第 14 节
作者:悟来悟去      更新:2021-02-25 00:56      字数:9322
  body。 It was a little; lowly place; it might well have been left in peace。 It
  had had no more share in the war than a child still unborn; but it came in
  the victors' way; and their mailed heel crushed it as they passed。 They had
  heard   that   arms   were   hidden   and   francs…tireurs   sheltered   there;   and   they
  had swooped down on it and held it hard and fast。 Some were told off to
  search the chapel; some to ransack the dwellings; some to seize such food
  and bring such cattle as there might be left; some to seek out the devious
  paths that crossed and recrossed the fields; and yet there remained in the
  little street hundreds of armed men; force enough to awe a citadel or storm
  a breach。
  The people did not attempt to resist。 They stood passive; dry…eyed in
  misery; looking on while the little treasures of their household lives were
  swept away for ever; and ignorant what fate by fire or iron might be their
  portion ere the night was done。 They saw the corn that was their   winter
  store to save their offspring from famine poured out like ditch…water。 They
  saw oats and wheat flung down to be trodden into a slough of mud and
  filth。 They saw the walnut presses in their kitchens broken open; and their
  old heirlooms of silver; centuries old; borne away as booty。 They saw the
  oak cupboards in their wives' bed…chambers ransacked; and the homespun
  linen and the quaint bits of plate that had formed their nuptial dowers cast
  aside in derision or trampled into a battered heap。 They saw the pet lamb
  of their infants; the silver ear… rings of their brides; the brave tankards they
  had drunk their marriage wine in; the tame bird that flew to their whistle;
  all seized for food or seized for spoil。 They saw all this; and had to stand
  by   with   mute   tongues   and   passive   hands;   lest   any   glance   of   wrath   or
  gesture of revenge should bring the leaden bullet in their children's throats
  or   the  yellow    flame    amid   their  homesteads。      Greater    agony    the  world
  … Page 47…
  cannot hold。
  Under the porch of the cottage; by the sycamores; one group stood and
  looked;   silent   and   very   still:   Bernadou;   erect;   pale;   calm;   with   a   fierce
  scorn burning in his eyes; Margot; quiet because he wished her so; holding
  to her the rosy and golden beauty of her son; Reine Allix; with a patient
  horror   on   her   face;   her   figure   drawn   to   its   full   height;   and   her   hands
  holding to her breast the crucifix。 They stood thus; waiting they knew not
  what; only resolute to show no cowardice and meet no shame。
  Behind them was the dull; waning glow of the wood fire on the hearth
  which had been the centre of all their hopes and joys; before them the dim;
  dark   country;     and  the   woe…stricken     faces   of  their  neighbours;     and   the
  moving soldiery  with   their  torches;  and   the  quivering   forms   of   the  half…
  dying horses。
  Suddenly a voice arose from the armed mass: 〃Bring me the peasant
  Bernadou was   seized   by  several   hands and   forced   and   dragged   from
  his   door   out   to   the   place   where   the   leader   of   the   uhlans   sat   on   a   white
  charger that shook and snorted blood in its exhaustion。 Bernadou cast off
  the alien grasp that held him; and stood erect before his foes。 He was no
  longer pale; and his eyes were clear and steadfast。
  〃You   look   less   a   fool   than   the   rest;〃   said   the   Prussian   commander。
  〃You know this country well?〃
  〃Well!〃 The country in whose fields and woodlands he had wandered
  from   his   infancy;   and   whose   every   meadow…path   and   wayside   tree   and
  flower…   sown   brook   he   knew   by   heart   as   a   lover   knows   the   lines   of   his
  mistress's face!
  〃You have arms here?〃 pursued the German。
  〃We had。〃
  〃What have you done with them?〃
  〃If I had had my way; you would not need ask。 You would have felt
  The Prussian looked at him keenly; doing homage to the boldness of
  the answer。 〃Will you confess where they are?〃
  … Page 48…
  〃You know the penalty for concealment of arms is death?〃
  〃You have made it so。〃
  〃We have; and Prussian will is French law。 You are a bold man; you
  merit death。 But still; you know the country well?〃
  Bernadou smiled; as a mother might smile were any foolish enough to
  ask her if she remembered the look her dead child's face had worn。
  〃If you know it well;〃 pursued the Prussian; 〃I will give you a chance。
  Lay hold of my stirrup…leather and be lashed to it; and show me straight as
  the crow flies to where the weapons are hidden。 If you do; I will leave you
  your life。 If you do not〃
  〃If I do not?〃
  〃You will be shot。〃
  Bernadou was silent; his eyes glanced through the mass of soldiers to
  the little cottage under the trees opposite。 The two there were straining to
  behold him; but the soldiers pushed them back; so that in the flare of the
  torches they could not see; nor in the tumult hear。 He thanked God for it。
  〃Your choice?〃 asked the uhlan; impatiently; after a moment's pause。
  Bernadou's lips were white; but they did not tremble as he answered; 〃I
  am no traitor。〃 And his eyes; as he spoke; went softly to the little porch
  where   the   light   glowed   from   that   hearth   beside   which   he   would   never
  again sit with the creatures he loved around him。
  The German looked at him。 〃Is that a boast; or a fact?〃
  〃I am no traitor;〃 Bernadou answered; simply; once more。
  The Prussian gave a sign to his troopers。 There was the sharp report of
  a double shot; and Bernadou fell dead。 One bullet had pierced his brain;
  the other was bedded in his lungs。 The soldiers kicked aside the warm and
  quivering body。 It was only a peasant killed!
  With a shriek that rose above the roar of the wind; and cut like steel to
  every human heart that beat there; Reine Allix forced her way through the
  throng; and fell on her knees beside him; and caught him in her arms; and
  laid his head upon her breast; where he had used to sleep his softest sleep
  in infancy and childhood。 〃It is God's will! it is God's will!〃 she muttered;
  and then she laugheda laugh so terrible that the blood of the boldest there
  ran cold。
  … Page 49…
  Margot followed her and looked; and stood dry…eyed and silent; then
  flung herself and the child she carried in her arms beneath the hoof of the
  white charger。 〃End your work!〃 she shrieked to them。 〃You have killed
  himkill us。 Have you not mercy enough for that?〃
  The     horse;   terrified   and   snorting    blood;    plunged     and   trampled     the
  ground; his fore foot struck the child's golden head and stamped its face
  out of all human likeness。 Some peasants pulled Margot from the lashing
  hoofs; she was quite dead; though neither wound nor bruise was on her。
  Reine Allix neither looked nor paused。 With all her strength she had
  begun to drag the body of Bernadou across the threshold of his house。 〃He
  shall   lie   at   home;   he   shall   lie   at   home;〃   she   muttered。   She   would   not
  believe     that   already    he   was   dead。    With    all  the   force   of   her   earliest
  womanhood she   lifted  him;   and   half   drew;   half   bore   him  into   the   house
  that he had loved; and laid him down upon the hearth; and knelt by him;
  caressing   him   as   though   he   were   once   more   a   child;   and   saying   softly;
  〃Hush!〃for her mind was gone; and she fancied that he only slept。
  Without;   the   tumult   of   the   soldiery   increased。   They   found   the   arms
  hidden under the altar on the hill; they seized five peasants to slay them
  for the dire offence。 The men struggled; and would not go as the sheep to
  the shambles。 They were shot down in the street; before the eyes of their
  children。 Then   the   order   was   given   to   fire   the   place   in   punishment;   and
  leave it to its fate。 The torches were flung with a laugh on the dry thatched
  roofs;   brands   snatched   from   the   house   fires   on   the   hearths   were   tossed
  among   the   dwelling…houses   and   the   barns。   The   straw   and   timber   flared
  alight like tow。
  An   old   man;   her   nearest   neighbour;   rushed   to   the   cottage   of   Reine
  Allix   and   seized   her   by  the   arm。   〃They   fire   the   Berceau;〃   he   screamed。
  〃Quick! quick! or you will be burne