第 36 节
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  The   moonlight;   the   reflected   light;   pales   as   the   Star…Sun   of   your   being
  rises; and the moonlight of Earth gives place to the Sun…spheres of Ra。
  O child of Adam! The beginning of sorrow is the dawn of spiritual life。
  The wise man rules the stars; the fools of Earth obey。
  An   immense   helmet   on   pedestal;   across   which   a   streak   of   lightning
  flashes; beside it a naked child painting pictures on the helmet; beneath; a
  broken sword。
  Can    greater   irony   be  shown     than  in  this  astral  symbol。    Mars    is
  externally  represented   as   a   fierce   warrior;   awful   to   behold;   the   reality;   a
  little child; painting toy pictures on the helmet; too big for his curly head。
  The lesson in this is indeed; that the pen is mightier than the sword; that
  the big and blustering helmet will become a plaything for the child。 Soon;
  that   the  sword    of  bloodshed;    rape;  and   ruin;  will  be  broken    and  war
  relegated   to   the   past;   looked   at;   but;   as   pictures;   painted   with   hideous
  reality by the childhood of the race。
  The   symbol   also   reveals   the   great   executive   forces   of   humanity;   the
  child。 The soul can paint; execute its ideas; its hopes and its fears in any
  colorthe lurid red of blood; the black of ignorance and crime; or in the
  living light of beauty。 All the same; it is the childhood of man painting its
  ideals in the material world。
  O child of Adam; curb the anger of Mars; that thy painting may set the
  dove   at   liberty。   Let   the   magic   of   thy   soul   transform   the   savage   of   the
  desert into the angel of mercy。
  A cave in the mountain side; a face like the sphinx comes out of the
  cave; there is a blackness behind it; it looks with upturned head to a light
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  that   is   way   beyond;   it   is   a   face   that   means   something   awful;   a   godlike
  defiance to the things that are。
  Again   we   are   impressed   with   the   contrast   of   internal   and   external
  things。   Jupiter;   the   symbol   of   authority;   conservatism;   church;   and   state;
  and the stability of human institutions; and the things that are; as the things
  that are the best。 But oh; how widely different the internal; the real Jupiter;
  that governing power of the spirit that hurls defiance at unjust authority;
  the cruelty and tyranny of the world。 The soul sees the light beyond; and;
  emerging   from  the   dark   chasm   of   matter;   knows   the   battle   that   must   be
  fought against wrong。 It is the awfulyea; terriblesymbol of defiance to
  gods and men who oppose its onward; upward march to the shining goal
  of light。 Make way; then! Make way! For Earth has given birth to her giant
  sonthe Spirit。 For; listen closely; my friend; to the axiom of Immortality。
  What is soul? Not   the  spirit; mind   you; not   the  deathless Ego;  of   which
  you at present; perchance; know absolutely nothing。 Soul is mere memory;
  a scavenger in earthly states; and a gleaner; a hired help; in the fields of
  heaven; and to become immortal; there must be something more than soul
  as   the   result。   It   must   take   such   a   vital   interest   in   its   Lord's   work   that;
  finally it becomes too valuable to lose; and must be taken into partnership;
  so to say。 The EgoLord has found a valued servant; a trusted steward;
  after much seeking; and at once adopts it as its very own。 And so the soul
  becomes      heir   to  the   heavenly    estate   and   receives    the   immortal;    vital
  principle of spiritual union; and awakes from the son of Earth a God…like
  being; free from the shackles of Timea dweller in eternity。 The soul must
  awake and realize the Deific atom around which it revolves before it is too
  late。 Unless this is so; the seed of immortal life; sown in matter by the Ego;
  has   not   germinated;   and   it   returns   unfruitful   and   diesit   is   an   abortion。
  Many; many seeds never germinate。 Many good orthodox; but animal…like
  lives; live;  move; and   die;yes; die   in very  truth。 Would to God   I   could
  make all mankind realize this awful; inconceivable privilege of life; that;
  Jupiter…like; they would turn and face the light。
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  O child of Adam! 〃It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a
  needle than for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom of God。〃
  Here   beginneth   Chapter   3   of   the   Second   Part   of   the   Book   which   is
  called   〃The Tablets   of Aeth;〃   wherein   the Third;   and   last; Trinity  of   the
  Planetary Rulers is faithfully transcribed。
  〃Thou hast entered the immeasurable regions。 I am the Dweller of the
  Threshold。 What wouldst thou with me? * * * Dost thou fear me? Am I
  not thy beloved? Is it not for me that thou bast rendered up the delights of
  thy race? Wouldst thou be wise? Mine is the wisdom of the countless ages。
  Kiss me; my mortal lover。〃
  〃Thus man pursues his weary calling; And wrings the hard life from
  the   sky;  While    happiness    unseen    is  falling  Down    from    God's   bosom
  A human figure with a scepter of power; a being of light crowned with
  In the external we remember Saturn as an old man; and as a skeleton
  with a scytheas Time; in fact。 But see; O immortal soul; the real Saturn;
  as   the Angel   of   Life;   having   from   time   gathered   the   experiences   which
  crown   him   with   light;   holding   the   rod   of   power;   the   Christ   born   in   the
  manger of Capricorn; the Goatlife born of death; the conqueror of evil。
  He throws off the mask of age; and divine youth beams on us。 He doffs the
  mantle   of   rags;   and   royal   splendors   clothe   him。   He   lifts   the   hood;   and
  behold the crown。 He raises the crutch; and lo! the rod of power。 He drops
  the scythe of death for the jewel of eternal life。
  〃Om Mani Padme Um。〃 (Oh the jewel in the lotus。)
  O child of Adam! Meditate on the transmutations of life。 Behold the
  earthly miracle of the caterpillar and the butterfly; of the toiling mortal and
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  the transcendent God!
  A human eye; from which darts lightning upon an ocean of matter。
  The state of soul and spiritpenetration; the wonderful power of soul…
  perception;    which   sheds   its  light  on  all  visible  things;  receiving  their
  images and interpreting them into the spirit; the all…seerwhat does it not
  convey?   The   perception   that   can   see   deep   into   your   soul   and   see;   as   it
  were;   the   yet   unborn   thought;   that   can   distinguish   the   motive   of   action;
  that judges the realities of your soul。 Such is the Astral Uranian。 For with
  us all; are three planes of mind: The drift plane; the intellectual; and the
  spiritual; or internal plane; and thought…  reading can   be on one  or all   of
  these different states。 But only the Uranian seer can read the inmost mind;
  and so really know the possibilities of your spirit。
  Imagine   an   image   of   soft   wax;  covered   with   a   sensitive   skin。   All
  impressions on the skin shape the plastic wax; but go no deeper do not
  reach   the   soul。   You   can   separate   these   impressions   from   your   real   self;
  when calm and alone; and look upon emotion as a surface play。 But the
  tragedies of life strike deep。 They affect the soul; and go to the center of
  being。 〃Verbum sap。〃
  O child of Adam! Watch the tempest of life closely。 The Ego may sit
  calm amidst the storm; but; if that be stirredBEWARE! The God acts; the
  soul alone watches。
  A Winged Globe。
  An unknown quantity; a hope of progression; ideal love; and all true
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  mental and spiritual ideals; aspiration to become that which we feel to be
  noble and true; the symbol of the monad; the