第 35 节
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  speak unto you。
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  Here   endeth    the  four   Quadrants     of  the  Tablets    of  the  Twelve
  Mansions;      wherein    are   revealed   the   signs   and   symbols     thereof;  as
  faithfully transcribed from the sacred roll in the astral records and called
  〃The Tablets of Aeth。〃 April; 1893。
  of The Book which is called
  Here   beginneth   Chapter   I   of   the   Second   Part   of   the   Book   which   is
  called 〃The Tablets of Aeth;〃 wherein is transcribed the First Trinity of the
  Planetary Rulers。
  〃The human heart is the true temple of God; enter ye into your temples
  and illumine them with good thoughts。 The sacred vessels; they are your
  hands and your eyes。 Do I say that which is agreeable to Goddoing good
  to your neighbors? But; first embellish wherein dwells He; who gave you
  〃How small soever your lamp be; never give away the oil which feeds
  it; but only the light and flame; which crown it。〃
  The Sun
  A flaming splendor; a center of light; radiating in all directions。
  The symbol of all created life; spiritual and material; of all goodness;
  human or Divine; the center of all thought; from brutal instinct to Deific
  wisdom; of all creations; from starry systems to man; and from man back
  again to invisible gas; of all action; from the imperceptible vibrations of
  nerve energy to the awful destruction of worlds。 All creative potency lies
  within a Sun sphere。 Light is life。 The planets are but the offspring of light
  and life。 So in this symbol; we read the source of the human Ego; of our
  own life。 We are; as it were; the planets of the spiritual Sun。 Our souls are
  the attributes of the Sun; of the spiritual Ego。 Only from the Ego can we
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  receive   life   eternal   and   make   immortality   a   fact。   Obeying   this   spiritual
  life…force; the human monad is but an attribute; a reflection; of the Divine
  Ego; and if it fails to awake to a consciousness of this union; it withers and
  dies like a flower plucked from the parent tree of life。
  O   child   of Adam;   in   reverence   and   awe   do   thou   meditate   upon   this
  Tablet;    for   it  is  a  thing  of   beauty;   a  being    of   light;  life  and   love;
  manifesting its creative mission。 It is the Vicegerent of God; flaming forth
  His splendors in the sky。
  An elephant; kneeling between two square columns; on one an eagle;
  on the other a vulture。
  At   the  side   a boy;   with bow  and   arrows;  standing   in doubt   which   to
  Below these a human face; composed of various flowers; whose roots
  are snakes; a poppy; forming an eye; which winks。
  A vision revealing the earthly drama of the microcosm。 The elephant
  represents the highest expression of intelligence; minus the spirit; kneeling
  between the square columns of matter; i。e。; guarded by them。 The external
  mind is sleeping; or; at most; dreaming of the things of the spirit。 Above
  sleeping   mind   sit   the   two   birds;   who   represent   spirit   and   matter;   each
  waiting for the slowly preparing feast。 The boy; the soul with its weapons;
  has a choice。 Shall it be the sensuality of the flesh that he shall destroy; or
  the possibilities of the spiritual life on earth。 The problem awaits solution。
  The   eagle   sits   ready   to   bear   aloft   the   spirit   of   the   sleeper。   The   vulture
  hopes for sleep to end in death; that he may live upon the carrion thereof。
  The flowers of the external mind have for their roots the snakes; and; in a
  larger   sense;   the   flowers   of   immortality   have   the   serpent   of   wisdom   for
  their roots。 And the poppy winks。 It knows its own power of illusion; and
  the double significance of the snake; the necessity of evil in the evolution
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  of good。 It is the Tablet of Wisdom。
  O child of Adam! 〃Be ye therefore wise as serpents and harmless as
  An   altar:   on   it   two   cups;   one   full;   the   other   spilled;   near   them   two
  bleeding hearts; in one a snake; in the other a dagger。
  Aboveclouds;   from   which   comes   a   woman's   face;   a   wreath   in   the
  hand;   coming   out   of   the   cloud;   in   the   wreath   an   angel;   going   upwards;
  with wings outspread。
  There is but one altar; but one blood of the sacrament in two cups; but
  one flesh of the Christthe Egoin two hearts; two experiences in love;
  ecstacy;   and   pain;   two   results   of   experience;   the   serpent   and the   dagger;
  symbolizing   wisdom   and   affliction。   Above   the   altar   the   divine   woman
  holds   the   wreath   encircling   the   angel。   The   angel   of   immortal   life   rises
  from the altar of sacrifice。 Some of the wine is spilled as offering。 The cup
  that   is   filled   is   raised   to   〃Ra。〃   To   serve   at   the   altar   of   love   is   the   soul…
  mission of all; even as Christ served his disciples。 Each soul must find its
  own service; and then the pilgrims of the Sun return to the mansions of the
  blessed。 The   great   mother…god; Venus;  Urania;   quivers   and   thrills   as   she
  holds forth her offspringthe angel; the young Eros of life eternal。
  O child of Adam; this is the Tablet of Love。 Meditate thereon; as the
  last   of  the  triune   God。    In  this  Tablet   lies  the  secret   of  suffering   and
  pleasure。 He who vibrates in pain will quiver in ecstacy。 Only those who
  have agonized in Hell can thrill in Heaven。
  Here   beginneth   Chapter   2   of   the   Second   Part   of   the   Book   which   is
  called 〃The Tablets of Aeth;〃 wherein is transcribed the Second Trinity of
  the Planetary Rulers。
  〃Thou art called forth to this fair sacrifice For a draught of milk; with
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  the Maruts Come hither; O Agni!
  They who know  the great sky;  the Visve Devas   without guile;   with
  those Maruts Come hither; O Agni!
  They  who   are   brilliant; of   awful shape;  Powerful;  and   devourers   of
  foes; with the Maruts come hither; O Agni!
  They   who    in  heaven   are  enthroned     as  gods;  In  the  light  of  the
  firmament; with the Maruts Come hither; O Agni!〃
  〃Let   us   meditate   on   the   adorable   light   of   the   Divine   Rulers。   May   it
  guide our intellects。〃
  The Moon
  A wonderful spider's…web;
  The web glitters in the faint moonlight against a dark background of
  blue; moon invisible; on the outside of web a star; in the center a spot of
  light; underneath a coffin filled with stones。
  The web of life has caught the monad of the soul and thus incarnated
  the universe; for each soul incarnates its universe at birth; each one's world
  being different;  and peculiar unto   himself。 At   the  first   breath;  the  young
  child   polarizes   his   relations   to   stars   and   earth;   and   it   is   the   affinity   and
  repulsion which make his life experience。 And the stars weave the web in
  their lines of sextile; square and trine; of opposition and conjunction; thus
  enveloping the monad in the Circle of Necessity。
  Outside   the   star   of   the   spirit;   the   Ego;   shines   clear;   free   from   the
  entanglements of the web and unaffected by the magnetic glamour of the
  Moon。 And lo! the coffin is filled with stones; a symbol of death and the
  Moon; which is but a casket of stones。 Therefore; little monad; caught in
  the tangle of the web of life and the glamour of earthly things; take heart;
  for; beyond all; is the star of your being。 Call down the law of that star into
  yourself; and the web is broken and waves its tattered shreds in the breeze。
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  The   moonlight;   the   reflected   light;   pales   as   the   Star…Sun   of   your   being