all   over   the   state。
  Among the poor and the working classes he has friends without number。
  They believe in him as a patriot fighting for them against the foes of the
  〃Do you call me a foe of the country; young man?〃 Powers wanted to
  know grimly。
  〃Not I;〃 laughed James。 〃Why should I quarrel with my bread and jam?
  … Page 116…
  If you had ever done me the honor to read any of my speeches you would
  see that I refer to you as a Pioneer of Civilization and a Builder for the
  Future。 But my view doesn't happen to be universal。 I was trying to show
  you how the man with the dinner pail feels。〃
  〃Who fills his dinner pails?〃
  James met his frown with a genial eye。 〃There's a difference of opinion
  about that; sir。 According to the economics of Verden University you fill
  them。   According   to   the   _World_   editorials   it's   the   other   way。   They   fill
  〃Hmp! And what's your personal opinion? Am I a robber of labor?〃
  〃I   think   that   the   price   of   any   success   worth   while   is   paid   for   in   the
  failure of others。 You win because you're strong; sir。 That's the law of the
  game。 It's according to the survival of the fittest that you're where you are。
  If you had hesitated some other man would have trampled you down。 It's a
  case of wolf eat wolf。〃
  The old railroad builder laughed harshly。 This was the first time in his
  experience that a subordinate had so analyzed him to his face。
  〃So I'm a wolf; am I?〃
  〃In   one   sense   of   the   word   you're   not   that   at   all;   sir。   You're   a   great
  builder。   You've   done   more   for   the   Northwest   than   any   man   living。   You
  couldn't have done it if you had been squeamish。 I hold the end justifies
  the means。 What you've got is yours because you've won it。 Men who do a
  great work for the public are entitled to great rewards。〃
  〃Glad to know you've got more sense than that fool cousin of yours。
  Now go home and beat him。 I don't care how you do it; just so that you get
  results。 Spend what money you need。 but make good; young manmake
  〃I'll do my best;〃 James promised。
  〃All I demand is that you win。 I'm not interested in the method you use。
  But put that cousin of yours out of the demagogue business if you have to
  shanghai him。〃
  James laughed。 〃That might not be a bad way to get rid of him till after
  the election。 The word would leak out that he had been bought off。〃
  The old buccaneer's eyes gleamed。 He was as daring a lawbreaker as
  … Page 117…
  ever built or wrecked a railroad。 〃Have you the nerve; young man?〃
  〃When I'm working for you; sir;〃 retorted James coolly。
  〃What do you mean by that?〃
  〃If   I've   studied   your   career   to   any  purpose;   sir;   one   thing   stands   out
  pretty clear。 You haven't the slightest respect for law merely as law。 When
  it's on your side you're a stickler for it; when it isn't you say nothing; but
  brush it aside as if it did not exist。 In either case you get what you want。〃
  〃I'm glad you've noticed that last point。 Now we'll have luncheon。〃 He
  smiled grimly。 〃I daresay you'll enjoy it no less because I stole it from the
  horny hand of labor; by your mad cousin's way of it。〃
  〃Not a bit;〃 answered James cheerfully。
  … Page 118…
  〃Must it be? Must we then Render back to God again This; His broken
  work;   this   thing   For   His   man   that   once   did   sing?〃   Josephine   Prestor
  〃And   listen!   I   declare   to   you   that   if   all   is   as   you   sayand   I   do   not
  doubt   ityou   have   never   ceased   to   be   virtuous   in   the   sight   of   God!〃
  Victor Hugo。
  WAGES        OF    SIN;   THUS      EVIDENCING         TO    THE     PILLARS      OF
  PART 1
  Sam Miller came into Jeff's office one night as he was looking over the
  editorials。 Farnum nodded abstractedly to him。
  〃Take a chair; Sam。 Be through in a minute。〃
  Presently  Jeff   pushed   the   galley   proof   to   one   side   and   looked   at   his
  friend。 〃Well; Sam?〃 Almost at once he added: 〃What's the matter?〃
  There were queer white patches on Miller's fat face。 He looked like a
  man in hell。 A lump rose in his throat。 Two or three times he swallowed
  〃It'sit's Nellie。〃
  〃Nellie Anderson?〃
  He nodded。
  Jeff felt as if   his heart had been drenched in icy water。 〃What   about
  〃Gone where?〃
  〃We don't know。 She left Friday。 There was a note for her mother。 It
  said to forget her; because she was a disgrace to her name。〃
  〃You   mean〃     Jeff  did  not  finish  his  question。  He   knew    what   the
  answer was; and in his soul lay a reflection of the mortal sickness he saw
  … Page 119…
  in his friend's face。
  Miller   nodded;   unable   to   speak。   Presently   his   words   came   brokenly。
  〃She's been acting strangely for a long time。 Her mother noticed it。 。 。 。 So
  did   I。   Like   as   if   she   wasn't   happy。  We've   been   worried。   I   。   。   。I   。   。   。〃   He
  buried his face in his arm on the table。 〃My God; I love her; Jeff。 I have for
  years。 If I'd only known 。 。 。 if she'd only told me。〃
  Jeff   was   white    as  the   galley   proof   that  lay   before   him    with   the
  unprinted side up。 〃Tell me all about it; Sam。〃
  Miller   looked   up。   〃That's   all。   We   don't   know   where   she's   gone。   She
  had no money to speak of。〃
  〃And the man?〃 Jeff almost whispered。
  〃We   don't   know   who   he   is。   Might   be   any   one   of   the   clerks   at   the
  Verden Dry Goods Company。
  Maybe it's none of them。 If I knew I'd cut his heart out。〃
  The clock on the wall ticked ten times before Jeff spoke。 〃Did she go
  〃We don't know。 None of the clerks are missing from the store where
  she worked。 I checked up with the manager yesterday。〃
  Another long silence。 〃They may have rooms in town here。〃
  〃Not likely。〃 Presently Miller added miserably: 〃She'sgoing to be a
  mother soon。 We found the doctor she went to see。〃
  〃You're sure she hasn't been married? Of course you've looked over the
  marriage licenses for the past year。〃
  〃Yes。 Her name isn't on the list。〃
  〃Did she have money?〃
  〃About fifteen dollars; we figure。〃
  〃That wouldn't take her farunless the man gave her some。 Have you
  been to a detective agency?〃
  〃We'll put blind ads in all the papers telling her to come home。 We'll
  rake the city and the state with a fine tooth comb。 We're bound to hear of
  〃She's   desperate;   Jeff。   If   she's   alone   she'll   think   she   has   no   friends。
  We've got to find her in time or〃
  … Page 120…
  Jeff guessed the alternative。 She might take the easy way out; the one
  which   offered   an   escape   from   all   her   earthly   troubles。   Girls   of   her   type
  often did。 Nellie was made for laughter and for happiness。 He had known
  her innocent as a sunbeam and as glad。 Now that she was in the pit; facing
  disgrace   and     disillusionment   and      despair;   the   horror   and   the  dread   of
  existence to her would be a millstone round her neck。
  The damnable unfairness of it took。 Jeff by the throat。 Was it her fault
  that she had inherited a temperament where passions lurked unsuspected
  like a banked fire? Was she to blame because her mother had brought her
  up without warning; because she had believed in the love and the honor of
  a villain? Her very faith and trust had betrayed her。 Every honest instinct
  in him  cried