第 31 节
作者:白寒      更新:2021-04-30 16:59      字数:9321
  a villain? Her very faith and trust had betrayed her。 Every honest instinct
  in him  cried   out   against the   world's   verdict;   that she   must   pay  with   salt
  tears to the end of her life while the scoundrel who had led her into trouble
  walked gaily to fresh conquests。
  Cogged dice! She had gone forth smiling to play the game of life with
  them;   never   dreaming   that   the   cubes   were   loaded。   He   remembered   how
  once   her   every   motion   sang   softly   to   him   like   music;   with   what   dear
  abandon she had given herself to his kisses。 Her fondness had been a thing
  to   cherish;   her   innocence   had   called   for   protection。   And   her   chivalrous
  lover had struck the lightness forever from her soul。
  For long he never thought of her without an icy sinking of the heart。
  PART 2
  Weeks passed。 Sam Miller gave his whole time to the search for the
  missing      girl。  Jeff   supplied    the   means;     in   every    way    he   could    he
  encouraged him  and the broken   mother。 For a   thousand miles south   and
  east the police had her description and her photograph。 But no trace of her
  could     be   found。    False   clews     there   were    aplenty。   A    dozen    haggard
  streetwalkers   were   arrested   in   mistake   for   her。   Patiently   Sam   ran   down
  every story; followed every possibility to its hopeless end。
  The weeks ran into months。 Mrs。 Anderson still hoped drearily。 Every
  night the light in the hall burned now till daybreak。 And every night she
  wept   herself   to   sleep   for   that   her   one   ewe   lamb   was   lost   in   a   ravenous
  … Page 121…
  Tears were for the night。 Wan smiles for the day; when she and Sam;
  drawn close   by  a   common   grief;  met to   understand   each   other   with  few
  words。   He   was   back   again   at   his   work   as   curator   of   the   museum   at   the
  State House; a place Jeff had secured for him after the election。
  Outside   of   Nellie's   mother   the   one   friend   to   whom   Sam  turned   now
  was   Jeff。   He   came    for  comfort;   to   sit   long  hours  in   the  office  while
  Farnum   did   his   night   work。   Sometimes   he   would   read;   more   often   sit
  brooding with his chin in his hands。 When the midnight rush was past and
  Jeff was free they would go together to a restaurant。
  Afterwards they would separate at the door of the block where Jeff had
  his rooms。
  PART 3
  Yet   when    Jeff   found   her   it  was   not  Sam   who    was   with   him;   but
  Marchant。 They had been to see Sobieski about a place Captain Chunn had
  secured for him as a night watchman of the shipbuilding plant of which
  Clinton Rogers was part owner。 The Pole had mounted his hobby and it
  had been late when they got away from his cabin under the viaduct。
  Just before they  turned  into lower   Powers Avenue   from  the   deadline
  below Yarnell Way; Marchant clutched at the sleeve of his friend。
  〃See that woman's face?〃 he asked sharply。
  Jeff was interested at once。 For during the past months he had fallen
  into a habit of scanning the countenance of any woman who might be the
  one they sought。
  〃She knew you。 I could see fear jump to her eyes。〃
  〃We'll go back;〃 Jeff decided instantly。
  〃She's in deep water。 Death is written on her face。〃
  Already Jeff was swinging back; almost on the run。 But she had gone
  swallowed up in the darkness of the night。 They listened; but could hear
  only   the   steady   splashing   of   the   rain。   While   they   stood   hesitating   the
  figure of   a   woman   showed   at   the  other  end   of  the  alley  and   was   lost   at
  once down Pacific Avenue。
  Jeff ran toward the lights of the other avenue; but before he reached it
  … Page 122…
  she had again disappeared。 Marchant joined him a few moments later。 The
  little socialist leaned against the wall to steady himself against the fit of
  coughing that racked him。
  〃Nuisance 。 。 。 this 。 。 。 being a lunger。 。 。 What's it all 。 。 。 about; Jeff?〃
  〃I know her。 We'll cover the waterfront。 Take from Coffee Street up。
  Don't miss a wharf or a boathouse。 And if you find the girl don't let her get
  The editor crossed to the Pacific & Alaska dock; his glance sweeping
  every dark nook and cranny that might conceal a huddled form。 Out of a
  sodden sky rain pelted in a black night。
  He was turning away when an empty banana crate behind him crashed
  down   from  a   pyramid   of   them。  Jeff   whirled;  was upon   her   in   an   instant
  before she could escape。
  She was shrinking against the wall of the warehouse; her face a tragic
  mask   in   its  haggard   pallor;   a  white   outline   clenched    hard   against   the
  driving rain。 One hand was at her heart; the other beat against the air to
  hold him back。
  〃Nellie!〃 he cried。
  〃What do you want? Let me alone! Let me alone!〃 She was panting
  like a spent deer; and in her wild eyes he saw the hunted look of a forest
  creature at bay。
  〃We've looked everywhere for you。 I've come to take you home。〃
  〃Home!〃 Her strange laughter mocked the word。 〃There's no home for
  folks like me in this world。〃
  〃Your mother is breaking her heart for you。 She thinks of nothing else。
  All night she keeps a light burning to let you know。〃
  She broke into a sob。 〃I've seen it。 To…night I saw itfor the last time。〃
  〃It is pitiful how she waits and waits;〃 he went on quietly。 〃She takes
  out your dresses and airs them。 All the playthings you used when you were
  a little girl she keeps near her。 She〃
  〃Don't! Don't!〃 she begged。
  〃Your place is set at the table every day; so that when you come in it
  may be ready。〃
  At that she leaned against the crates and broke down utterly。 Jeff knew
  … Page 123…
  that for the moment the battle was won。 He slipped out of his rain coat and
  made her put it on; coaxing her gently while the sobs shook her。 He led her
  by   the   hand   back   to   Pacific   Avenue;   talking   cheerfully   as   if   it   were   a
  matter of course。
  Here Marchant met them。
  〃I want a cab; Oscar;〃 Jeff told him。
  While he was gone they waited in the entrance to a store that sheltered
  them from the rain。
  Suddenly the girl turned to Jeff。 〃II was going to do it to… night;〃 she
  He nodded。 〃That's all past now。 Don't think of it。 There are good days
  aheadhappy days。 It will be new life to your mother to see you。 We've all
  been frightfully anxious。〃
  She shivered; beginning to sob once more。 Not for an instant had he
  withdrawn the hand to which she clung so desperately。
  〃It's all right; Nellie。 。 。All right at last。 You're going home to those that
  love you。〃
  〃Not to…nightnot while I'm looking like this。 Don't take me home to…
  night;〃 she begged。 〃I can't stand it yet。 Give me to…night; please。 I 。 。 。〃
  She   trembled   like     an   aspen。   Jeff   could  see   she   was   exhausted;     in
  deadly fear; ready to give way to any wild impulse that might seize her。 To
  reason   with   her   would   do   no   good   and   might   do   much   harm。   He   must
  humor her fancy about not going home at once。 But he could not take her
  to   a  rooming     house    and   leave   her   alone   while   her   mind    was   in  this
  condition。   She   must   be   watched;   protected   against   herself。   Otherwise   in
  the morning she might be gone。
  〃All right。 You may have my rooms。 Here's the cab。〃
  Jeff helped her in; thanked Marchant with a word; got in himself; and
  shut the door。 They were driven through streets shining with rain beneath
  the   light   clusters。   Nellie   crouched   in   a   corner   and   wept。 As   they   swung
  down Powers Avenue they passed motor car after motor car filled with gay
  parties   returning   from   the   theaters。   He   glimpsed   young   women   in   furs;
  wrapped from the cruelty of life by the caste system in which wealth had
  incased them。  Once   a   ripple   of   merry laughter   floated to him  across   the
  … Page 124…
  gulf that separated this girl from them。
  A year ago her laughter had been light as theirs。 Life had been a thing