第 29 节
作者:疯狂热线      更新:2021-03-16 00:35      字数:9319
  character of escort; Major Rees made the unpleasant discovery that he was
  just   about   to   join   a   little   party   of   ten   enemy   machines。   But   so   far   from
  being dismayed; the plucky airman actually gave battle to the whole ten。
  One he quickly drove 〃down and out〃; as the soldiers say。 Attacked by five
  others; he damaged two of them and dispersed the remainder。 Not content
  with this; he gave chase to two more; and only broke off the engagement
  when he had received a wound in the thigh。 Then he flew home to make
  the usual laconic report。
  No record of heroism in the air could be complete without mention of
  Captain Ball; who has already figured in these pages。 When awarded the
  V。C。 Captain Ball was already the holder of the following honours: D。S。0。;
  M。C。; Cross of a Chevalier of the Legion of Honour; and the Russian order
  of St。 George。 This heroic boy of twenty was a giant among a company of
  giants。 Here follows the official account which accompanied his award:
  〃Lieutenant (temporary Captain) ALBERT BALL; D。S。O。; M。C。; late
  Notts and Derby Regiment; and R。F。C。
  〃For most conspicuous and consistent bravery from April 25 to May 6;
  1917; during which period Captain Ball took part in twenty…six combats in
  the   air   and   destroyed   eleven   hostile   aeroplanes;   drove   down   two   out   of
  control; and formed several others to land。
  〃In these combats Captain Ball; flying alone; on one occasion fought
  … Page 118…
  six hostile machines; twice he fought five; and once four。
  〃While   leading   two   other   British   aeroplanes   he   attacked   an   enemy
  formation of eight。 On each of these occasions he brought down at least
  one enemy。
  〃Several times his aeroplane was badly damaged; once so severely that
  but for the most delicate handling his machine would have collapsed; as
  nearly   all   the   control   wires   had   been   shot   away。   On   returning   with   a
  damaged machine; he had always to be restrained from immediately going
  out on another。
  〃In all Captain Ball has destroyed forty…three German aeroplanes and
  one     balloon;    and    has    always     displayed     most    exceptional      courage;
  determination; and skill。〃
  So great was Captain Ball's skill as a fighter in the air that for a time
  he   was   sent   back   to   England   to   train   new   pilots   in   the   schools。   But   the
  need for his services at the front was even greater; and it jumped with his
  desires; for the whole tone of his letters breathes the joy he found in the
  excitements   of   flying   and   fighting。   He   declares   he   is   having   a   〃topping
  time〃; and exults in boyish fashion at a coming presentation to Sir Douglas
  Haig。   It   is   not   too   much   to   say   that   the   whole   empire   mourned   when
  Captain Ball finally met his death in the air near La Bassee in May; 1917。
  … Page 119…
  CHAPTER XXXIX Aeroplanes in the Great War
  〃Aeroplanes and airships would have given us an enormous advantage
  against the Boers。 The difficulty of laying ambushes and traps for isolated
  columnsa   practice   at   which   the   enemy   were   peculiarly   adeptwould
  have   been   very   much   greater。   Some   at   least   of   the   regrettable   reverses
  which   marked   the   early   stages   of   the   campaign   could   in   all   probability
  have been avoided。〃
  So   wrote   Lord   Roberts;   our   veteran   field…marshal;   in   describing   the
  progress   of   the Army   during   recent   years。   The   great   soldier   was   a   man
  who always looked ahead。 After his great and strenuous career; instead of
  taking the rest which he had so thoroughly earned; he spent laborious days
  travelling up and down the country; warning the people of danger ahead;
  exhorting   them   to   learn   to   drill   and   to   shoot;   thus   attempting   to   lay   the
  foundation of a great civic army。 But his words; alas! fell upon deaf ears
  with results so tragic as hardly to bear dwelling upon。
  But even 〃Bobs〃; seer and true prophet as he was; could hardly have
  foreseen the swift and dramatic development of war in the air。 He had not
  long been laid to rest when aeroplanes began to be talked about; and; what
  is   more   important;   to   be   built;   not   in   hundreds   but   in   thousands。 At   the
  time of writing; when we are well into the fourth year of the war; it seems
  almost impossible for the mind to go back to the old standards; and to take
  in   the   statement   that   the   number   of   machines   which   accompanied   the
  original Expeditionary Force to France was eighty! Even if one were not
  entirely ignorant of the number and disposition of the aerial fighting forces
  over the world…wide battle…ground; the Defence of the Realm Act would
  prevent   us   from   making   public   the   information。   But   when;   more   than   a
  year    ago;    America     entered    the   war;   and    talked   of   building    10;000
  aeroplanes;      no   one   gasped。     For   even   in   those   days    one   thought    of
  aeroplanes not in hundreds but in tens of thousands。
  Before proceeding to give a few details of the most recent work of the
  Royal Flying Corps and Royal Naval Air Service; mention must be made
  of the armament of the aeroplane。 In the first place; it should be stated that
  the war has gradually evolved three distinct types of flying machine: (1)
  … Page 120…
  the   〃general…purposes〃   aeroplane;   (2)   the   giant   bomb   dropper;   (3)             the
  small single…seater 〃fighter〃。
  As the description implies; the first machine fills a variety of roles; and
  the    duties    of  its  pilots   grow     more    manifold      as   the   war   progresses。
  〃Spotting〃   for   the   artillery   far   behind   the   enemy's   lines;   〃searching〃   for
  ammunition dumps; for new dispositions by the enemy of men; material;
  and guns; attacking a convoy or bodies of troops on the march; sprinkling
  new trenches with machine…gun fire; or having a go at an aerodromeany
  wild form of aerial adventure might be included in the diary of the pilot of
  a 〃general…purposes〃 machine。
  It   was   in   order   to   clear   the   air   for   these   activities   that   the   〃fighter〃
  came   into   being;   and   received   its   baptism   of   fire   at   the   Battle   of   the
  Somme。 At   first   the   idea   of   a   machine   for   fighting   only;   was   ridiculed。
  Even   the   Germans;   who;   in   a   military   sense;   were   awake   and   plotting
  when   other   nations   were   dozing   in   the   sunshine   of   peace;   did   not   think
  ahead   and   imagine   the   aerial   duel   between   groups   of   aeroplanes   armed
  with machine…guns。 But soon the mastery of the air became of paramount
  importance; and so the fighter was evolved。 Nobly; too; did the men of all
  nations   rise   to   these   heroic   and   dangerous   opportunities。   The   Germans
  were the first to boast of the exploits of their fighting airmen; and to us in
  Britain   the   names   of   Immelmann   and   Bolcke   were   known   long   before
  those   of   any  of   our   own   fighters。 The   former   claimed   not   far short of   a
  hundred   victims   before   he   was   at   last   brought   low   in   June;   1916。   His
  letters to his family were published soon after his death; and do not err on
  the side of modesty。
  On 11th August; 1915; he writes: 〃There is not much doing here。 Ten
  minutes after Bolcke and I go up; there is not an enemy airman to be seen。
  The English seem to have lost all pleasure in flying。 They come over very;
  very seldom。〃
  When   allowance   has   been   made   for   German   brag;   these   statements
  throw   some   light   upon   the   standard   of   British   flying   at   a   comparatively
  early date in the war。 Certainly no German airman could have made any
  such complaint a year later。 In 1917 the German airmen were given all the
  fighting they required and a bit over。
  … Page 121…
  Certainly   a   very   different   picture   is   presented   by   the   dismal   letters
  which Fritz sent home during the great Ypres offensive of August; 1917。 In
  these letters he bewails the fact that one after another of his batteries is put
  out   of   action   owing   to   the   perfect   〃spotting〃   of   the