第 37 节
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  mental and spiritual ideals; aspiration to become that which we feel to be
  noble and true; the symbol of the monad; the soul which; receiving its life
  from the Sunthe Egois constantly revealing new forces and potencies
  of that God…life。 Each soul's Ego is its maker and God。 The Ego is like the
  Deific potency of the universe; unlimited in potential power; but limited
  by  its   monad   as   to   what   will   be   evolved   from  its   awful   depth   of   being。
  Deity   progresses   through   its   expressions   of   the   cosmos。   The   Ego;   your
  God;   finds   progressive   expression   through   you;   through   your   soul。   That
  soul   is   not   immortal   that   becomes   separated   from   its   Egoits   God。   So;
  soul; spread your spiritual wings and soar upward。
  O child of Adam! Know these three things: Eternity is the creator of
  the   universal   life;   universal   life   creates   the   world;   and   the   world   is   the
  creator of time。 And of these; the Universe is Life; and the World is Mind;
  and   Time   is   the   Soul。   The   sum   total   of   all   is   Experience。   And   this   is
  individual; conscious life〃Jacta est alea〃 (the die is cast)the wings are
  The Cypher … the unknown
  A  Shining   Nebulae;   within   it   a   dot;   aimlessly   wandering   around   an
  unknown center。
  The     unknown     in  very   truth。  It  is  everythingit   is  also  nothing。
  Inconceivable      visions   arise   within   the  mental    universe;   but   nothing
  assumes definite form。 It is all that is past。 It is likewise everything that the
  future has in store。 Amen。
  O child of Adam! 〃Canst thou bring forth Mazzaroth in his season? or
  loose the bands of Orion?〃
  PART III of The Book which is called THE TABLETS OF AETH
  … Page 132…
  Each   angel   standing   in   front   of   the   symbol   is   dimly   outlined   and
  transparent。 Through the angel's form is seen its symbol。
  FIRST A luminous something; which gives the impression of sleep。
  SECOND Something moving; like an ocean。
  THIRD A storm; and lightning。
  FOURTH A mist。
  FIFTH An animal moving; resembling a turtle。
  SIXTH A blue light; in the center a star with three points。
  SEVENTH An expanse of water; a blue sky; a shining disk rising on
  the horizon。
  EIGHTH A lurid sky; like a red dawn; in the water floats an egg。
  NINTH Five stars on a convex arc; like a rainbow; the shell of the egg
  is broken and forms continents。
  TENTH A man lying fast asleep under a magnificent palm tree; with
  his face turned toward the horizon of the sea。
  Only the pure in heart can see God; and to those pure souls I commend
  the following brief explanation of the Vision of the Angels of Life; which I
  have here recorded for the benefit of all whom it may now and hereafter
  In the original Vision of the Tablets of Aeth a great circle was seen; in
  the   center   a   head;   a   faint   shimmer   above   the   head;   as   if   the   light   were
  about to dawn; a dull; lurid glow beneath; as if of chaos or hell; the hair
  around the head like floating clouds; the beard like strange cloud…streaks。
  Each sign of the Zodiac surrounding the center head had within it a faintly
  seen face。 Beginning with the first; it became more and more distinct and
  perfect with each sign until it evolved into godlike beauty in Pisces。
  The    symbolic    planets   were   around    the  Zodiac;   and   beyond    these;
  making a third grand circle; were the ten Evolutionary Angels。 The vision
  is that   of the   evolution   of all   life;   spiritual and   material。 We gaze   at   the
  cosmic sex mystery; and the discerning   mind; the loving spirit; can   read
  the correspondence of the great sacred conjugal act of both man and God;
  of its heights; of its depths; and of all that lies between。
  … Page 133…
  To aid in meditation on the bead at the center; herein is written a vision;
  an experience of the soul in the Sleep of Sialam。
  The   Hermetic   brethren   encircled   my   astral   body;   which   was   deeply
  entranced。     〃From     whence;〃     the  great   question;   quivered     through    my
  inmost being。 To answer that awful problem of the soul the released spirit
  went    on   its  fearsome    journey;   back   through    star  systems;    back;   back
  beyond   all   stars;   back   to   the   blackness   of   nothing   that   awful   nothing;
  whose     outside    ring  vibrated    with   fearful  flames;    the  fiery  cherubim;
  winged; taking all possible shapes; and unformed living shapes。 A human
  flamed     and   changed    and   vanished。    The   tornado    of  whirling;   flashing;
  chaotic   life  swirled   and   drove  through   the  darkness   of   chaos   of   nothing
  from    nothingand     that  great;   unknown     abyss    is  God!   But   the  life  is
  Deity   is   progressive;   so   never   can   man   cease   to   be。   Never   can   he
  return    to  that   awful  center  of   nothingness;    or  be   absorbed    within   the
  bosom of the unmanifested being。 On; and on; and on; with Deific power;
  God moves in ever…increasing whirls of evolution。
  Thus   came   the   answer   of   the   ages:   〃From   primeval   force;   from   the
  mighty breath of unmanifested being; through every phase of action and
  reaction;    from   the   energies   of  storm    and   lightning;   from   star…dust   to
  sunlight; has come the spirit of man!〃
  And the Astral Brethren understood。
  A human being; with a flaming; burning heart。
  A round disk inside a light; as from a sun; conceived; but not seen。
  So   here   endeth    the  Book    which    is  called  〃The   Tablets    of  Aeth;〃
  transcribed from the astral originals in the Year of Doom MDCCCXCIII。
  〃Omnia Vincit Veritas。〃
  〃THY KINGDOM COME。〃 (Zanoni) April; 1893
  … Page 134…
  We   have   now   arrived   at   our   final   study;   which   we   have   approached
  step by step amid the labyrinth of the mysteries concealed beneath the Veil
  of Isis。 We stand at last upon the very threshold of the sacred Adytum; the
  〃Holy     of  Holies;〃    from   whence     proceeds     our  final   revelation   of  that
  inmost conception of Man's identity with his Creatorthe Penetralia of his
  Beingthe last secret of the incarnated soul。
  The written word almost fails usdoes fail in fact; when we come to
  the   difficult   task  of  externalizing     ideas;  the  sublimity    of   which    is  so
  infinitely beyond the crystallized images of matter that; they can only be
  realized in their true glory; when the purified soul can view them from the
  ineffable heights of eternal spirit。 We are lost; dazed; at the brilliancy of
  the spiritual imagery that opens out before us; in its fathomless stretch of
  the   eternities   that   are   past;   of   the   ever…   imperishable   present;   and   the
  unborn eternities yet to be; all of them linked together in one grand chain
  of   spiritual   relationship   and   deathless   identity;   as   Man;   the Angel;   God;
  and    God;    the  Angel;    Man;    as  the   triune  Cycle    of  Being;    within   the
  incomprehensible   Cycle   of   Necessity;   which   constitutes   Nature's   cosmic
  university for the complete graduation; education; and purification; of that
  self…conscious; Deific atom of life; whose expression becomes the human
  soul。 Ah! my brothers could you; but for one single instant; realize WHO
  you are; WHERE you are journeying; and WHAT your final destiny; every
  earthly   moment   at   your   disposal   would   be   rightly   used;   and   every   hour
  considered too short for your efforts to aid your fellow…man。 Selfishness;
  wealth;   and   power;   would   be   so   utterly   contemptible   in   your   sight   that
  their possession would be considered a fearful affliction and a curse; the
  moment       they    exceeded      the   comfortable      requirements      of   mundane
  Leave   self   and   the   world   behind   you   for   t