第 8 节
作者:铲除不公      更新:2021-02-20 18:50      字数:9322
  as St。 Peter by the angel; he had passed through the guards invisible
  to all; leaving his fetters behind。
  This incomprehensible escape redoubled the severity of the
  Arch…priest; till at last the prophets; feeling that their only
  chance of safety lay in getting rid of him; began to preach against
  him as Antichrist; and advocate his death。 The abbe was warned of
  this; but nothing could abate his zeal。  In France as in India;
  martyrdom was his longed…for goal; and with head erect and
  unfaltering step he 〃pressed toward the mark。〃
  At last; on the evening of the 24th of July; two hundred conspirators
  met in a wood on the top of a hill which overlooked the bridge of
  Montvert; near which was the Arch…priest's residence。  Their leader
  was a man named Laporte; a native of Alais; who had become a
  master…blacksmith in the pass of Deze。  He was accompanied by an
  inspired man; a former wool…carder; born at Magistavols; Esprit
  Seguier by name。  This man was; after Laquoite; the most highly
  regarded of the twenty or thirty prophets who were at that moment
  going up and down the Cevennes in every direction。  The whole party
  was armed with scythes; halberts; and swords; a few had even pistols
  and guns。
  On the stroke of ten; the hour fixed for their departure; they all
  knelt down and with uncovered heads began praying as fervently as if
  they were about to perform some act most pleasing to God; and their
  prayers ended; they marched down the hill to the town; singing
  psalms; and shouting between the verses to the townspeople to keep
  within their homes; and not to look out of door or window on pain of
  The abbe was in his oratory when he heard the mingled singing and
  shouting; and at the same moment a servant entered in great alarm;
  despite the strict regulation of the Arch…priest that he was never to
  be interrupted at his prayers。  This man announced that a body of
  fanatics was coming down the hill; but the abbe felt convinced that
  it was only an unorganised crowd which was going to try and carry off
  six prisoners; at that moment in the 'ceps。' ' A terrible kind of
  stocksa beam split in two; no notches being made for the legs: the
  victim's legs were placed between the two pieces of wood; which were
  then; by means of a vice at each end; brought gradually together。
  Translators Note。'
  These prisoners were three young men and three girls in men's
  clothes; who had been seized just as they were about to emigrate。  As
  the abbe was always protected by a guard of soldiers; he sent for the
  officer in command and ordered him to march against; the fanatics and
  disperse them。  But the officer was spared the trouble of obeying;
  for the fanatics were already at hand。  On reaching the gate of the
  courtyard he heard them outside; and perceived that they were making
  ready to burst it in。  Judging of their numbers by the sound of their
  voices; he considered that far from attacking them; he would have
  enough to do in preparing for defence; consequently he bolted and
  barred the gate on the inside; and hastily erected a barricade under
  an arch leading to the apartments of the abbe。  Just as these
  preparations were complete; Esprit Seguier caught sight of a heavy
  beam of wood lying in a ditch; this was raised by a dozen men and
  used as a battering…ram to force in the gate; which soon showed a
  breach。  Thus encouraged; the workers; cheered by the chants of their
  comrades; soon got the gate off the hinges; and thus the outside
  court was taken。  The crowd then loudly demanded the release of the
  prisoners; using dire threats。
  The commanding officer sent to ask the abbe what he was to do; the
  abbe replied that he was to fire on the conspirators。  This imprudent
  order was carried out; one of the fanatics was killed on the spot;
  and two wounded men mingled their groans with the songs and threats
  of their comrades。
  The barricade was next attacked; some using axes; others darting
  their swords and halberts through the crevices and killing those
  behind; as for those who had firearms; they climbed on the shoulders
  of the others; and having fired at those below; saved themselves by
  tumbling down again。  At the head of the besiegers were Laporte and
  Esprit Seguier; one of whom had a father to avenge and the other a
  son; both of whom had been done to death by the abbe。  They were not
  the only ones of the party who were fired by the desire of vengeance;
  twelve or fifteen others were in the same position。
  The abbe in his room listened to the noise of the struggle; and
  finding matters growing serious; he gathered his household round him;
  and making them kneel down; he told them to make their confession;
  that he might; by giving them absolution; prepare them for appearing
  before God。  The sacred words had just been pronounced when the
  rioters drew near; having carried the barricade; and driven the
  soldiers to take refuge in a hall on the ground floor just under the
  Arch…priest's room。
  But suddenly; the assault was stayed; some of the men going to
  surround the house; others setting out on a search for the prisoners。
  These were easily found; for judging by what they could hear that
  their brethren had come to their rescue; they shouted as loudly as
  they could。
  The unfortunate creatures had already passed a whole week with their
  legs caught and pressed by the cleft beams which formed these
  inexpressibly painful stocks。  When the unfortunate victims were
  released; the fanatics screamed with rage at the sight of their
  swollen bodies and half…broken bones。  None of the unhappy people
  were able to stand。  The attack on the soldiers was renewed; and
  these being driven out of the lower hall; filled the staircase
  leading to the abbe's apartments; and offered such determine。
  resistance that their assailants were twice forced to fall back。
  Laporte; seeing two of his men killed and five or six wounded; called
  out loudly; 〃Children of God; lay down your arms: this way of going
  to work is too slow; let us burn the abbey and all in it。  To work!
  to work!  〃The advice was good; and they all hastened to follow it:
  benches; chairs; and furniture of all sorts were heaped up in the
  hall; a palliasse thrown on the top; and the pile fired。  In a moment
  the whole building was ablaze; and the Arch…priest; yielding to the
  entreaties of his servants; fastened his sheets to the window…bars;
  and by their help dropped into the garden。  The drop was so great
  that he broke one of his thigh bones; but dragging himself along on
  his hands and one knee; he; with one of his servants; reached a
  recess in the wall; while another servant was endeavouring to escape
  through the flames; thus falling into the hands of the fanatics; who
  carried him before their captain。  Then cries of 〃The prophet! the
  prophet!〃 were heard on all sides。  Esprit Seguier; feeling that
  something fresh had taken place; came forward; still holding in his
  hand the blazing torch with which he had set fire to the pile。
  〃Brother;〃 asked Laporte; pointing to the prisoner; 〃is this man to
  Esprit Seguier fell on his knees and covered his face with his
  mantle; like Samuel; and sought the Lord in prayer; asking to know
  His will。
  In a short time he rose and said; 〃This man is not to die; for
  inasmuch as he has showed mercy to our brethren we must show mercy to
  Whether this fact had been miraculously revealed to Seguier; or
  whether he had gained his information from other sources; the newly
  released prisoners confirmed its truth; calling out that the man had
  indeed treated them with humanity。  Just then a roar as of a wild
  beast was heard: one of the fanatics; whose brother had been put to
  death by the abbe; had just caught sight of him; the whole
  neighbourhood being lit up by the fire; he was kneeling in an angle
  of the wall; to which he had dragged himself。
  〃Down with the son of Belial!〃 shouted the crowd; rushing towards the
  priest; who remained kneeling and motionless like a marble statue。
  His valet took advantage of the confusion to escape; and got off
  easily; for the sight of him on whom the general hate was
  concentrated made the Huguenots forget everything else:
  Esprit Seguier was the first to reach the priest; and spreading his
  hands over him; he commanded the others to hold back。 〃God desireth
  not the death of a sinner;'〃 said he; 〃'but rather that he turn from
  his wickedness and live。'〃
  〃No; no!〃 shouted a score of voices; refusing obedience for the first
  time; perhaps; to an order from the prophet; 〃let him die without
  mercy; as he struck without pity。  Death to the son of Belial;
  〃Silence!〃 exclaimed the prophet in a terrible voice; 〃and listen to
  the word of God from my mouth。  If this man will join us and take
  upon him the duties of a pastor; let us grant him his life; that he
  may henceforward devote it to the spread of the true faith。〃
  〃Rather a thousand deaths than apostasy!〃 answered the priest。
  〃Die; then!〃 cried Laporte; stabbing him; 〃take that for having burnt
  my father in Nimes。〃
  And he passed on the dagger to Esprit Seguier。
  Duchayla made neither sound nor gesture: it would have seemed as if
  the dagger had been turned by the priest's gown as