第 12 节
作者:扑火      更新:2022-04-08 21:01      字数:9322
  FIRST AUXILIARY。 Yes: you ought to know better。 Off with you。
  SECOND AUXILIARY (looking longingly at the pursethis sentinel
  is a hooknosed man; unlike his comrade; who is squab faced)。 Do
  not tantalize a poor man。
  APOLLODORUS (to Cleopatra)。 Pearl of Queens: the Centurion is at
  hand; and the Roman soldier is incorruptible when his officer is
  looking。 I must carry your word to Caesar。
  CLEOPATRA (who has been meditating among the carpets)。 Are these
  carpets very heavy?
  APOLLODORUS。 It matters not how heavy。 There are plenty of
  CLEOPATRA。 How do they put the carpets into boats? Do they throw
  them down?
  APOLLODORUS。 Not into small boats; majesty。 It would sink them。
  CLEOPATRA。 Not into that man's boat; for instance? (Pointing to
  the boatman。)
  APOLLODORUS。 No。 Too small。
  CLEOPATRA。 But you can take a carpet to Caesar in it if I send
  APOLLODORUS。 Assuredly。
  CLEOPATRA。 And you will have it carried gently down the steps and
  take great care of it?
  APOLLODORUS。 Depend on me。
  CLEOPATRA。 Great; GREAT care?
  APOLLODORUS。 More than of my own body。
  CLEOPATRA。 You will promise me not to let the porters drop it or
  throw it about?
  APOLLODORUS。 Place the most delicate glass goblet in the palace
  in the heart of the roll; Queen; and if it be broken; my head
  shall pay for it。
  CLEOPATRA。 Good。 Come; Ftatateeta。 (Ftatateeta comes to her。
  Apollodorus offers to squire them into the palace。) No;
  Apollodorus; you must not come。 I will choose a carpet for
  myself。 You must wait here。 (She runs into the palace。)
  APOLLODORUS (to the porters)。 Follow this lady (indicating
  Ftatateeta); and obey her。
  The porters rise and take up their bales。
  FTATATEETA (addressing the porters as if they were vermin)。
  This way。 And take your shoes off before you put your feet on
  those stairs。
  She goes in; followed by the porters with the carpets。 Meanwhile
  Apollodorus goes to the edge of the quay and looks out over the
  harbor。 The sentinels keep their eyes on him malignantly。
  APOLLODORUS (addressing the sentinel)。 My friend
  SENTINEL (rudely)。 Silence there。
  FIRST AUXILIARY。 Shut your muzzle; you。
  SECOND AUXILIARY (in a half whisper; glancing apprehensively
  towards the north end of the quay)。 Can't you wait a bit?
  APOLLODORUS。 Patience; worthy three…headed donkey。 (They mutter
  ferociously; but he is not at all intimidated。) Listen: were you
  set here to watch me; or to watch the Egyptians?
  SENTINEL。 We know our duty。
  APOLLODORUS。 Then why don't you do it? There's something going on
  over there。 (Pointing southwestward to the mole。)
  SENTINEL (sulkily)。 I do not need to be told what to do by the
  like of you。
  APOLLODORUS。 Blockhead。 (He begins shouting) Ho there; Centurion。
  SENTINEL。 Curse your meddling。 (Shouting) Hoiho! Alarm! Alarm!
  The Centurion comes running in with his guard。
  CENTURION。 What now? Has the old woman attacked you again?
  (Seeing Apollodorus) Are YOU here still?
  APOLLODORUS (pointing as before)。 See there。 The Egyptians are
  moving。 They are going to recapture the Pharos。 They will attack
  by sea and land: by land along the great mole; by sea from the
  west harbor。 Stir yourselves; my military friends: the hunt is
  up。 (A clangor of trumpets from several points along the quay。)
  Aha! I told you so。
  CENTURION (quickly)。 The two extra men pass the alarm to the
  south posts。 One man keep guard here。 The rest with mequick。
  The two auxiliary sentinels run off to the south。 The Centurion
  and his guard run of northward; and immediately afterwards the
  bucina sounds。 The four porters come from the palace carrying a
  carpet; followed by Ftatateeta。
  SENTINEL (handling his pilum apprehensively)。 You again! (The
  porters stop。)
  FTATATEETA。 Peace; Roman fellow: you are now single…handed。
  Apollodorus: this carpet is Cleopatra's present to Caesar。 It has
  rolled up in it ten precious goblets of the thinnest Iberian
  crystal; and a hundred eggs of the sacred blue pigeon。 On your
  honor; let not one of them be broken。
  APOLLODORUS。 On my head be it。 (To the porters) Into the boat
  with them carefully。
  The porters carry the carpet to the steps。
  FIRST PORTER (looking down at the boat)。 Beware what you do; sir。
  Those eggs of which the lady speaks must weigh more than a pound
  apiece。 This boat is too small for such a load。
  BOATMAN (excitedly rushing up the steps)。 Oh thou injurious
  porter! Oh thou unnatural son of a she…camel! (To Apollodorus) My
  boat; sir; hath often carried five men。 Shall it not carry your
  lordship and a bale of pigeons' eggs? (To the porter) Thou mangey
  dromedary; the gods shall punish thee for this envious
  FIRST PORTER (stolidly)。 I cannot quit this bale now to beat
  thee; but another day I will lie in wait for thee。
  APPOLODORUS (going between them)。 Peace there。 If the boat were
  but a single plank; I would get to Caesar on it。
  FTATATEETA (anxiously)。 In the name of the gods; Apollodorus; run
  no risks with that bale。
  APOLLODORUS。 Fear not; thou venerable grotesque: I guess its
  great worth。 (To the porters) Down with it; I say; and gently; or
  ye shall eat nothing but stick for ten days。
  The boatman goes down the steps; followed by the porters with the
  bale: Ftatateeta and Apollodorus watching from the edge。
  APOLLODORUS。 Gently; my sons; my children(with sudden alarm)
  gently; ye dogs。 Lay it level in the sternso'tis well。
  FTATATEETA (screaming down at one of the porters)。 Do not step on
  it; do not step on it。 Oh thou brute beast!
  FIRST PORTER (ascending)。 Be not excited; mistress: all is well。
  FTATATEETA (panting)。 All well! Oh; thou hast given my heart a
  turn! (She clutches her side; gasping。)
  The four porters have now come up and are waiting at the
  stairhead to be paid。
  APOLLODORUS。 Here; ye hungry ones。 (He gives money to the first
  porter; who holds it in his hand to show to the others。 They
  crowd greedily to see how much it is; quite prepared; after the
  Eastern fashion; to protest to heaven against their patron's
  stinginess。 But his liberality overpowers them。)
  FIRST PORTER。 O bounteous prince!
  SECOND PORTER。 O lord of the bazaar!
  THIRD PORTER。 O favored of the gods!
  FOURTH PORTER。 O father to all the porters of the market!
  SENTINEL (enviously; threatening them fiercely with his pilum)。
  Hence; dogs: off。 Out of this。 (They fly before him northward
  along the quay。)
  APOLLODORUS。 Farewell; Ftatateeta。 I shall be at the lighthouse
  before the Egyptians。 (He descends the steps。)
  FTATATEETA。 The gods speed thee and protect my nursling!
  The sentry returns from chasing the porters and looks down at the
  boat; standing near the stairhead lest Ftatateeta should attempt
  to escape。
  APOLLODORUS (from beneath; as the boat moves off)。 Farewell;
  valiant pilum pitcher。
  SENTINEL。 Farewell shopkeeper。
  APOLLODORUS。 Ha; ha! Pull; thou brave boatman; pull。  So
  Ho…o…o…o…o! (He begins to sing in barcarolle measure to the
  rhythm of the oars)
  My heart; my heart; spread out thy wings:
  Shake off thy heavy load of love
  Give me the oars; O son of a snail。
  SENTINEL (threatening Ftatateeta)。 Now mistress: back to your
  henhouse。 In with you。
  FTATATEETA (falling on her knees and stretching her hands over
  the waters)。 Gods of the seas; bear her safely to the shore!
  SENTINEL。 Bear WHO safely? What do you mean?
  FTATATEETA (looking darkly at him)。 Gods of Egypt and of
  Vengeance; let this Roman fool be beaten like a dog by his
  captain for suffering her to be taken over the waters。
  SENTINEL。 Accursed one: is she then in the boat? (He calls over
  the sea) Hoiho; there; boatman! Hoiho!
  APOLLODORUS (singing in the distance)。
  My heart; my heart; be whole and free:
  Love is thine only enemy。
  Meanwhile Rufio; the morning's fighting done; sits munching dates
  on a faggot of brushwood outside the door of the lighthouse;
  which towers gigantic to the clouds on his left。 His helmet; full
  of dates; is between his knees; and a leathern bottle of wine is
  by his side。 Behind him the great stone pedestal of the
  lighthouse is shut in from the open sea by a low stone parapet;
  with a couple of steps in the middle to the broad coping。 A huge
  chain with a hook hangs down from the lighthouse crane above his
  head。 Faggots like the one he sits on lie beneath it ready to be
  drawn up to feed the beacon。
  Caesar is standing on the step at the parapet looking out
  anxiously; evidently ill at ease。 Britannus comes out of the
  lighthouse door。
  RUFIO。 Well; my British islander。 Have you been up to the top?
  BRITANNUS。 I have。 I reckon it at 200 feet high。
  RUFIO。 Anybody up there?
  BRITANNUS。 One elderly Tyrian to work the crane; and his son; a
  well conducted youth of 14。
  RUFIO (looking at the chain)。 What! An old man and a boy work
  that! Twenty men; you mean。
  BRITANNUS。 Two only; I assure you。 They have counterweights; and
  a machine with boiling water in it which I do not understand: it
  is not of British design。 They use it to haul up barrels of oil
  and faggots to burn in the brazier on the roof。
  RUFIO。 But
  BRITANNUS。 Excuse me: I came d