第 27 节
作者:暖暖      更新:2021-02-21 12:21      字数:9299
  Philebus                                            by Plato
  Philoctetes                                      by Sophocles
  The Philosopher's Joke                      by Jerome; Jerome K。
  The Philosophical Dictionary                         by Voltaire
  A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful
  by Burke; Edmund
  Philosophy 4                                  by Wister; Owen
  The Philosophy of History                              by Hegel
  The Philosophy of Law                        by Kant; Immanuel
  Philosophy of Nature                                  by Hegel
  Philosophy of Right                                   by Hegel
  Philosophy of Spirit (1830)                             by Hegel
  The Phoenissae                                   by Euripides
  The Phoenix and the Carpet                         by Nesbit; E。
  The Phoenix and the Turtle                 by Shakespeare; William
  Phyllis of Philistia                      by Moore; Frank Frankfort
  A Phyllis Of The Sierras                            by Harte; Bret
  Physics                                           by Aristotle
  The Pickwick Papers                         by Dickens; Charles
  The Picture of Dorian Gray                       by Wilde; Oscar
  Pictures from Italy                           by Dickens; Charles
  Pierre Grassou                             by Balzac; Honore de
  Pierrette                                  by Balzac; Honore de
  The Pigeon                                 by Galsworthy; John
  The Pigeon Pie                              by Yonge; Charlotte
  Pigs is Pigs                               by Butler; Ellis Parker
  The Pilgrims of Hope                          by Morris; William
  The Pilgrim's Progress                          by Bunyan; John
  Pillars of Society                               by Ibsen; Henrik
  Pioneers of the Old South                       by Johnston; Mary
  Pioneers of the Old Southwest         by Skinner; Constance Lindsay
  The Pit                                       by Norris; Frank
  Plain Tales from the Hills                     by Kipling; Rudyard
  The Playboy of the Western World                  by Synge; J。 M。
  Plays and Puritans                          by Kingsley; Charles
  Plays of William E。 Henley and R。L。 Stevenson
  by Henley; William Ernest
  A Plea for Captain John Brown               by Thoreau ; Henry D。
  A Plea for Old Cap Collier               by Cobb; Irvin Shrewsbury
  Plutus                                       by Aristophanes
  Poems                                       by Bronte; Anne
  Poems                                    by Dickinson; Emily
  Poems                                 by Harper; Frances E。 W。
  Poems                                by Henley; William Ernest
  Poems                                        by Wilde; Oscar
  Poems (3 Volumes)                          by Meredith; George
  Poems                                       by Meynell; Alice
  Poems                                    by Morris; George P。
  Poems                                       by Owen; Wilfred
  Poems                                        by Seeger; Alan
  Poems                                   by Thompson ; Francis
  Poems and Songs                              by Kendall; Henry
  Poems and Songs of Robert Burns                 by Burns; Robert
  The Poems of A。 L。 Gordon               by Gordon; Adam Lindsay
  Poems of Cheer                          by Wilcox; Ella Wheeler
  The Poems of Goethe                       by Goethe; Johann W。
  The Poems of Henry Timrod                     by Timrod; Henry
  Poems of John Keats                              by Keats; John
  Poems of Progress                       by Wilcox; Ella Wheeler
  Poems of the Past and the Present                by Hardy; Thomas
  Poems of Rupert Brooke                      by Brooke; Rupert C。
  The Poems of Sidney Lanier                      by Lanier; Sidney
  Poems of William B。 Yeats                    by Yeats; William B。
  Poems of William Blake                        by Blake ; William
  Poems on Various Subjects; Religious and Moral   by Wheatley; Phillis
  The Poet at the Breakfast Table           by Holmes; Oliver Wendell
  Poetical Works                                 by Milton; John
  Poetics                                           by Aristotle
  The Point of View                               by James; Henry
  The Poison Belt                       by Doyle; Sir Arthur Conan
  The Poisoned Pen                            by Reeve; Arthur B。
  Political Arithmetick                            by Petty; William
  Political Economy                 by Sismondi; J。 C。 L。 Simonde de
  Politics                                           by Aristotle
  The Polity of the Athenians and the Lacedaemonians     by Xenophon
  Polyuecte                                   by Corneille; Pierre
  Ponkapog Papers                       by Aldrich; Thomas Bailey
  Pollyanna                                 by Porter; Eleanor H。
  The Pool in the Desert                   by Duncan; Sara Jeannette
  Poor and Proud                                by Optic; Oliver
  The Poor Clare                          by Gaskell; Elizabeth C。
  Poor Folk                               by Dostoevsky; Fyodor
  Poor Miss Finch                              by Collins; Wilkie
  Poor Richard's Almanack (1733…1758)         by Franklin; Benjamin
  A Popular Account (of Dr。 Livingstone's Expedition to the Zambesi and Its Tributaries:
  And of the Discovery of the Lakes Shirwa and Nyassa 1858…1864)    by Livingstone; David
  The Portrait of A Lady                           by James; Henry
  A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man              by Joyce; James
  The Portygee                          by Lincoln; Joseph Crosby
  Posterior Analytics                                 by Aristotle
  The Poverty of Philosophy                          by Marx; Karl
  Pragmatism: A New Name For Some Old Ways of Thinking
  by James; William
  Prayers Written at Vailimaibus and A Lowden Sabbath Morn
  by Stevenson; Robert L。
  Pre…Capitalist Economic Formations                 by Marx; Karl
  The Present Condition of Organic Nature    by Huxley; Thomas Henry
  Prester John                                   by Buchan; John
  The Price She Paid                      by Phillips; David Graham
  Pride and Prejudice                              by Austen; Jane
  The Prime Minister                          by Trollope; Antony
  Primitive Property                            by Laveleye; Emile
  The Prince                              by Machiavelli; Niccolo
  The Prince and the Page                      by Yonge; Charlotte
  The Prince and the Pauper                        by Twain; Mark
  A Prince of Bohemia                        by Balzac; Honore de
  Prince Otto                              by Stevenson; Robert L。
  The Princess                               by Tennyson; Alfred
  The Princess Aline                      by Davis; Richard Harding
  The Princess and Curdie                    by MacDonald; George
  The Princess and Goblin                    by MacDonald; George
  The Princess de Montpensier             by Lafayette;  Madame de
  The Princess of Cleves                  by Lafayette;  Madame de
  A Princess of Mars                      by Burroughs; Edgar Rice
  The Principles of Economics                   by Marshall; Alfred
  The Principles of Political Economy            by Mill; John Stuart
  The Principles of Psychology                    by James; William
  The Principles of Scientific Management      by Taylor; Frederick W。
  Prior Analytics                                    by Aristotle
  The Prisoner of Zenda                         by Hope; Anthony
  The Private Memoirs and Confessions of A Justified Sinner by Hogg; James
  The Private Papers of Henry Ryecroft             by Gissing; Geroge
  The Professor                               by Bronte; Charlotte
  The Professor at the Breakfast Table       by Holmes; Oliver Wendell
  Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics          by Kant; Immanuel
  Prometheus Bound                                by Aeschylus
  The Prophet of Berkeley Square           by Hichens; Robert Smythe
  Prophets and Kings                            by White; Ellen G。
  The Prospector                                by Connor; Ralph
  Protagoras                                           by Plato
  A Protegee of Jack Hamlin's                        by Harte; Bret
  The Provincial Letters                           by Pascal; Blaise
  The Provost                                      by Galt; John
  A Psychological Counter…Current in Recent Fiction
  by Howells; William Dean
  The Psychology of Revolution                  by Le Bon; Gustave
  Psychopathology of Everyday Life               by Freud; Sigmund
  Puck of Pook's Hill                          by Kipling; Rudyard
  The Pupil                                     by James; Henry
  The Puppet Crown                          by MacGrath; Harold
  The Purcell Papers                    by Le Fanu; Joseph Sheridan
  The Purse