第 134 节
作者:温暖寒冬      更新:2024-04-09 19:50      字数:9122
  pity i’ my life afore 。 。 。 an’ I mun begin to be looked down on now;
  an’   me   turned   seventy…two   last   St。   Thomas’s;   an’   all   th’   under…
  bearers   and   pall…bearers   as   I’n   picked   for   my   funeral   are   i’   this
  parish and the next to ’t 。 。 。 It’s o’ no use now 。 。 。 I mun be ta’en to
  the grave by strangers。”
  George Eliot                                                          ElecBook Classics
  … Page 545…
  Adam Bede                                         545
  “Don’t fret so; father;” said Mrs。 Poyser; who had spoken very
  little; being almost overawed by her husband’s unusual  hardness
  and   decision。   “You’ll   have   your   children   wi’   you;   an’   there’s   the
  lads and the little un ’ull grow up in a new parish as well as i’ th’
  old un。”
  “Ah;   there’s   no   staying   i’   this   country   for   us   now;”   said   Mr。
  Poyser; and the hard tears trickled slowly down his round cheeks。
  “We thought it ’ud be bad luck if the old squire gave us notice this
  Lady   Day;   but   I   must   gi’   notice   myself  now;   an’   see   if   there   can
  anybody   be   got   to   come   an’   take   to   the   crops   as   I’n   put   i’   the
  ground; for I wonna stay upo’ that man’s land a day longer nor I’m
  forced   to   ’t。   An’   me;   as   thought   him   such   a   good   upright   young
  man;   as   I   should   be   glad   when   he   come   to   be   our   landlord。   I’ll
  ne’er lift my hat to him again; nor sit i’ the same church wi’ him 。 。 。
  a    man    as   has    brought      shame     on    respectable      folks    。  。  。  an’
  pretended to be such a friend t’ everybody 。 。 。 Poor Adam there 。 。 。
  a   fine   friend   he’s   been   t’   Adam;   making   speeches   an’   talking   so
  fine; an’ all the while poisoning the lad’s life; as it’s much if he can
  stay i’ this country any more nor we can。”
  “An’ you t’ ha’ to go into court; and own you’re akin t’ her;” said
  the old man。 “Why; they’ll cast  it  up   to  the   little   un;  as  isn’t  four
  ’ear old; some day—they’ll cast it up t’ her as she’d a cousin tried
  at the ’sizes for murder。”
  “It’ll be their own wickedness; then;” said   Mrs。   Poyser;   with  a
  sob    in  her   voice。    “But    there’s    One    above    ’ull  take   care    o’  the
  innicent child; else it’s but little truth they tell us at church。 It’ll be
  harder nor ever to die an’ leave the little uns; an’ nobody to be a
  mother to ’em。”
  “We’d better  ha’   sent  for  Dinah;   if  we’d known   where   she   is;”
  George Eliot                                                             ElecBook Classics
  … Page 546…
  Adam Bede                                       546
  said   Mr。   Poyser;   “but   Adam   said   she’d   left   no   direction       where
  she’d be at Leeds。”
  “Why;   she’d   be   wi’   that   woman   as   was   a   friend   t’   her   Aunt
  Judith;” said Mrs。 Poyser; comforted a little by this suggestion of
  her   husbands。   “I’ve   often      heard   Dinah   talk     of   her;  but   I  can’t
  remember   what  name   she   called   her   by。   But   there’s   Seth   Bede;
  he’s   like   enough   to   know;   for   she’s   a   preaching   woman   as        the
  Methodists think a deal on。”
  “I’ll send to Seth;” said Mr。 Poyser。 “I’ll send Alick to tell him to
  come; or else to send up word o’ the woman’s name; an’ thee canst
  write a letter ready  to  send   off  to  Treddles’on as   soon   as   we   can
  make out a direction。”
  “It’s poor work writing letters when you want folks to come to
  you i’ trouble;” said Mrs。 Poyser。 “Happen it’ll be ever so long on
  the road; an’ never reach her at last。”
  Before   Alick   arrived   with   the   message;   Lisbeth’s   thoughts   too
  had already flown to Dinah; and she had said to Seth; “Eh; there’s
  no  comfort  for  us   i’   this   world   any   more;   wi’out   thee   couldst   get
  Dinah Morris to come to us; as she did when my old man died。 I’d
  like her to come in an’ take me by th’ hand again; an’ talk to me。
  She’d   tell   me   the   rights   on’t;   belike—she’d   happen   know   some
  good i’ all this trouble an’ heart…break comin’ upo’ that poor lad; as
  ne’er   done   a   bit   o’   wrong   in’s   life;   but   war   better   nor   anybody
  else’s son; pick the country round。 Eh; my lad 。 。 。 Adam; my poor
  “Thee wouldstna like me to leave thee; to go and fetch Dinah?”
  said Seth; as his mother sobbed and rocked herself to and fro。
  “Fetch   her?”   said   Lisbeth;   looking   up   and   pausing   from   her
  grief;   like a   crying  child   who  hears   some   promise   of   consolation。
  George Eliot                                                          ElecBook Classics
  … Page 547…
  Adam Bede                                      547
  “Why; what place is ’t she’s at; do they say?”
  “It’s a good way off; mother—Leeds; a big town。 But I could be
  back in three days; if thee couldst spare me。”
  “Nay;     nay;   I  canna    spare    thee。  Thee     must    go   an’  see   thy
  brother; an’ bring me word what he’s a…doin’。 Mester Irwine said
  he’d come an’ tell me; but I canna make out so well what it means
  when he tells me。 Thee must go thysen; sin’ Adam wonna let me
  go to him。 Write a letter to Dinah canstna? Thee ’t fond enough o’
  writin’ when nobody wants thee。”
  “I’m not sure where she’d be i’ that big town;” said Seth。 “If I’d
  gone myself; I could ha’ found out  by asking  the   members   o’   the
  Society。     But    perhaps      if  I  put   Sarah     Williamson;      Methodist
  preacher;   Leeds;   o’   th’   outside;   it  might   get   to   her;   for   most   like
  she’d be wi’ Sarah Williamson。”
  Alick came now with the message; and Seth; finding that Mrs。
  Poyser   was      writing   to   Dinah;   gave   up   the   intention    of  writing
  himself;   but   he   went   to   the   Hall   Farm   to   tell   them   all   he   could
  suggest about the address of the letter; and warn them that there
  might   be   some   delay   in   the   delivery;   from   his   not   knowing   an
  exact direction。
  On   leaving   Lisbeth;   Mr。   Irwine   had   gone   to   Jonathan   Burge;
  who had also a claim to be acquainted with what was likely to keep
  Adam   away   from   business   for   some   time;   and   before   six   o’clock
  that evening there were few people in Broxton and Hayslope who
  had     not  heard     the  sad   news。    Mr。    Irwine    had   not   mentioned
  Arthur’s name to Burge; and yet the story of his conduct towards
  Hetty;     with   all  the  dark    shadows      cast  upon    it  by   its  terrible
  consequences;         was     presently     as    well    known      as   that    his
  grandfather was dead; and that he was come into  the   estate。   For
  George Eliot                                                         ElecBook Classics
  … Page 548…
  Adam Bede                                       548
  Martin   Poyser   felt   no  motive   to   keep   silence   towards   the   one   or
  two neighbours who ventured to come and shake him sorrowfully
  by the hand on the first day of his trouble; and Carroll; who kept
  his   ears   open   to   all   that   passed   at   the  rectory;  had    framed     an
  inferential   version   of   the   story;   and   found   early   opportunities   of
  communicating it。
  One of those neighbours who came to Martin Poyser and shook
  him   by   the   hand   without   speaking   for   some   minutes   was   Bartle
  Massey。   He   had   shut   up   his   school;   and   was   on   his   way   to   the
  rectory;   where   he   arrived   about   half…past   seven   in   the   evening;
  and; sending his duty to Mr。 Irwine; begged pardon for troubling
  him   at   that   hour;   but   had   something   particular   on   his   mind。   He
  was shown into the study; where Mr。 Irwine soon joined him。
  “Well; Bartle?” said Mr。 Irwine; putting out his hand。 That was
  not his usual way of saluting the schoolmaster; but trouble makes
  us treat all who feel with us very much alike。 “Sit down。”
  “You know what I’m come about as well as I do; sir; I daresay;”
  said Bartle。
  “You     wish    to  know    the   truth   about    the   sad   news     that  has
  reached you 。 。 。 about Hetty Sorrel?”
  “Nay;     sir;  what     I  wish    to   know     is  about     Adam     Bede。     I
  understand you left him at Stoniton; and I beg the favour of you to
  tell me what’s the state of the poor lad’s