第 26 节
作者:暖暖      更新:2021-02-21 12:21      字数:9322
  On the Motion of Animals                            by Aristotle
  On the Nature of Things                             by Lucretius
  On the Parts of Animals                              by Aristotle
  On the Principles of Nature               by Aquinas; Saint Thomas
  On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation
  by Ricardo; David
  On the Relations of Man to the Lower Animals
  by Huxley; Thomas Henry
  On the Ruin of Britain (De Excidio Britanniae)      by Gildas
  On the Sacred Disease                            by Hippocrates
  On the Significance of Science and Art        by Tolstoy; Leo
  On the Soul                                  by Aristotle
  On the Spirit of Patriotism      by Bolingbroke; Henry St。 John
  On the Study of Zoology                  by Huxley; Thomas Henry
  On the Surgery                                  by Hippocrates
  On the Throne of Sin                         by Snow; Charles M。
  On the Track                                 by Lawson; Henry
  On Ulcers                                      by Hippocrates
  On Wages and Combination                     by Torrens; Robert
  On Youth and Old Age; On Life and Death; On Breathing
  by Aristotle
  One of Ours                                   by Cather; Willa
  1492                                        by Johnston; Mary
  An Open Letter on Translating          by Luther; Martin
  An Open…Eyed ConspiracyAn Idyl of Saratoga
  by Howells; William Dean
  Openings in the Old Trail                          by Harte; Bret
  Options                                          by Henry; O。
  The Orange Fairy Book                         by Lang; Andrew
  Orations                             by Adams; John Quincy
  The Oregon Trail: Sketches of Prairie and Rocky…Mountain Life
  by Parkman; Francis
  Orestes                                          by Euripides
  The Origin and Nature of Emotions              by Crile; George W。
  The Origin of Species                         by Darwin; Charles
  The Origin of Species                    by Huxley; Thomas Henry
  The Origin of the Distinction of Ranks                by Millar; John
  Original Short Stories (13 volumes)          by Maupassant; Guy De
  The Origination of Living Beings           by Huxley; Thomas Henry
  The Origins of Contemporary France            by Taine; Hippolyte
  Orlands Furioso                            by Ariosto; Ludovico
  Orpheus in Mayfair and Other Stories and Sketches
  by Baring; Maurice
  Orthodoxy                                 by Chesterton; G。 K。
  Oscar Wilde Miscellaneous                       by Wilde; Oscar
  Othello; Moor of Venice                   by Shakespeare; William
  Other People's Money                         by Gaboriau; Emile
  Other Things Being Equal                         by Wolf; Emma
  Otto Of the Silver Hand                          by Pyle; Howard
  Our American Cousin                            by Taylor; Tom
  Our Androcentric Culture              by Gilman; Charlotte Perkins
  Our Mutual Friend                           by Dickens; Charles
  Our Nig                                   by Wilson; Harriet E。
  Our Village                             by Mitford; Mary Russell
  Out Of Time's Abyss                     by Burroughs; Edgar Rice
  An Outcast of the Island                        by Conrad; Joseph
  The Outlaw of Torn                      by Burroughs; Edgar Rice
  The Outlet                                 by Adams; Andy
  Outlines of Psychology                    by Wundt; Wilhelm Max
  Over the Sliprails                             by Lawson; Henry
  Over the Teacups                      by Holmes; Oliver Wendell
  Oxford                                      by Lang; Andrew
  Ozma of Oz                                  by Baum; L。 Frank
  Padre Ignacio; or; The Song of Temptation      by Wister; Owen
  Pagan and Christian Creeds: Their Origin and Meaning
  by Carpenter; Edward
  Pageant of Summer                          by Jefferies; Richard
  Painted Windows                             by Peattie; Elia W。
  A Pair of Blue Eyes                            by Hardy; Thomas
  Pandora                                      by James; Henry
  Paradise Lost                                   by Milton; John
  Paradise Regained                              by Milton; John
  The Parent's Assistant                        by Edgeworth; Maria
  The Paris Sketch Book                   by Thackeray; William M。
  The Parlor…Car                        by Howells; William Dean
  Parmenides                                          by Plato
  The Parson's Daughter of Oxney Colne           by Trollope; Antony
  Passages from an Old Volume of Life      by Holmes; Oliver Wendell
  The Passing of the Frontier; A Chronicle of the Old West
  by Hough; Emerson
  Passing of the Third Floor Back               by Jerome; Jerome K。
  A Passion in the Desert                      by Balzac; Honore de
  The Passionate Pilgrim                    by Shakespeare; William
  The Past Condition of Organic Nature      by Huxley; Thomas Henry
  The Patagonia                                 by James; Henry
  The Patchwork Girl of Oz                       by Baum; L。 Frank
  The Path Of Empire                          by Fish; Carl Russell
  The Path of the King                            by Buchan; John
  The Path of the Law                    by Holmes; Oliver Wendell
  Pathfinder; or; The Inland Sea            by Cooper; James Fenimore
  Pathology of Lying                            by Healy; William
  The Paths of Inland Commerce             by Hulbert; Archer Butler
  Patriarchs and Prophets                        by White; Ellen G。
  The Patrician                               by Galsworthy; John
  The Patrol of the Sun Dance Trail                 by Connor; Ralph
  Paul and Virginia                    by De Saint…Pierre; Bernardin
  Paul Kelver                               by Jerome; Jerome K。
  Paul Prescott's Charge                         by Alger; Horatio
  Paul the Peddler                              by Alger; Horatio
  Paz                                      by Balzac; Honore de
  Peace                                        by Aristophanes
  Peace Manoeuvres                     by Davis; Richard Harding
  Peg Woffington                               by Reade; Charles
  Pellucidar                             by Burroughs; Edgar Rice
  Penelope's English Experiences            by Wiggin; Kate Douglas
  Penelope's Experiences in Scotland          by Wiggin; Kate Douglas
  Penelope's Irish Experiences               by Wiggin; Kate Douglas
  Penelope's Postscripts                    by Wiggin; Kate Douglas
  Penguin Island                                     by France; Anatole
  Penrod                                           by Tarkington; Booth
  Penrod and Sam                                  by Tarkington; Booth
  Pensees (Thoughts)                             by Pascal; Blaise
  The Pension Beaurepas                              by James; Henry
  The People of the Abyss                          by London; Jack
  People Out Of Time                      by Burroughs; Edgar Rice
  The Perfect Wagnerite: A Commentary on the Niblung's Ring
  by Shaw; George Bernard
  Pericles; Prince of Tyre                by Shakespeare; William
  The Perils of Certain English Prisoners      by Dickens; Charles
  The Perpetuation of Living Beings       by Huxley; Thomas Henry
  The Persians                                     by Aeschylus
  Personal Memoirs of P。H。Sheridan         by Sheridan; Philip Henry
  Personal Memoirs of U。 S。 Grant          by Grant; Ulysses Simpson
  A Personal Record                            by Conrad; Joseph
  Persuasion                                     by Austen; Jane
  Peter Pan                                      by Barrie; J。 M。
  Peter Pan in Kensington Garden                    by Barrie; J。 M。
  Peter Ruff and the Double Four            by Oppenheim; E。 Phillips
  The Peterkin Papers                     by Hale; Lucretia Peabody
  Phaedo                                              by Plato
  Phaedra                                by Racine; Jean Baptiste
  Phaedrus                                            by Plato
  Phantasmagoria and Other Poems                 by Carrol; Lewis
  Phantastes; A Faerie Romance for Men and Women
  by MacDonald; George
  The Phantom of the Opera                      by Leroux; Gaston
  The Phantom 'Rickshaw and Other Ghost Stories
  by Kipling; Rudyard
  The Pharisee And The Publican                   by Bunyan; John
  Pharsalia  'Civil War'               by Lucanus; Marcus Annaeus
  Phenomenology of Mind                               by Hegel
  Phil;the Fiddler                               by Alger; Horatio
  Philebus                                            by Plato
  Philoctetes                                      by Sophocles
  The Philosopher's Jo