第 28 节
作者:暖暖      更新:2021-02-21 12:22      字数:9322
  The Purcell Papers                    by Le Fanu; Joseph Sheridan
  The Purse                                 by Balzac; Honore de
  The Pursuit of the House…Boat              by Bangs; John Kendrick
  Put Yourself in His Place                        by Reade; Charles
  The Puzzle of Dickens's Last Plot                  by Lang; Andrew
  The Quaker Colonies                    by Fisher; Sydney George
  The Queen of Hearts                           by Collins; Wilkie
  The Queen of the Pirate Isle                        by Harte; Bret
  Queen Sheba's Ring                      by Haggard; Henry Rider
  Queen Victoria                              by Strachey; Lytton
  Queer Little Folks                           by Stowe; Harriet B。
  The Querist                                by Berkeley; George
  Quest of the Golden Girl                  by Le Gallienne; Richard
  A Question of Latitude                  by Davis; Richard Harding
  Questionable Amusements and Worthy Substitutes       by Judy; J。 M。
  R。 F。 Murray : His Poems with a Memoir           by Lang; Andrew
  Raffles; Further Adventures of the Amateur Cracksman
  by Hornung; E。W。
  Ragged Lady (2 volumes)                 by Howells; William Dean
  The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists            by Tressell; Robert
  The Railway Children                              by Nesbit; E。
  Rambling Idle Excursion                          by Twain; Mark
  Ramona                           by Jackson; Helen Maria Hunt
  Ramsey Milholland                         by Tarkington; Booth
  The Rape of Lucrece                      by Shakespeare; William
  Rasselas; Prince of Abyssinia                   by Johnson; Samuel
  The Rationale of Reward                      by Bentham; Jeremy
  The Raven and Others                        by Poe; Edgar Allan
  A Reading of Life and Other Poems             by Meredith; George
  The Real Thing                                 by James; Henry
  Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm              by Wiggin; Kate Douglas
  A Rebellious Heroine                     by Bangs; John Kendrick
  Recollections and Letters of General Robert E。 Lee
  by Lee; Robert Edward; General
  Recollections of the Private Life of Napoleon Bonaparte(12 volumes)
  by Wairy; Louis Constant
  Record of Buddhistic Kingdoms                        by Fa…Hien
  Records of a Family of Engineers            by Stevenson; Robert L。
  The Recruit                                by Balzac; Honore de
  The Red Acorn                                by McElroy; John
  The Red Badge of  Courage                    by Crane; Stephen
  The Red Cross Girl                     by Davis; Richard Harding
  Red Eve                                by Haggard; Henry Rider
  The Red Fairy Book                            by Lang; Andrew
  The Red Inn                               by Balzac; Honore de
  The Red Man's Continent                  by Huntington; Ellsworth
  The Red One; and Others                        by London; Jack
  The Red Seal                         by Lincoln; Natalie Sumner
  Redgauntlet                                   by Scott; Walter
  The Redheaded Outfield                           by Grey; Zane
  The Reef                               by Wharton; Edith
  Reflections of a Young Man on the Choice of a Profession
  by Marx; Karl
  Reflections on the Decline of Science in England
  by Babbage; Charles
  Reflections on the Formation and Distribution of Wealth
  by Turgot; Anne…Robert…Jacques
  Reginald      by Munro; H。 H。 (Saki)
  Reginald in Russia and Other Sketches   by Munro; H。 H。 (Saki)
  The Register                           by Howells; William Dean
  The Relics of General Chasse                  by Trollope; Antony
  Religio Medici; Hydriotaphia; and the Letter to a Friend
  by Browne; Thomas; Sir
  Religion                                    by Hobbes; Thomas
  The Religion of Babylonia and Assyria
  by Pinches; Theophilus Goldridge
  Remarks upon the Fable of the Bees           by Hutcheson; Frances
  Remember the Alamo                          by Barr; Amelia E。
  Reminiscences of a Soldier of the Orphan Brigade    by Young; Lot D。
  Reminiscences of Tolstoy               by Tolstoi; Ilia Lvovich; Graf
  Renascence and Other Poems            by Millay; Edna St。 Vincent
  Repertory of the Comedie Humaine             by Balzac; Honore de
  The Reporter Who Made Himself King      by Davis; Richard Harding
  Representative Government                    by Mill; John Stuart
  Reprinted Pieces                             by Dickens; Charles
  The Republic                                         by Plato
  The Rescue                                  by Conrad; Joseph
  The Research Magnificent                         by Wells; H。 G。
  Resurrection                                   by Tolstoy; Leo
  The Return of Sherlock Holmes           by Doyle; Sir Arthur Conan
  The Return of Tarzan                    by Burroughs; Edgar Rice
  The Return of the Native                        by Hardy; Thomas
  Returning Home                             by Trollope; Antony
  Revolution and Counter…Revolution in Germany         by Marx; Karl
  Rewards and Fairies                         by Kipling; Rudyard
  Rezanov                      by Atherton; Gertrude Franklin Horn
  Rhesus                                           by Euripides
  Rhetoric                                          by Aristotle
  Rhymes a la Mode                              by Lang; Andrew
  The Rhythm of Life                             by Meynell; Alice
  A Ride Across Palestine                       by Trollope; Antony
  Riders of the Purple Sage                          by Grey; Zane
  Riders to the Sea                                by Synge; J。 M。
  Rienzi; Last of the Roman Tribunes
  by Bulwer…Lytton; Edward George
  The Rifle and Hound in Ceylon              by Baker; Samuel White
  The Rights Of Man                            by Paine; Thomas
  The Rime of the Ancient Mariner        by Coleridge; Samuel Taylor
  Rinkitink In Oz                               by Baum; L。 Frank
  Rio Grande's Last Race and Other Verses
  by Paterson; Andrew Barton
  Rise and Fall of Cesar Birotteau               by Balzac; Honore de
  The Rise and Progress of Palaeontology     by Huxley; Thomas Henry
  The Rise of Roscoe Paine                 by Lincoln; Joseph Crosby
  The Rise of Silas Lapham                 by Howells; William Dean
  The Riverman                          by White; Stewart Edward
  Rivers to the Sea                               by Teasdale; Sara
  The Road to Oz                               by Baum; L。 Frank
  The Roadmender                            by Fairless; Michael
  Roads of Destiny                                  by Henry; O。
  Rob Roy                                       by Scott; Walter
  Robbery Under Arms                        by Boldrewood; Rolf
  Robert F。 Murray: His Poems with a Memoir     by Murray; Robert F。
  Robert Falconer                          by MacDonald; George
  Robert Louis Stevenson                        by Raleigh; Walter
  Robert Louis Stevenson; A Record; An Estimate; A Memorial
  by Japp; Alexander H。
  Robin Hood                                 by Haggard; Henry Rider
  Robinson Crusoe…1                             by Defoe; Daniel
  Robinson Crusoe…2                             by Defoe; Daniel
  Roderick Hudson                               by James; Henry
  A Rogue's Life                                by Collins; Wilkie
  Rolf in the Woods                      by Seton; Ernest Thompson
  The Romantic Adventures of a Milkmaid           by Hardy; Thomas
  Romantic Ballads                             by Borrow; George
  The Romany Rye                             by Borrow; George
  Romeo and Juliet                        by Shakespeare; William
  Rosamund                        by Swinburne; Algernon Charles
  The Rose and the Ring                   by Thackeray; William M。
  Rose in Bloom                             by Alcott; Louise May
  Rose O' the River                        by Wiggin; Kate Douglas
  Rosmersholm                                  by Ibsen; Henrik
  The Rosary                           by Barclay; Florence Louisa
  Roughing It                                    by Twain; Mark
  Round the Moon                                 by Verne; Jules
  Round the Sofa                           by Gaskell; Elizabeth C。
  Roundabout Papers                     by Thackeray; William M。
  Roundabout to Boston                   by Howells; William Dean
  Rowdy of the Cross L                            by Bower; B。 M。
  Royalty Restored                         by Molloy; J。 Fitzgerald
  Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam                    by Omar Khayyam
  Rudder Grange                              by Stockton; Frank
  The Ruby of Kishmoor                           by Pyle; Howard
  The Ruling Passion                          by Van Dyke; Henry
  Running A Thousand Miles for Free