第 29 节
作者:暖暖      更新:2021-02-21 12:22      字数:9322
  The Ruling Passion                          by Van Dyke; Henry
  Running A Thousand Miles for Freedom    by Craft; William and Ellen
  Rupert of Hentzau                             by Hope; Anthony
  Russia                            by Wallace; Donald Mackenzie
  Ruth                                   by Gaskell; Elizabeth C。
  The Sacred Fount                               by James; Henry
  Saint George for England                  by Henty; George Alfred
  Saint's Progress                             by Galsworthy; John
  Salammbo                                 by Flaubert; Gustave
  Sally Dows                                      by Harte; Bret
  Saltbush Bill; J。 P。                     by Paterson; Andrew Barton
  Samantha at Saratoga                         by Holley; Marietta
  Samuel Brohl and Company                  by Cherbuliez; Victor
  Samuel Butler: A Sketch                    by Jones; Henry Festing
  Sanitary and Social Lectures; etc               by Kingsley; Charles
  A Sappho of Green Springs                         by Harte; Bret
  Sara Crewe                                    by Burnett; Frances Hodgson
  Sarrasine                                         by Balzac; Honore de
  Sartor Resartus: the life and opinions of Herr Teufelsdrocke
  by Carlyle; Thomas
  Satires of Circumstance; Lyrics and Reveries; with Miscellaneous Pieces
  by Hardy; Thomas
  The Scapegoat                                        by Caine; Hall
  The Scarecrow of Oz                                    by Baum; L。 Frank
  Scaramouche                                        by Sabatini; Rafael
  The Scarlet Car                        by Davis; Richard Harding
  The Scarlet Letter                        by Hawthorne; Nathaniel
  The Scarlet Pimpernel                by Orczy; Baroness Emmuska
  Scenes from a Courtesan's Life                by Balzac; Honore de
  School For Scandal                  by Sheridan; Richard Brinsley
  The Schoolmistress and Other Stories    by Chekhov; Anton Pavlovich
  Science and Hebrew Tradition             by Huxley; Thomas Henry
  The Science of Logic                                  by Hegel
  The Science of Right                          by Kant; Immanuel
  Scientific Secrets                              by Young; Daniel
  The Scottish Philosophy                       by McCosh; James
  The Scouts of the Valley                   by Altsheler; Joseph A。
  The Sea…Gull                       by Chekhov; Anton Pavlovich
  The Sea…Wolf; and Other Stories                   by London; Jack
  Second April                         by Millay; Edna St。 Vincent
  The Second Funeral of Napoleon          by Thackeray; William M。
  A Second Home                            by Balzac; Honore de
  The Second Jungle Book                      by Kipling; Rudyard
  Second Thoughts of An Idle Fellow             by Jerome; Jerome K。
  Second Treatise of Government                     by Locke; John
  The Secret Agent                              by Conrad; Joseph
  The Secret Garden                    by Burnett; Frances Hodgson
  The Secret of the Night                         by Leroux; Gaston
  Secret Places of the Heart                         by Wells; H。 G。
  The Secret Sharer                             by Conrad; Joseph
  The Secrets of the Princesse de Cadignan        by Balzac; Honore de
  Select Poems of Sidney Lanier                    by Lanier; Sidney
  Selected Prose of Oscar Wilde                     by Wilde; Oscar
  Selected Stories                                  by Harte; Bret
  Selected Writings of Guy De Maupassant     by Maupassant; Guy De
  A Selection From The Lyrical Poems Of Robert Herrick
  by Herrick; Robert
  Selections from the Speeches and Writings of Edmund Burke
  by Burke; Edmund
  Self Help                                          by Smiles; Samuel
  Sense and Sensibility                             by Austen; Jane
  A Sentimental Journey Through France and Italy
  by Sterne; Laurence
  The Sequel of Appomattox              by Fleming; Walter Lynwood
  Seraphita                                 by Balzac; Honore de
  Sesame And Lilies                               by Ruskin; John
  A Set of Six                                  by Conrad; Joseph
  The Seven Against Thebes                              by Aeschylus
  Seven Discourses on Art                   by Reynolds; Joshua; Sir
  The Seven Poor Travellers                     by Dickens; Charles
  Seventeen                                 by Tarkington; Booth
  The Seventh Letter                                     by Plato
  The Seventh Man                                 by Brand; Max
  The Shadow Line                              by Conrad; Joseph
  The Shape of Fear                             by Peattie; Elia W。
  Shavings                              by Lincoln; Joseph Crosby
  She                                   by Haggard; Henry Rider
  She Stoops to Conquer                       by Goldsmith; Oliver
  Shelley                        by Waterlow; Sydney Philip Perigal
  Shelley: An Essay                          by Thompson ; Francis
  A Short History of Wales                by Edwards; Owen Morgan
  Short Stories and Essays                 by Howells; William Dean
  Shorter Logic                                        by Hegel
  Shorter Prose Pieces                             by Wilde; Oscar
  The Shuttle                          by Burnett; Frances Hodgson
  The Sign of Four                       by Doyle; Sir Arthur Conan
  The Signal Man                              by Dickens; Charles
  Signs of Change                              by Morris; William
  Silas Marner                                   by Eliot; George
  The Silent Bullet                             by Reeve; Arthur B。
  The Silver Box                              by Galsworthy; John
  The Silverado Squatters                    by Stevenson; Robert L。
  A Simple Soul                               by Flaubert; Gustave
  A Simpleton                                  by Reade; Charles
  Sintram and His Companions        by La Motte…Fouque; Fredrich de
  Sir Dominick Ferrand                           by James; Henry
  Sir Gibbie                               by MacDonald; George
  Sir Humphrey Gilbert's Voyage to Newfoundland    by Hayes; Edward
  Sir Nigel                             by Doyle; Sir Arthur Conan
  Sir Walter Raleigh and his Time                by Kingsley; Charles
  Sister Carrie                               by Dreiser; Theodore
  Sister Songs                              by Thompson ; Francis
  The Sisters' Tragedy                   by Aldrich; Thomas Bailey
  The Six Enneads                                    by Plotinus
  Six Lectures on Political Economy              by Whewell; William
  Sixes and Sevens                                  by Henry; O。
  The Sketch Book                           by Irving; Washington
  Sketches by Boz                             by Dickens; Charles
  Sketches in Lavender; Blue and Green          by Jerome; Jerome K。
  Sketches New and Old                            by Twain; Mark
  Skethches of Young Couples                    by Dickens; Charles
  Sketches of Young Gentlemen                   by Dickens; Charles
  The Skin Game                              by Galsworthy; John
  Sky Pilot: A Tale of the Foothills                  by Connor; Ralph
  The Sky Pilot in No Man's Land                   by Connor; Ralph
  The Slavery of Our Times                         by Tolstoy; Leo
  The Sleeping…Car … A Farce               by Howells; William Dean
  The Sleuth of St。 James Street             by Post; Melville Davisson
  The Slowcoach                                  by Lucas; E。 V。
  The Smalcald Articles                           by Luther; Martin
  Small Catechism (Luther's Little Instruction Book)
  by Luther; Martin
  A Smaller History of Greece (from the earliest times to the Roman conquest)
  by Smith; William
  Smoke Bellew                                        by London; Jack
  The Snare                                        by Sabatini; Rafael
  The Snow Image                                    by Hawthorne; Nathaniel
  Snow…Bound at Eagle's                                 by Harte; Bret
  The Social Contract                    by Rousseau; Jean…Jacques
  Social Organization                     by Cooley; Charles Horton
  Soldiers of Fortune                     by Davis; Richard Harding
  Soldiers Three…Part 2                         by Kipling; Rudyard
  Some Anomalies of the Short Story         by Howells; William Dean
  Some Christmas Stories                       by Dickens; Charles
  Some Considerations of the Lowering of Interest       by Locke; John
  Some Reminiscences                           by Conrad; Joseph
  Some Short Stories                              by James; Henry
  Somebody's Little Girl                          by Young; Martha
  Somebody's Luggage                         by Dickens; Charles
  The Son of Tarzan                       by Burroughs; Edg