第 28 节
作者:朝令夕改      更新:2021-02-21 16:09      字数:9322
  for her to pass; what time his eyes were set in an intent but
  puzzled glance upon the courier。  There was something about the man
  that was not wholly strange to La Boulaye。  That morning; when he
  had spoken in the gruff accents of one of the rabble; no suspicion
  had entered the Deputy's mind that he was other than he seemed; for
  all that he now recalled how Tardivet had found the fellow's
  patriotism a little too patriotic。  Now that he spoke in the voice
  that was naturally usual to him; it seemed to La Boulaye that it
  contained a note that he had heard before。
  Still puzzled; he passed out of the room to be questioned sharply
  by the woman of the house touching his motives for passing himself
  off as her husband and inviting the new…comers to enter。
  〃I promise you their stay will be a very brief one;〃 he answered。
  〃I have suspicions to verify the ends to serve; as you shall see。
  Will you do me the favour to go out by the back and call my men?
  Tell the corporal to make his way to the front of the house; and
  to hold himself in readiness to enter the moment I call him。〃
  〃What are you about to do?〃 she asked and the face; as he saw it by
  the light of the candle she held; wore an expression of sullen
  He reassured her that there would be no bloodshed; and suggested
  that the men were dangerous characters whom it might be ill for her
  to entertain。  And so at last he won his way; and she went to do
  his errand; whilst he reentered the kitchen
  He found Des Cadoux by the fire; intent upon drying as much of
  himself as possible。  The younger man had seized upon the bottle
  of brandy that had been left on the table; and was in the act of
  filling himself a second glass。  Nothing could be further from
  the mind of either than a suspicion of the identity of this
  rustically…clad and grimy…faced fellow。
  〃Mathilde will be here in a moment;〃 said Caron deferentially。
  〃She is seeking something for you。〃
  Had he told them precisely what she was seeking they had been;
  possibly; less at ease。
  〃Let her hasten;〃 cried the courier; 〃for I am famished。〃
  〃Have patience; Anatole;〃 murmured the ever…gentle Cadoux。 〃The
  good woman did not expect us。〃
  Anatole!  The name buzzed through Caron's brain。  To whom did it
  belong?  He knew of someone who bore it。  Yet question himself
  though he might; he could at the moment find no answer。  And then
  the courier created a diversion by addressing him。
  〃Fill yourself a glass; mon bonhomme;〃 said he。  〃I have a toast
  for you。〃
  〃For me; Monsieur;〃 cried La Boulaye; with surprised humility。 〃It
  were too great an honour。〃
  〃Do as you are bidden; man;〃 returned this very peremptory courier。
  〃There; now let us see how your favour runs。  Cry 'Long Live the King!'〃
  Holding the brandy…glass; which the man had forced upon him; La
  Boulaye eyed him whimsically for a second。
  〃There is no toast I would more gladly drink;〃 said he at last; 〃if
  I considered it availing。  But … alas … you propose it over…late。〃
  〃Diable!  What may you mean?〃
  〃Why; that since the King is dead; it shall profit us little to cry;
  'Long Live the King!'〃
  〃The King; Monsieur; never dies;〃 said Cadoux sententiously。
  〃Since you put it so; Monsieur;〃 answered La Boulaye; as if convinced;
  〃I'll honour the toast。〃  And with the cry they asked of him he
  drained his glass。
  〃And so; my honest fellow;〃 said Des Cadoux; producing his eternal
  snuff…box; 〃it seems that you are a Royalist。  We did but test you
  with that toast; my friend。〃
  〃What should a poor fellow know of politics; Messieurs?〃 he
  deprecated。  〃These are odd times。  I doubt me the world has never
  seen their like。  No man may safely know his neighbour。  Now you;
  sir;〃 he pursued; turning to the younger man;〃 you have the air of
  a sans…culotte; yet from your speech you seem an honest enough
  The fellow laughed with unction。
  〃The air of a sans…culotte?〃 he cried。  〃My faith; yes。  So much so;
  that this morning I imposed myself as a courier from Paris upon no
  less an astute sleuth…hound of the Convention than the Citizen…deputy
  La Boulaye。〃
  〃Is it possible?〃 cried Caron; his eyes opening wide in wonder。  〃But
  how; Monsieurs?  For surely a courier must bear letters; and … 〃
  〃So did I; so did I; my friend;〃 the other interrupted; with vain
  glory。  〃I knocked a patriotic courier over the head to obtain them。
  He was genuine; that other courier; and I passed myself out of France
  with his papers。〃
  〃Monsieur is amusing himself at the expense of my credulity;〃 La
  Boulaye complained。
  〃My good man; I am telling you facts;〃 the other insisted。
  〃But how could such a thing be accomplished?〃 asked Caron; seating
  himself at the table; and resting his chin upon his hand; his gaze
  so full of admiration as to seem awestruck。
  〃How?  I will tell you。  I am from Artois。〃
  〃You'll be repeating that charming story once too often;〃 Des Cadoux
  cautioned him。
  〃Pish; you timorous one!〃 he laughed; and resumed his tale。  〃I am
  from Artois; then。  I have some property there; and it lately came
  to my ears that this assembly of curs they call the Convention had
  determined to make an end of me。  But before they could carry out
  their design; those sons of dogs; my tenants; incited by the choice
  examples set them by other tenantry; made a descent on my Chateau
  one night; and did themselves the pleasure of burning it to the
  ground。  By a miracle I escaped with my life and lay hidden for
  three weeks in the house of an old peasant who had remained faithful。
  In that time I let my beard grow; and trained my hair into a
  patriotic unkemptness。  Then; in filthy garments; like any true
  Republican; I set out to cross the frontier。  As I approached it;
  I was filled with fears that I might not win across; and then; in
  the moment of my doubtings; I came upon that most opportune of
  couriers。  I had the notion to change places with him; and I did。
  He was the bearer of a letter to the Deputy La Boulaye; of whom you
  may have heard; and this letter I opened to discover that it charged
  him to effect my arrest。〃
  If La Boulaye was startled; his face never betrayed it; not by so
  much as the quiver of an eyelid。  He sat on; his jaw in his palm;
  his eyes admiringly bent upon the speaker。
  〃You may judge of my honesty; and of how fully sensible I was of the
  trust I had undertaken; when I tell you that with my own hand I
  delivered the letter this morning to that animal La Boulaye at
  Boisvert。〃  He seemed to swell with pride in his achievement。
  〃Diable!〃 he continued。  〃Mine was a fine piece of acting。  I would
  you could have seen me play the part of the patriot。  Think of the
  irony of it!  I won out of France with the very papers ordering my
  arrest。  Ma foi!  You should have seen me befool that dirt of a
  deputy!  It was a performance worthy of Talma himself。〃  And he
  looked from Cadoux to La Boulaye for applause。
  〃I doubt not;〃 said the Deputy coldly。  〃It must have been worth
  witnessing。  But does it not seem a pity to spoil everything and to
  neutralise so wonderful an achievement for the mere sake of boasting
  of it to a poor; ignorant peasant; Monsieur le Vicomte Anatole
  With a sudden cry; the pseudo courier leapt to his feet; whilst Des
  Cadoux turned on the stool he occupied to stare alarmedly at the
  〃Name of God!  Who are you?〃 demanded Ombreval advancing a step。
  With his sleeve La Boulaye rubbed part of the disfiguring smear from
  his face as he stood up and made answer coolly:
  〃I am that dirt of a Deputy whom you befooled at Boisvert。〃  Then;
  raising his voice; 〃Garin!〃 he shouted; and immediately the door
  opened and the soldiers filed in。
  Ombreval stood like a statue; thunderstruck with amazement at this
  most unlooked…for turning of the tables; his face ashen; his weak
  mouth fallen open and his eyes fearful。
  Des Cadoux; who had also risen; seemed to take in the situation at
  a glance。  Like a well…bred gamester who knows how to lose with a
  good grace the old gentleman laughed drily to himself as he tapped
  his snuff…box。
  〃We are delightfully taken; cher Vicomte;〃 he murmured; applying the
  tobacco to his nostril as he spoke。  〃It's odds you won't be able to
  repeat that pretty story to any more of your friends。  I warned you
  that you inclined to relate it too often。〃
  With a sudden oath; Ombreval … moved to valour by the blind rage
  that possessed him … sprang at La Boulaye。  But; as suddenly; Garin
  caught his arms from behind and held him fast。
  〃Remove them both;〃 La Boulaye commanded。  〃Place them in safety for
  the night; and see that they do not escape you; Garin; as you value
  your neck。〃
  Des Coudax shut his snuff…box with a snap。
  〃For my part; I am ready; Monsieur … your pardon … Citizen;〃 he
  said; 〃and I shall give you no trouble。  But since I am not; I take
  it; included in the orders you have received; I have a proposal to
  make which may prove mutually convenient。〃
  〃Pray make it; Citizen;〃 said La Boulaye。
  〃It occurs to me that it may occasion you some measure of annoyance
  to carry me all the way to Paris … and certainly; for my part; I
  should much prefer not to undertake the journey。  For one