第 2 节
作者:扑火      更新:2021-02-19 21:35      字数:9322
  silently    bore    the   poet   a   grudge    for   having     been   the   accessory     of
  Providence   in   the   mandate   that   she   should   wear   the   loathed   corduroy。
  The   unpractised      ear   played   another    little   girl   a   like  turn。 She   had   a
  phrase for snubbing any anecdote that sounded improbable。                      〃That;〃 she
  said more or less after Sterne; 〃is a cotton…wool story。〃
  The   learning   of   words   is;   needless   to   say;   continued   long   after   the
  years   of   mere   learning   to   speak。   The   young   child   now   takes   a   current
  word into use; a little at random; and now makes a new one; so as to save
  the   interruption     of  a  pause    for  search。    I   have   certainly    detected;   in
  children   old   enough   to   show   their   motives;   a   conviction   that   a   word   of
  their    own    making     is  as   good    a  communication        as   another;    and   as
  intelligible。    There is even a general implicit conviction among them that
  the grown…up people; too; make words by the wayside as occasion befalls。
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  How      otherwise    should    words    be   so  numerous      that   every   day   brings
  forward some hitherto unheard?              The child would be surprised to know
  how irritably poets are refused the faculty and authority which he thinks to
  belong to the common world。
  There is something very cheerful and courageous in the setting…out of
  a child on a journey of speech with so small baggage and with so much
  confidence       in  the   chances    of   the   hedge。     He    goes    free;  a   simple
  adventurer。      Nor   does   he   make   any   officious   effort   to   invent   anything
  strange or particularly expressive or descriptive。            The child trusts genially
  to his hearer。     A very young boy; excited by his first sight of sunflowers;
  was eager to describe them; and called them; without allowing himself to
  be checked for the trifle of a name; 〃summersets。〃                This was simple and
  unexpected;   so   was   the   comment   of   a   sister   a   very   little   older。 〃Why
  does he   call   those   flowers   summersets?〃   their   mother   said;   and   the   girl;
  with a darkly brilliant look of humour and penetration; answered; 〃because
  they are so big。〃      There seemed to be no further question possible after an
  explanation that was presented thus charged with meaning。
  To a later phase of life; when a little girl's vocabulary was; somewhat
  at random; growing larger; belong a few brave phrases hazarded to express
  a meaning well realizeda personal matter。 Questioned as to the eating of
  an uncertain number of buns just before lunch; the child averred; 〃I took
  them just to appetize my hunger。〃            As she betrayed a familiar knowledge
  of the tariff of an attractive confectioner; she was asked whether she and
  her   sisters   had   been   frequenting     those   little   tables  on  their  way   from
  school。 〃I sometimes go in there; mother;〃 she confessed; 〃but I generally
  speculate outside。〃
  Children   sometimes   attempt   to   cap   something   perfectly   funny   with
  something   so   flat   that   you   are   obliged   to   turn   the   conversation。   Dryden
  does the same thing; not with jokes; but with his sublimer passages。                   But
  sometimes a child's deliberate banter is quite intelligible to elders。                Take
  the letter written by a little girl to a mother who had; it seems; allowed her
  family to see that she was inclined to be satisfied with something of her
  own writing。       The child has a full and gay sense of the sweetest kinds of
  irony。 There was no need for her to write; she and her mother being both at
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  home; but the words must have seemed to her worthy of a pen: 〃My dear
  mother;   I   really   wonder   how   you   can   be   proud   of   that   article;   if   it   is
  worthy to be called a article; which I doubt。               Such a unletterary article。
  I   cannot   call   it   letterature。 I   hope   you   will   not   write   any   more   such
  unconventionan trash。〃
  This is the saying of a little boy who admired his much younger sister;
  and thought her forward for her age:              〃I wish people knew just how old
  she is; mother; then they would know she is onward。 They can see she is
  pretty; but they can't know she is such a onward baby。〃
  Thus speak the naturally unreluctant; but there are other children who
  in time betray a little consciousness and a slight mefiance as to where the
  adult sense of humour may be lurking in wait for them; obscure。                       These
  children may not be shy enough to suffer any self… checking in their talk;
  but they are now and then to be heard slurring a word of which they do not
  feel   too   sure。   A   little   girl   whose   sensitiveness   was   barely   enough   to
  cause her to stop to choose between two words; was wont to bring a cup of
  tea to the writing… table of her mother; who had often feigned indignation
  at the weakness of what her Irish maid always called 〃the infusion。〃                    〃I'm
  afraid it's bosh again; mother;〃 said the child; and then; in a half…whisper;
  〃Is   bosh   right;   or   wash;   mother?〃     She   was   not   told;   and   decided   for
  herself;   with   doubts;   for   bosh。    The   afternoon   cup   left   the   kitchen   an
  infusion; and reached the library 〃bosh〃 thenceforward。
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  Children are so flowerlike that it is always a little fresh surprise to see
  them blooming in winter。          Their tenderness; their down; their colour; their
  fulnesswhich is like that of a thick rose or of a tight grapelook out of
  season。     Children   in    the   withering   wind   are   like   the   soft   golden…pink
  roses that fill the barrows in Oxford Street; breathing a southern calm on
  the north wind。       The child has something better than warmth in the cold;
  something more subtly out of place and more delicately contrary; and that
  is   coolness。     To    be  cool   in  the   cold   is  the  sign   of  a  vitality   quite
  exquisitely alien from the common conditions of the world。                   It is to have
  a naturally; and not an artificially; different and separate climate。
  We can all be more or less warmwith fur; with skating; with tea; with
  fire; and with sleepin the winter。         But the child is fresh in the wind; and
  wakes cool from his dreams; dewy when there is hoar… frost everywhere
  else;   he   is   〃more   lovely   and   more   temperate〃   than   the   summer   day   and
  than the winter day alike。         He overcomes both heat and cold by another
  climate;   which     is   the  climate   of  life;   but  that   victory   of   life  is  more
  delicate and more surprising in the tyranny of January。                By the sight and
  the touch   of   children;   we   are;   as   it   were;   indulged   with   something   finer
  than a fruit or a flower in untimely bloom。             The childish bloom is always
  untimely。     The fruit and flower will be common later on; the strawberries
  will be a matter of course anon; and the asparagus dull in its day。                  But a
  child is a perpetual primeur。
  Or rather he is not in truth always untimely。              Some few days in the
  year are his own seasonunnoticed days of March or April; soft; fresh and
  equal;   when   the   child   sleeps   and   rises   with   the   sun。 Then   he   looks   as
  though he had his brief season; and ceases for a while to seem strange。
  It is no wonder that we should try to attribute the times of the year to
  children; their likeness is so rife among annuals。            For man and woman we
  are naturally accustomed to a longer rhythm; their metre is so obviously
  their own; and of but a single stanza; without repetition; without renewel;
  without   refrain。     But   it   is   by   an   intelligible   illusion   that   we   look   for   a
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  quick waxing and waning in the lives of young childrenfor a waxing that
  shall   come   again   another   time;   and   for   a   waning   that   shall   not   be   final;
  shall not be fatal。      But every winter shows us how human they are; and
  how they are little pilgrims and visitants among the things that look like
  their   kin。   For   every