第 62 节
作者:管他三七二十一      更新:2021-12-07 09:25      字数:9322
  Yet she was perhaps more beautiful than ever; for a holy sorrow
  chastened and sublimed her features: it was now a sweet; angelic;
  pensive beauty; that interested every feeling person at a glance。
  She would visit no one; but a twelvemonth after her bereavement;
  she received a few chosen visitors。
  One day a young gentleman called; and sent up his card; 〃Lord
  Tadcaster;〃 with a note from Lady Cicely Treherne; full of kindly
  feeling。  Uncle Philip had reconciled her to Lady Cicely; but they
  had never met。
  Mrs。 Staines was much agitated at the very name of Lord Tadcaster;
  but she would not have missed seeing him for the world。
  She received him with her beautiful eyes wide open; to drink in
  every lineament of one who had seen the last of her Christopher。
  Tadcaster was wonderfully improved: he had grown six inches out at
  sea; and though still short; was not diminutive; he was a small
  Apollo; a model of symmetry; and had an engaging; girlish beauty;
  redeemed from downright effeminacy by a golden mustache like silk;
  and a tanned cheek that became him wonderfully。
  He seemed dazzled at first by Mrs。 Staines; but murmured that Lady
  Cicely had told him to come; or he would not have ventured。
  〃Who can be so welcome to me as you?〃 said she; and the tears came
  thick in her eyes directly。
  Soon; he hardly knew how; he found himself talking of Staines; and
  telling her what a favorite he was; and all the clever things he
  had done。
  The tears streamed down her cheeks; but she begged him to go on
  telling her; and omit nothing。
  He complied heartily; and was even so moved by the telling of his
  friend's virtues; and her tears and sobs; that he mingled his tears
  with hers。  She rewarded him by giving him her hand as she turned
  away her tearful face to indulge the fresh burst of grief his
  sympathy evoked。
  When he was leaving; she said; in her simple way; 〃Bless you〃
  〃Come again;〃 she said: 〃you have done a poor widow good。〃
  Lord Tadcaster was so interested and charmed; he would gladly have
  come back next day to see her; but he restrained that extravagance;
  and waited a week。
  Then he visited her again。  He had observed the villa was not rich
  in flowers; and he took her down a magnificent bouquet; cut from
  his father's hot…houses。  At sight of him; or at sight of it; or
  both; the color rose for once in her pale cheek; and her pensive
  face wore a sweet expression of satisfaction。  She took his
  flowers; and thanked him for them; and for coming to see her。
  Soon they got on the only topic she cared for; and; in the course
  of this second conversation; he took her into his confidence; and
  told her he owed everything to Dr。 Staines。  〃I was on the wrong
  road altogether; and he put me right。  To tell you the truth; I
  used to disobey him now and then; while he was alive; and I was
  always the worse for it; now he is gone; I never disobey him。  I
  have written down a lot of wise; kind things he said to me; and I
  never go against any one of them。  I call it my book of oracles。
  Dear me; I might have brought it with me。〃
  〃Oh; yes! why didn't you?〃 rather reproachfully。
  〃I will bring it next time。〃
  〃Pray do。〃
  Then she looked at him with her lovely swimming eyes; and said
  tenderly; 〃And so here is another that disobeyed him living; but
  obeys him dead。  What will you think when I tell you that I; his
  wife; who now worship him when it is too late; often thwarted and
  vexed him when he was alive?〃
  〃No; no。  He told me you were an angel; and I believe it。〃
  〃An angel! a good…for…nothing; foolish woman; who sees everything
  too late。〃
  〃Nobody else should say so before me;〃 said the little gentleman
  grandly。  〃I shall take HIS word before yours on this one subject。
  If ever there was an angel; you are one; and oh; what would I give
  if I could but say or do anything in the world to comfort you!〃
  〃You can do nothing for ME; dear; but come and see me often; and
  talk to me as you doon the one sad theme my broken heart has room
  This invitation delighted Lord Tadcaster; and the sweet word
  〃dear;〃 from her lovely lips; entered his heart; and ran through
  all his veins like some rapturous but dangerous elixir。  He did not
  say to himself; 〃She is a widow with a child; feels old with grief;
  and looks on me as a boy who has been kind to her。〃  Such prudence
  and wariness were hardly to be expected from his age。  He had
  admired her at first sight; very nearly loved her at their first
  interview; and now this sweet word opened a heavenly vista。  The
  generous heart that beat in his small frame burned to console her
  with a life…long devotion and all the sweet offices of love。
  He ordered his yacht to Gravesendfor he had become a sailorand
  then he called on Mrs。 Staines; and told her; with a sort of
  sheepish cunning; that now; as his yacht HAPPENED to be at
  Gravesend; he could come and see her very often。  He watched her
  timidly; to see how she would take that proposition。
  She said; with the utmost simplicity; 〃I'm very glad of it。〃
  Then he produced his oracles; and she devoured them。  Such precepts
  to Tadcaster as she could apply to her own case she instantly noted
  in her memory; and they became her law from that moment。
  Then; in her simplicity; she said; 〃And I will show you some
  things; in his own handwriting; that may be good for you; but I
  can't show you the whole book: some of it is sacred from every eye
  but his wife's。  His wife's?  Ah me! his widow's。〃
  Then she pointed out passages in the diary that she thought might
  be for his good; and he nestled to her side; and followed her white
  finger with loving eyes; and was in an elysiumwhich she would
  certainly have put a stop to at that time; had she divined it。  But
  all wisdom does not come at once to an unguarded woman。  Rosa
  Staines was wiser about her husband than she had been; but she had
  plenty to learn。
  Lord Tadcaster anchored off Gravesend; and visited Mrs。 Staines
  nearly every day。  She received him with a pleasure that was not at
  all lively; but quite undisguised。  He could not doubt his welcome;
  for once; when he came; she said to the servant; 〃Not at home;〃 a
  plain proof she did not wish his visit to be cut short by any one
  And so these visits and devoted attentions of every kind went on
  unobserved by Lord Tadcaster's friends; because Rosa would never go
  out; even with him; but at last Mr。 Lusignan saw plainly how this
  would end; unless he interfered。
  Well; he did not interfere; on the contrary; he was careful to
  avoid putting his daughter on her guard: he said to himself; 〃Lord
  Tadcaster does her good。  I'm afraid she would not marry him; if he
  was to ask her now; but in time she might。  She likes him a great
  deal better than any one else。〃
  As for Philip; he was abroad for his own health; somewhat impaired
  by his long and faithful attendance on Rosa。
  So now Lord Tadcaster was in constant attendance on Rosa。  She was
  languid; but gentle and kind; and; as mourners; like invalids; are
  apt to be egotistical; she saw nothing but that he was a comfort to
  her in her affliction。
  While matters were so; the Earl of Miltshire; who had long been
  sinking; died; and Tadcaster succeeded to his honors and estates。
  Rosa heard of it; and; thinking it was a great bereavement; wrote
  him one of those exquisite letters of condolence a lady alone can
  write。  He took it to Lady Cicely; and showed it her。  She highly
  approved it。
  He said; 〃The only thingit makes me ashamed; I do not feel my
  poor father's death more; but you know it has been so long
  expected。〃  Then he was silent a long time; and then he asked her
  if such a woman as that would not make him happy; if he could win
  It was on her ladyship's tongue to say; 〃She did not make her first
  happy;〃 but she forbore; and said coldly; that was maw than she
  could say。
  Tadcaster seemed disappointed by that; and by and by Cicely took
  herself to task。  She asked herself what were Tadcaster's chances
  in the lottery of wives。  The heavy army of scheming mothers; and
  the light cavalry of artful daughters; rose before her cousinly and
  disinterested eyes; and she asked herself what chance poor little
  Tadcaster would have of catching a true love; with a hundred female
  artists manoeuvring; wheeling; ambuscading; and charging upon his
  wealth and titles。  She returned to the subject of her own accord;
  and told him she saw but one objection to such a match: the lady
  had a son by a man of rare merit and misfortune。  Could he; at his
  age; undertake to be a father to that son?  〃Othahwise;〃 said Lady
  Cicely; 〃mark my words; you will quall over that poor child; and
  you will have two to quall with; because I shall be on her side。〃
  Tadcaster declared to her that child should be quite the opposite
  of a bone of contention。  〃I have thought of that;〃 said he; 〃and I
  mean to be so kind to that boy; I shall MAKE her love me for that。〃
  On these terms Lady Cicely gave her consent。
  Then he asked her should he write; or ask her in person。
  Lady Cicely reflected。  〃If you write; I think she will say no。〃
  〃But if I go?〃
  〃Then; it will depend on how you do it。  Rosa Staines is a true
  mourner。  Wha