第 98 节
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  before him; the nearest road to Barton; had had no leisure to form
  any scheme of conduct; with which that road did not hold the most
  intimate connection。   He could do  nothing  till   he   were   assured   of
  his   fate   with  Miss   Dashwood; and   by  his  rapidity  in   seeking  that
  fate; it is to be supposed; in spite of the jealousy with which he had
  once   thought   of   Colonel   Brandon;   in   spite   of   the   modesty   with
  which he rated his own deserts; and the politeness with which he
  talked   of   his   doubts;   he   did   not;   upon   the   whole;   expect   a   very
  cruel   reception。   It  was   his business;   however;   to   say   that   he  did;
  and   he   said   it   very   prettily。   What   he   might   say   on   the   subject   a
  twelvemonth         after;    must    be    referred     to   the   imagination       of
  husbands and wives。
  That   Lucy   had      certainly   meant      to  deceive;    to  go   off  with   a
  flourish   of   malice   against   him   in   her   message   by   Thomas;   was
  perfectly   clear   to    Elinor;    and   Edward      himself;    now    thoroughly
  enlightened       on   her   character;     had    no  scruple     in  believing    her
  capable of the utmost meanness of wanton ill…nature。 Though his
  eyes   had   been   long   opened;   even   before   his   acquaintance   with
  Elinor began; to her ignorance and a want of liberality in some of
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  her opinions—they had been equally imputed; by him; to her want
  of   education;   and   till   her  last   letter   reached   him;   he   had   always
  believed      her   to   be    a  well…disposed;       good…hearted       girl;  and
  thoroughly   attached   to   himself。   Nothing   but   such   a        persuasion
  could have prevented his putting an end to an engagement; which;
  long before the discovery of it laid him open to his mother’s anger;
  had been a continual source of disquiet and regret to him。
  “I thought it my duty;” said he; “independent of my feelings; to
  give her the option of  continuing  the   engagement  or  not;   when I
  was renounced by my mother; and stood to all appearance without
  a   friend   in   the   world   to   assist   me。   In   such   a   situation   as   that;
  where there seemed nothing to tempt the avarice or the vanity of
  any living creature; how could I suppose; when she so earnestly; so
  warmly insisted on sharing my fate; whatever it might be; that any
  thing   but   the   most   disinterested   affection   was   her   inducement?
  And even now; I cannot comprehend on what motive she acted; or
  what fancied advantage it could be to her; to be fettered to a man
  for whom she had not the smallest regard; and who had only two
  thousand pounds in the world。 She could not foresee that Colonel
  Brandon would give me a living。”
  “No; but she might suppose that something would occur in your
  favour; that your own family might in time relent。 And at any rate;
  she lost nothing by continuing the engagement; for she has proved
  that    it  fettered    neither    her   inclination     nor   her   actions。    The
  connection was   certainly  a   respectable   one;   and probably  gained
  her    consideration       among      her   friends;    and;    if  nothing    more
  advantageous   occurred;   it   would   be   better   for   her   to   marry  you
  than be single。”
  Edward      was;   of  course;    immediately      convinced     that   nothing
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  could have been more natural than Lucy’s conduct; nor more self…
  evident than the motive of it。
  Elinor     scolded     him;    harshly     as   ladies    always     scold    the
  imprudence   which   compliments   themselves;   for   having   spent   so
  much time with them at Norland; when he must have felt his own
  “Your      behaviour       was    certainly     very    wrong;”      said    she;
  “because—to say nothing of my own conviction; our relations were
  all   led   away   by   it   to   fancy   and  expect  what;   as  you   were  then
  situated; could never be。”
  He    could   only   plead    an   ignorance     of  his  own    heart;   and   a
  mistaken confidence in the force of his engagement。
  “I   was   simple    enough     to  think;    that  because     my faith     was
  plighted   to   another;   there   could   be   no   danger   in   my   being   with
  you; and that the consciousness of my engagement was to keep my
  heart as safe and sacred as my honour。 I felt that I admired   you;
  but I told myself it  was   only  friendship;   and   till I   began   to  make
  comparisons between yourself and Lucy; I did not know how far I
  was got。 After that; I suppose; I was wrong in remaining so much
  in   Sussex;   and   the   arguments   with   which   I   reconciled   myself   to
  the expediency of it; were no better than these:—The danger is my
  own; I am doing no injury to anybody but myself。”
  Elinor smiled; and shook her head。
  Edward       heard    with    pleasure     of   Colonel    Brandon’s       being
  expected at the Cottage; as he really wished not only to be better
  acquainted   with   him;   but   to   have   an   opportunity   of   convincing
  him     that   he  no   longer    resented     his   giving   him    the   living   of
  Delaford—“Which;            at   present;”     said    he;    “after    thanks     so
  ungraciously   delivered   as       mine    were   on   the   occasion;    he   must
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  think I have never forgiven him for offering。”
  Now   he   felt   astonished   himself   that   he   had   never   yet   been   to
  the place。 But so little interest had he taken in the matter; that he
  owed all his knowledge of the house; garden; and glebe; extent of
  the parish; condition of the land; and rate   of  the   tithes;   to  Elinor
  herself; who had heard so much of it from Colonel Brandon; and
  heard it with so much attention;  as   to be   entirely  mistress   of  the
  One     question    after   this   only   remained      undecided;      between
  them; one difficulty only was to be overcome。 They were brought
  together   by   mutual       affection;   with   the   warmest   approbation        of
  their real friends; their intimate knowledge of each other seemed
  to make their happiness certain—and they only wanted something
  to  live  upon。   Edward   had   two  thousand  pounds;   and   Elinor   one;
  which; with Delaford living; was all that they could call their own;
  for    it  was    impossible      that    Mrs。    Dashwood       should     advance
  anything; and   they  were   neither  of  them   quite   enough  in   love   to
  think   that   three   hundred   and   fifty   pounds   a…year   would   supply
  them with the comforts of life。
  Edward      was    not   entirely   without     hopes    of  some    favourable
  change in his mother towards   him;  and   on that  he   rested   for  the
  residue of their income。 But Elinor had no  such  dependence;   for
  since Edward would still be unable to marry Miss Morton; and his
  chusing   herself   had   been   spoken   of   in   Mrs。   Ferrars’s   flattering
  language   as   only   a   lesser   evil   than   his   chusing   Lucy   Steele;   she
  feared that Robert’s offence would serve no other purpose than to
  enrich Fanny。
  About      four   days    after   Edward’s       arrival   Colonel     Brandon
  appeared;   to   complete   Mrs。   Dashwood’s   satisfaction;   and   to   give
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  her   the   dignity   of   having;   for   the   first   time  since   her   living   at
  Barton;      more    company       with    her   than    her   house    would     hold。
  Edward   was   allowed   to   retain   the   privilege   of   first   comer;   and
  Colonel Brandon therefore walked every night to his old quarters
  at   the   Park;   from   whence   he   usually   returned   in   the   morning;
  early     enough      to  interrupt     the    lovers’    first  tête…à…tête    before
  A   three   weeks’   residence   at   Delaford;        where;    in  his  evening
  hours at least; he h