第 8 节
作者:悟来悟去      更新:2021-02-25 00:56      字数:9322
  told Bernadou that he was a downtrodden slave; a clod; a beast like a mule;
  who   fetched   and   carried   that   the   rich   might   fatten;   a dolt;   an idiot;   who
  cared nothing for the rights of man and the wrongs of the poor。 Bernadou
  had listened with a perplexed face; then with a smile; that had cleared it
  like sunlight; he had answered; in his country dialect; 〃I do not know of
  what you speak。 Rights? Wrongs? I cannot tell; But I have never owned a
  sou; I have never told a lie; I am strong enough to hold my own with any
  man that flouts me; and I am content where I am。 That is enough for me。〃
  The   peddler   had   called   him  a   poor…spirited   beast   of   burden;   but   had
  said   so   out   of   reach   of   his   arm;   and   by   night   had   slunk   away   from   the
  Berceau   de   Dieu;   and   had   been      no   more   seen   there   to   vex   the  quiet
  contentment of its peaceful and peace…loving ways。
  At night; indeed; sometimes; the little wine…shop of the village would
  be frequented by some half…dozen of the peasant proprietors of the place;
  who talked communism after their manner; not a very clear one; in excited
  tones and with the feverish glances of conspirators。 But it meant little; and
  came to less。 The weather and the price of wheat were dearer matters to
  them; and in the end they usually drank their red wine in amity; and went
  up the village street arm in arm; singing patriotic songs until their angry
  wives flung open their lattices and thrust their white head…gear out into the
  moonlight; and called to them shrewishly to get to bed and not make fools
  of themselves in that fashion; which usually silenced and sobered them all
  instantly; so that the revolutions of the Berceau de Dieu; if not quenched
  in   a   wine…pot;   were   always   smothered   in   a   nightcap;   and   never   by   any
  chance disturbed its repose。
  But    of  these   noisy    patriots   Bernadou     was    never    one。  He    had   the
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  instinctive conservatism of the French peasant; which is in such direct and
  tough   antagonism   with   the   feverish   socialism   of   the   French   artisan。   His
  love was   for the   soila love deep…rooted   as the   oaks that   grew in   it。  Of
  Paris he had a dim; vague dread; as of a superb beast continually draining
  and devouring。 Of all forms of government he was alike ignorant。 So long
  as he tilled his little angle of land in peace; so long as the sun ripened his
  fruits    and   corn;    so  long    as  famine     was    away    from    his   door    and   his
  neighbours dwelt in good…fellowship with him; so long he was happy; and
  cared not whether he was thus happy under a monarchy; an empire; or a
  republic。   This   wisdom;   which   the   peddler   called   apathy   and   cursed;   the
  young   man   had   imbibed   from   nature   and   the   teachings   of   Reine   Allix。
  〃Look   at   home   and   mind   thy   word;〃   she   had   said   always   to   him。   〃It   is
  labour   enough   for   a   man   to   keep   his   own   life   clean   and   his   own   hands
  honest。 Be not thou at   any  time as   they  are who   are   for ever telling   the
  good God how He might have made the world on a better plan; while the
  rats gnaw at their hay…stacks and the children cry over an empty platter。〃
  And   he   had   taken   heed   to   her   words;   so   that   in   all   the   country…side
  there was not any lad truer; gentler; braver; or more patient at labour than
  was   Bernadou;   and   though   some   thought   him   mild   even   to   foolishness;
  and   meek   even to stupidity;  he   was   no   fool;   and he   had   a   certain   rough
  skill at music; and a rare gift at the culture of plants; and made his little
  home bright within the winter…time with melody; and in the summer gay
  without as a king's parterre。
  At any rate; Reine Allix and he had been happy together for a quarter
  of   a   century   under   the   old   gray   thatch   of   the   wayside   cottage;   where   it
  stood   at   the   foot   of   the   village   street;   with   its   great   sycamores   spread
  above   it。   Nor   were   they   less   happy   when   in   mid…April;   in   the   six   and
  twentieth      year    of  his   age;   Bernadou       had    come     in  with    a  bunch     of
  primroses in   his hand;  and had bent down to  her and   saluted her   with   a
  respectful      tenderness;     and   said   softly   and    a  little  shyly;   〃/Gran'mere/;
  would it suit you if I were everto marry?〃
  Reine Allix   was   silent   a   minute   and   more;   cherishing   the   primroses
  and placing them in a little brown cupful of water。 Then she looked at him
  steadily with her clear; dark eyes。 〃Who is it; my child?〃 He was always a
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  child to her; this last…born of the numerous brood that had once dwelt with
  her    under   the   spreading    branches     of  the   sycamores;     and   had   now    all
  perished      off  the   face   of   the   earth;   leaving    himself    and    her   alone。
  Bernadou's eyes met hers frankly。 〃It is Margot Dal。 Does that please you;
  /gran'mere/; or no?〃
  〃It   pleases   me   well;〃   she   said;   simply。   But   there   was   a   little   quiver
  about her firm…set mouth; and her aged head was bent over the primroses。
  She had foreseen it; she was glad of it; and yet for the instant it was a pang
  to her。
  〃I am very thankful;〃 said Bernadou; with a flash of joy on his face。
  He was independent of his grandmother; he could make enough to marry
  upon by his daily  toil; and he had a little   store of gold   and silver in  his
  bank   in   the   thatch;   put   by   for   a   rainy   day;   but   he   would   have   no   more
  thought of going against her will than he would have thought of lifting his
  hand against her。 In the primitive homesteads of the Berceau de Dieu filial
  reverence was still accounted the first of virtues; yet the simplest and the
  most imperative。
  〃I   will   go   see   Margot   this   evening;〃   said   Reine   Allix;   after   a   little
  pause。 〃She is a good girl and a brave; and of pure heart and fair name。
  You have chosen well; my grandson。〃
  Bernadou stooped his tall; fair; curly head; and she laid her hands on
  him and blessed him。
  That evening; as the sun set; Reine Allix kept her word; and went to
  the young maiden who had allured the eyes and heart of Bernadou。 Margot
  was an orphan; she had not a penny to her dower; she had been brought up
  on charity; and she dwelt now in the family of the largest landowner of the
  place;   a   miller   with   numerous   offspring;   and   several   head   of   cattle;   and
  many stretches of pasture and of orchard。 Margot worked for a hard master;
  living indeed as one of the family; but sharply driven all day long at all
  manner of housework and field work。 Reine Allix had kept her glance on
  her;  through   some   instinctive   sense  of   the  way  that   Bernadou's   thoughts
  were  turning;   and   she   had   seen   much   to   praise;  nothing   to   chide;   in   the
  young girl's modest; industrious; cheerful; uncomplaining life。 Margot was
  very pretty; too; with the brown oval face and the great black soft eyes and
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  the beautiful form of the Southern blood that had run in the veins of her
  father; who had been a sailor of Marseilles; while her mother had been a
  native   of   the   Provencal   country。   Altogether;   Reine   Allix   knew   that   her
  beloved one could not have done better or more wisely; if choose at all he
  must。 〃Some people; indeed;〃 she said to herself as she climbed the street
  whose sharp…set flints had been trodden by her wooden shoes for ninety
  years〃Some people would mourn and scold because there is no store of
  linen; no piece of silver plate; no little round sum in money with the poor
  child。   But   what   does   it   matter?   We   have   enough   for   three。   It   is   wicked
  indeed for parents to live so that they leave their daughter portionless; but
  it is no fault of the child's。 Let them say what they like; it is a reason the
  more that she should want a roof over her head and a husband to care for
  her good。〃
  So she climbed the steep way and the slanting road round the hill; and
  went in by the door of the mill…house; and found Margot busy in washing
  some   spring   lettuces   and   other   green   things   in   a   bowl   of   bright   water。
  Reine Allix; in the fashion of her country and her breeding; was a