第 46 节
作者:青涩春天      更新:2021-02-27 02:38      字数:9322
  use of learning; is canvassed by the substantial citizens of the
  present day。 At the period covered by that chapter in ancient
  history; a child was; in a way; an article of equipment for the
  up…keep of the family and its prestige; and more remotely for the
  support of the sovereign and his prestige。 So that a male child
  would be rated as indubitably worth while if he gave promise of
  growing into a robust and contentious man。 If the infant were a
  girl; or if he gave no promise of becoming an effective disturber
  of the peace; the use or expediency of rearing the child would
  become a matter for deliberation; and not infrequently the
  finding of those old…time utilitarians was adverse; and the
  investment was cancelled。 The habit of so deliberating on the
  pragmatic advisability of child…life has been lost; latterly; or
  at any rate such of the latterday utilitarians as may still
  entertain a question of this kind in any concrete case are
  ashamed to have it spoken of nakedly。 Witness the lame but
  irrepressible sentimental protest against the Malthusian doctrine
  of population。
  It is true; in out…of…the…way corners and on the lower levels
  and on the higher levels of imperial politics where men have
  not learned to shrink from shameful devices; the question of
  children and of the birth…rate is still sometimes debated as a
  question of the presumptive use of offspring for some ulterior
  end。 And there may still be found those who are touched by the
  reflection that a child born may become a valuable asset as a
  support for the parents' old age。 Such a pecuniary rating of the
  parental relation; which values children as a speculative means
  of gain; may still be met with。 But wherever modern civilization
  has made its way at all effectually; such a provident rating of
  offspring is not met with in good company。 Latterday common sense
  does not countenance it。
  Not that a question of expediency is no longer entertained;
  touching this matter of children; but it is no longer the
  patriarchal…barbarian question as to eventual gains that may be
  expected to accrue to the parent or the family。 Except in the
  view of those statesmen of the barbarian line who see the matter
  of birth…rate from the higher ground of dynastic politics; a
  child born is not rated as a means; but as an end。 At least
  conventionally; it is no longer a question of pecuniary gain for
  the parent but of expediency for the child。 No mother asks
  herself if her child will pay。
  Civilized men shrink from anything like rating children as a
  contrivance for use in the 〃round…about process of the production
  of goods。〃 And in much the same spirit; and in the last analysis
  on much the same grounds; although in a less secure and more
  loosely speculative fashion; men also look to the higher learning
  as the ripe fulfilment of material competency; rather than as a
  means to material success。 In their thoughtful intervals; the
  most businesslike pragmatists will avow such an ideal。 But in
  workday detail; when the question turns concretely on the
  advisability of the higher education; the workday habit of
  pecuniary traffic asserts itself; and the matter is then likely
  to be argued in pecuniary terms。 The barbarian animus; habitual
  to the quest of gain; reverts; and the deliberation turns on the
  gainfulness of this education; which has in all sobriety been
  acknowledged the due end of culture and endeavour。 So that; in
  working out the details; this end of living is made a means; and
  the means is made an end。
  No doubt; what chiefly urges men to the pursuit of knowledge
  is their native bent of curiosity;  an impulsive proclivity to
  master the logic of facts; just as the chief incentive to the
  achievement of children has; no doubt; always been the parental
  bent。 But very much as the boorish element in the present and
  recent generations will let the pecuniary use of children come in
  as a large subsidiary ground of decision; and as they have even
  avowed this to be their chief concern in the matter; so; in a
  like spirit; men trained to the business system of competitive
  gain and competitive spending will not be content to find that
  they can afford the quest of that knowledge which their human
  propensity incites them to cultivate; but they must back this
  propensity with a shamefaced apology for education on the plea of
  its gainfulness。
  What is here said of the businesslike spirit of the latterday
  〃educators〃 is not to be taken as reflecting disparagingly on
  them or their endeavours。 They respond to the call of the times
  as best they can。 That they do so; and that the call of the times
  is of this character; is a fact of the current drift of things;
  which one may commend or deprecate according as one has the
  fortune to fall in with one or the other side of the case; that
  is to say according to one's habitual bent; but in any event it
  is to be taken as a fact of the latterday situation; and a factor
  of some force and permanence in the drift of things academic; for
  the present and the calculable future。 It means a more or less
  effectual further diversion of interest and support from science
  and scholarship to the competitive acquisition of wealth; and
  therefore also to its competitive consumption。 Through such a
  diversion of energy and attention in the schools; the pecuniary
  animus at large; and pecuniary standards of worth and value;
  stand to gain; more or less; at the cost of those other virtues
  that are; by the accepted tradition of modern Christendom; held
  to be of graver and more enduring import。 It means an endeavour
  to substitute the pursuit of gain and expenditure in place of the
  pursuit of knowledge; as the focus of interest and the objective
  end in the modern intellectual life。
  This incursion of pecuniary ideals in academic policy is seen
  at its broadest and baldest in the Schools of Commerce;
  〃Commerce and Politics;〃 〃Business Training;〃 〃Commerce and
  Administration;〃 〃Commerce and Finance;〃 or whatever may be the
  phrase selected to designate the supersession of learning by
  worldly wisdom。 Facility in competitive business is to take the
  place of scholarship; as the goal of university training;
  because; it is alleged; the former is the more useful。 The ruling
  interest of Christendom; in this view; is pecuniary gain。 And
  training for commercial management stands to this ruling interest
  of the modern community in a relation analogous to that in which
  theology and homiletics stood to the ruling interest in those
  earlier times when the salvation of men's souls was the prime
  object of solicitude。 Such a seminary of business has something
  of a sacerdotal dignity。 It is the appointed keeper of the higher
  business animus。(7*)
  Such a school; with its corps of instructors and its
  equipment; stands in the university on a tenure similar to that
  of the divinity school。 Both schools are equally extraneous to
  that 〃intellectual enterprise〃 in behalf of which; ostensibly;
  the university is maintained。 But while the divinity school
  belongs to the old order and is losing its preferential hold on
  the corporation of learning; the school of commerce belongs to
  the new order and is gaining ground。 The primacy among pragmatic
  interests has passed from religion to business; and the school of
  commerce is the exponent and expositor of this primacy。 It is the
  perfect flower of the secularization of the universities。 And as
  has already been remarked above; there is also a wide…sweeping
  movement afoot to bend the ordinary curriculum of the higher
  schools to the service of this cult of business principles; and
  so to make the ordinary instruction converge to the advancement
  of business enterprise; very much as it was once dutifully
  arranged that the higher instruction should be subservient to
  religious teaching and consonant with the demands of devout
  observances and creeds。
  It is not that the College of Commerce stands alone as the
  exponent of worldly wisdom in the modern universities; nor is its
  position in this respect singular; except in the degree of its
  remoteness from all properly academic interests。 Other training
  schools; as in engineering and in the other professions; belong
  under the same general category of practical aims; as contrasted
  with the aims of the higher learning。 But the College of Commerce
  stands out pre…eminent among these various training schools in