第 5 节
作者:阎王      更新:2021-12-07 09:36      字数:9322
  or to grow spontaneously; but to be a thing which may be taught; and
  which comes to a man by taking pains。 No one would instruct; no one
  would rebuke; or be angry with those whose calamities they suppose
  to be due to nature or chance; they do not try to punish or to prevent
  them from being what they are; they do but pity them。 Who is so
  foolish as to chastise or instruct the ugly; or the diminutive; or the
  feeble? And for this reason。 Because he knows that good and evil of
  this kind is the work of nature and of chance; whereas if a man is
  wanting in those good qualities which are attained by study and
  exercise and teaching; and has only the contrary evil qualities; other
  men are angry with him; and punish and reprove him…of these evil
  qualities one is impiety; another injustice; and they may be described
  generally as the very opposite of political virtue。 In such cases
  any man will be angry with another; and reprimand him;…clearly because
  he thinks that by study and learning; the virtue in which the other is
  deficient may be acquired。 If you will think; Socrates; of the
  nature of punishment; you will see at once that in the opinion of
  mankind virtue may be acquired; no one punishes the evil…doer under
  the notion; or for the reason; that he has done wrong; only the
  unreasonable fury of a beast acts in that manner。 But he who desires
  to inflict rational punishment does not retaliate for a past wrong
  which cannot be undone; he has regard to the future; and is desirous
  that the man who is punished; and he who sees him punished; may be
  deterred from doing wrong again。 He punishes for the sake of
  prevention; thereby clearly implying that virtue is capable of being
  taught。 This is the notion of all who retaliate upon others either
  privately or publicly。 And the Athenians; too; your own citizens; like
  other men; punish and take vengeance on all whom they regard as evil
  doers; and hence; we may infer them to be of the number of those who
  think that virtue may be acquired and taught。 Thus far; Socrates; I
  have shown you clearly enough; if I am not mistaken; that your
  countrymen are right in admitting the tinker and the cobbler to advise
  about politics; and also that they deem virtue to be capable of
  being taught and acquired。
  There yet remains one difficulty which has been raised by you
  about the sons of good men。 What is the reason why good men teach
  their sons the knowledge which is gained from teachers; and make
  them wise in that; but do nothing towards improving them in the
  virtues which distinguish themselves? And here; Socrates; I will leave
  the apologue and resume the argument。 Please to consider: Is there
  or is there not some one quality of which all the citizens must be
  partakers; if there is to be a city at all? In the answer to this
  question is contained the only solution of your difficulty; there is
  no other。 For if there be any such quality; and this quality or
  unity is not the art of the carpenter; or the smith; or the potter;
  but justice and temperance and holiness and; in a word; manly
  virtue…if this is the quality of which all men must be partakers;
  and which is the very condition of their learning or doing anything
  else; and if he who is wanting in this; whether he be a child only
  or a grown…up man or woman; must be taught and punished; until by
  punishment he becomes better; and he who rebels against instruction
  and punishment is either exiled or condemned to death under the idea
  that he is incurable…if what I am saying be true; good men have
  their sons taught other things and not this; do consider how
  extraordinary their conduct would appear to be。 For we have shown that
  they think virtue capable of being taught and cultivated both in
  private and public; and; notwithstanding; they have their sons
  taught lesser matters; ignorance of which does not involve the
  punishment of death: but greater things; of which the ignorance may
  cause death and exile to those who have no training or knowledge of
  them…aye; and confiscation as well as death; and; in a word; may be
  the ruin of families…those things; I say; they are supposed not to
  teach them…not to take the utmost care that they should learn。 How
  improbable is this; Socrates!
  Education and admonition commence in the first years of childhood;
  and last to the very end of life。 Mother and nurse and father and
  tutor are vying with one another about the improvement of the child as
  soon as ever he is able to understand what is being said to him: he
  cannot say or do anything without their setting forth to him that this
  is just and that is unjust; this is honourable; that is dishonourable;
  this is holy; that is unholy; do this and abstain from that。 And if he
  obeys; well and good; if not; he is straightened by threats and blows;
  like a piece of bent or warped wood。 At a later stage they send him to
  teachers; and enjoin them to see to his manners even more than to
  his reading and music; and the teachers do as they are desired。 And
  when the boy has learned his letters and is beginning to understand
  what is written; as before he understood only what was spoken; they
  put into his hands the works of great poets; which he reads sitting on
  a bench at school; in these are contained many admonitions; and many
  tales; and praises; and encomia of ancient famous men; which he is
  required to learn by heart; in order that he may imitate or emulate
  them and desire to become like them。 Then; again; the teachers of
  the lyre take similar care that their young disciple is temperate
  and gets into no mischief; and when they have taught him the use of
  the lyre; they introduce him to the poems of other excellent poets;
  who are the lyric poets; and these they set to music; and make their
  harmonies ana rhythms quite familiar to the children's souls; in order
  that they may learn to be more gentle; and harmonious; and rhythmical;
  and so more fitted for speech and action; for the life of man in every
  part has need of harmony and rhythm。 Then they send them to the master
  of gymnastic; in order that their bodies may better minister to the
  virtuous mind; and that they may not be compelled through bodily
  weakness to play the coward in war or on any other occasion。 This is
  what is done by those who have the means; and those who have the means
  are the rich; their children begin to go to school soonest and leave
  off latest。 When they have done with masters; the state again
  compels them to learn the laws; and live after the pattern which
  they furnish; and not after their own fancies; and just as in learning
  to write; the writing…master first draws lines with a style for the
  use of the young beginner; and gives him the tablet and makes him
  follow the lines; so the city draws the laws; which were the invention
  of good lawgivers living in the olden time; these are given to the
  young man; in order to guide him in his conduct whether he is
  commanding or obeying; and he who transgresses them is to be
  corrected; or; in other words; called to account; which is a term used
  not only in your country; but also in many others; seeing that justice
  calls men to account。 Now when there is all this care about virtue
  private and public; why; Socrates; do you still wonder and doubt
  whether virtue can be taught? Cease to wonder; for the opposite
  would be far more surprising。
  But why then do the sons of good fathers often turn out ill? There
  is nothing very wonderful in this; for; as I have been saying; the
  existence of a state implies that virtue is not any man's private
  possession。 If so…and nothing can be truer…then I will further ask you
  to imagine; as an illustration; some other pursuit or branch of
  knowledge which may be assumed equally to be the condition of the
  existence of a state。 Suppose that there could be no state unless we
  were all flute…players; as far as each had the capacity; and everybody
  was freely teaching everybody the art; both in private and public; and
  reproving the bad player as freely and openly as every man now teaches
  justice and the laws; not concealing them as he would conceal the
  other arts; but imparting them…for all of us have a mutual interest in
  the justice and virtue of one another; and this is the reason why
  every one is so ready to teach justice and the laws;…suppose; I say;
  that there were the same readiness and liberality among us in teaching
  one another flute…playing; do you imagine; Socrates; that the sons
  of good flute players would be more likely to be good than the sons of
  bad ones? I think not。 Would not their sons grow up to be
  distinguished or undistinguished according to their own natural
  capacities as flute…players; and the son of a good player would