第 1 节
作者:交通工具类:沧海一叶舟      更新:2021-12-07 09:33      字数:9309
  A Theologico…Political Treatise
  A Theologico…Political
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  A Theologico…Political Treatise
  Part 1 … Chapters I to V
  Baruch Spinoza
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  A Theologico…Political Treatise
  (1)Men   would   never   be   superstitious;  if   they  could govern   all   their
  circumstances by set rules; or if they were always favoured by fortune: but
  being frequently driven into straits where rules are useless; and being often
  kept   fluctuating      pitiably   between     hope    and   fear   by   the  uncertainty   of
  fortune's greedily coveted favours; they are consequently; for the most part;
  very prone to credulity。 (2) The human mind is readily swayed this way or
  that in times of doubt; especially when hope and fear are struggling for the
  mastery; though usually it is boastful; over … confident; and vain。
  (3)   This   as   a   general   fact   I   suppose   everyone   knows;   though   few;   I
  believe;     know    their   own    nature;   no   one    can   have   lived   in  the   world
  without     observing      that  most    people;    when    in   prosperity;    are  so   over…
  brimming   with   wisdom   (however   inexperienced   they   may   be);   that   they
  take every offer of advice as a personal insult; whereas in adversity they
  know not where to turn; but beg and pray for counsel from every passer…by。
  (4) No plan is then too futile; too absurd; or too fatuous for their adoption;
  the   most   frivolous   causes   will   raise   them   to   hope;   or   plunge   them   into
  despair  …   if  anything   happens   during   their   fright   which   reminds   them  of
  some past good or ill; they think it portends a happy or unhappy issue; and
  therefore   (though   it   may   have   proved   abortive   a   hundred   times   before)
  style    it  a  lucky    or  unlucky     omen。     (5)   Anything     which     excites    their
  astonishment they believe to be a portent signifying the anger of the gods
  or of the Supreme Being; and; mistaking superstition for religion; account
  it   impious   not   to   avert   the   evil   with   prayer   and   sacrifice。   (6)   Signs   and
  wonders   of   this   sort   they   conjure   up   perpetually;   till   one   might   think
  Nature as mad as themselves; they interpret her so fantastically。
  (7) Thus it is brought prominently before us; that superstition's chief
  victims are those persons who greedily covet temporal advantages; they it
  is; who (especially when they are in danger; and cannot help themselves)
  are   wont   with   Prayers   and   womanish   tears   to   implore   help   from   God:
  upbraiding Reason as blind; because she cannot show  a sure path to   the
  shadows they pursue; and rejecting human wisdom as vain; but believing
  the phantoms of imagination; dreams; and other childish absurdities; to be
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  A Theologico…Political Treatise
  the very oracles of Heaven。 (8) As though God had turned away from the
  wise; and written His decrees; not in the mind of man but in the entrails of
  beasts;   or   left   them   to   be   proclaimed   by   the   inspiration   and   instinct   of
  fools; madmen; and birds。 Such is the unreason to which terror can drive
  (9) Superstition; then; is engendered; preserved; and fostered by fear。 If
  anyone      desire   an   example;     let  him   take   Alexander;     who    only    began
  superstitiously   to   seek   guidance   from   seers;   when   he   first   learnt   to   fear
  fortune     in  the   passes   of  Sysis    (Curtius;   v。  4);   whereas    after   he  had
  conquered       Darius    he  consulted     prophets    no   more;    till  a  second   time
  frightened by reverses。 (10) When the Scythians were provoking a battle;
  the Bactrians had deserted; and he himself was lying sick of his wounds;
  〃he once more turned to superstition; the mockery of human wisdom; and
  bade Aristander;   to   whom  he   confided   his   credulity;   inquire the  issue   of
  affairs   with   sacrificed   victims。〃   (11)   Very   numerous   examples   of   a   like
  nature might be cited; clearly showing the fact; that only while under the
  dominion of fear do men fall a prey to superstition; that all the portents
  ever invested with the reverence of misguided religion are mere phantoms
  of dejected and fearful minds; and lastly; that prophets have most power
  among   the   people;   and   are   most   formidable   to   rulers;   precisely   at   those
  times when the state is in most peril。 (12) I think this is sufficiently plain
  to all; and will therefore say no more on the subject。
  (13) The origin of superstition above given affords us a clear reason
  for the fact; that it comes to all men naturally; though some refer its rise to
  a dim notion of God; universal to mankind; and also tends to show; that it
  is no   less inconsistent   and   variable   than other   mental hallucinations   and
  emotional impulses;   and further   that   it   can   only  be   maintained   by  hope;
  hatred; anger; and deceit; since it springs; not from reason; but solely from
  the more powerful phases of emotion。 (14) Furthermore; we may readily
  understand how difficult it is; to maintain in the same course men prone to
  every form of credulity。 (15) For; as the mass of mankind remains always
  at about the same pitch of misery; it never assents long to any one remedy;
  but is always best pleased by a novelty which has not yet proved illusive。
  (16) This element of inconsistency has been the cause of many terrible
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  A Theologico…Political Treatise
  wars   and   revolutions;   for;   as   Curtius   well   says   (lib。   iv。   chap。   10):   〃The
  mob has no ruler more potent than superstition;〃 and is easily led; on the
  plea   of   religion;   at   one   moment   to   adore  its   kings   as   gods;   and   anon   to
  execrate   and      abjure   them   as    humanity's     common       bane。   (17)   Immense
  pains     have   therefore     been    taken   to   counteract     this  evil   by   investing
  religion; whether true or false; with such pomp and ceremony; that it may;
  rise   superior     to  every    shock;    and    be   always    observed      with   studious
  reverence by the whole people … a system which has been brought to great
  perfection by the Turks; for they consider even controversy impious; and
  so clog men's minds with dogmatic formulas; that they leave no room for
  sound reason; not even enough to doubt with。
  (18) But if; in despotic statecraft; the supreme and essential mystery be
  to hoodwink the subjects; and to mask the fear; which keeps them clown;
  with the specious   garb of   religion; so   that men   may fight   as bravely  for
  slavery   as   for   safety;   and   count   it   not   shame   but   highest   honour   to   risk
  their blood and their lives for the vainglory of a tyrant; yet in a free state
  no    more    mischievous       expedient     could    be   planned     or  attempted。      (19)
  Wholly repugnant to the general freedom are such devices as enthralling
  men's minds with prejudices; forcing their judgment; or employing any of
  the weapons of quasi…religious sedition; indeed; such seditions only spring
  up; when law enters the domain of speculative thought; and opinions are
  put   on   trial   and   condemned   on   the   same   footing   as   crimes;   while   those
  who   defend   and   follow   them   are   sacrificed;   not   to   public   safety;   but   to
  their opponents' hatred and cruelty。 (20) If deeds only could be made the
  grounds of criminal charges; and words were always allowed to pass free;
  such seditions would be divested of every semblance of justification; and
  would be separated from mere controversies by a hard and fast line。
  (20)    Now;     seeing   that   we   have    the   rare  happiness      of  living   in   a
  republic; where everyone's judgment is free and unshackled; where each
  may     worship     God     as  his   conscience      dictates;   and    where    freedom      is
  esteemed before all things dear and precious; I have believed that I should
  be   undertaking   no   ungrateful   or   unprofitable   task;   in   demonstrating   that
  not   only   can   such   freedom   be   granted   without   prejudice   to   the   public
  peace; but also; that without such freedom; piety cannot flourish nor the
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