第 61 节
作者:管他三七二十一      更新:2021-12-07 09:25      字数:9322
  royal stone had to be caught in a moment。  He could not sort; and
  he had not the heart to dig。  The only way to make him earn his
  half was to turn him into the travelling and selling partner。
  Christopher was too generous to tell him this; but he acted on it;
  and said he thought his was an excellent proposal; indeed; he had
  better take all the diamonds they had got to Dale's Kloof first;
  and show them to his wife; for her consolation: 〃And perhaps;〃 said
  he; 〃in a matter of this importance; she will go to Cape Town with
  you; and try the market there。〃
  〃All right;〃 said Falcon。
  He sat and brooded over the matter a long time; and said; 〃Why make
  two bites of a cherry?  They will only give us half the value at
  Cape Town; why not go by the steamer to England; before the London
  market is glutted; and all the world finds out that diamonds are as
  common as dirt?〃
  〃Go to England!  What! without your wife?  I'll never be a party to
  that。  Me part man and wife!  If you knew my own story〃
  〃Why; who wants you?〃 said Reginald。  〃You don't understand。
  Phoebe is dying to visit England again; but she has got no excuse。
  If you like to give her one; she will be much obliged to you; I can
  tell you。〃
  〃Oh; that is a very different matter。  If Mrs。 Falcon can leave her
  〃Oh; that brute of a brother of hers is a very honest fellow; for
  that matter。  She can trust the farm to him。  Besides; it is only a
  month's voyage by the mail steamer。〃
  This suggestion of Falcon's set Christopher's heart bounding; and
  his eyes glistening。  But he restrained himself; and said; 〃This
  takes me by surprise; let me smoke a pipe over it。〃
  He not only did that; but he lay awake all night。
  The fact is that for some time past; Christopher had felt sharp
  twinges of conscience; and deep misgivings as to the course he had
  pursued in leaving his wife a single day in the dark。  Complete
  convalescence had cleared his moral sentiments; and perhaps; after
  all; the discovery of the diamonds had co…operated; since now the
  insurance money was no longer necessary to keep his wife from
  〃Ah!〃 said he; 〃faith is a great quality; and how I have lacked
  To do him justice; he knew his wife's excitable nature; and was not
  without fears of some disaster; should the news be communicated to
  her unskilfully。
  But this proposal of Falcon's made the way clearer。  Mrs。 Falcon;
  though not a lady; had all a lady's delicacy; and all a woman's
  tact and tenderness。  He knew no one in the world more fit to be
  trusted with the delicate task of breaking to his Rosa that the
  grave; for once; was baffled; and her husband lived。  He now became
  quite anxious for Falcon's departure; and ardently hoped that
  worthy had not deceived himself as to Mrs。 Falcon's desire to visit
  In short; it was settled that Falcon should start for Dale's Kloof;
  taking with him the diamonds; believed to be worth altogether three
  thousand pounds at Cape Town; and nearly as much again in England;
  and a long letter to Mrs。 Falcon; in which Staines revealed his
  true story; told her where to find his wife; or hear of her; viz。;
  at Kent Villa; Gravesend; and sketched an outline of instructions
  as to the way; and cunning degrees; by which the joyful news should
  be broken to her。  With this he sent a long letter to be given to
  Rosa herself; but not till she should know all: and in this letter
  he enclosed the ruby ring she had given him。  That ring had never
  left his finger; by sea or land; in sickness or health。
  The letter to Rosa was sealed。  The two letters made quite a
  packet; for; in the letter to his beloved Rosa; he told her
  everything that had befallen him。  It was a romance; and a picture
  of love; a letter to lift a loving woman to heaven; and almost
  reconcile her to all her bereaved heart had suffered。
  This letter; written with many tears from the heart that had so
  suffered; and was now softened by good fortune and bounding with
  joy; Staines entrusted to Falcon; together with the other diamonds;
  and with many warm shakings of the hand; started him on his way。
  〃But mind; Falcon;〃 said Christopher; 〃I shall expect an answer
  from Mrs。 Falcon in twenty days at farthest。  I do not feel so sure
  as you do that she wants to go to England; and; if not; I must
  write to Uncle Philip。  Give me your solemn promise; old fellow; an
  answer in twenty daysif you have to send a Kafir on horseback。〃
  〃I give you my honor;〃 said Falcon superbly。
  〃Send it to me at Bulteel's Farm。〃
  〃All right。  'Dr。 Christie; Bulteel's Farm。'〃
  〃Wellno。  Why should I conceal my real name any longer from such
  friends as you and your wife?  Christie is short for Christopher
  that IS my Christian name; but my surname is Staines。  Write to
  'Dr。 Staines。'〃
  〃Dr。 Staines!〃
  〃Yes。  Did you ever hear of me?〃
  Falcon wore a strange look。  〃I almost think I have。  Down at
  Gravesend; or somewhere。〃
  〃That is curious。  Yes; I married my Rosa there; poor thing!  God
  bless her; God comfort her。  She thinks me dead。〃
  His voice trembled; he grasped Falcon's cold hand till the latter
  winced again; and so they parted; and Falcon rode off muttering;
  〃Dr。 Staines! so then YOU are Dr。 Staines。〃
  Rosa Staines had youth on her side; and it is an old saying that
  youth will not be denied。  Youth struggled with death for her; and
  won the battle。
  But she came out of that terrible fight weak as a child。  The sweet
  pale face; the widow's cap; the suit of deep blackit was long ere
  these came down from the sickroom。  And when they did; oh; the dead
  blank!  The weary; listless life!  The days spent in sighs; and
  tears; and desolation。  Solitude! solitude!  Her husband was gone;
  and a strange woman played the mother to her child before her eyes。
  Uncle Philip was devotedly kind to her; and so was her father; but
  they could do nothing for her。
  Months rolled on; and skinned the wound over。  Months could not
  heal。  Her boy became dearer and dearer; and it was from him came
  the first real drops of comfort; however feeble。
  She used to read her lost one's diary every day; and worship; in
  deep sorrow; the mind she had scarcely respected until it was too
  late。  She searched in his diary to find his will; and often she
  mourned that he had written on it so few things she could obey。
  Her desire to obey the dead; whom; living; she had often disobeyed;
  was really simple and touching。  She would mourn to her father that
  there were so few commands to her in his diary。  〃But;〃 said she;
  〃memory brings me back his will in many things; and to obey is now
  the only sad comfort I have。〃
  It was in this spirit she now forced herself to keep accounts。  No
  fear of her wearing stays now; no powder; no trimmings; no waste。
  After the usual delay; her father told her she should instruct a
  solicitor to apply to the insurance company for the six thousand
  pounds。  She refused with a burst of agony。  〃The price of his
  life;〃 she screamed。  〃Never!  I'd live on bread and water sooner
  than touch that vile money。〃
  Her father remonstrated gently。  But she was immovable。  〃No。  It
  would be like consenting to his death。〃
  Then Uncle Philip was sent for。
  He set her child on her knee; and gave her a pen。  〃Come;〃 said he;
  sternly; 〃be a woman; and do your duty to little Christie。〃
  She kissed the boy; cried; and did her duty meekly。  But when the
  money was brought her; she flew to Uncle Philip; and said; 〃There!
  there!〃 and threw it all before him; and cried as if her heart
  would break。  He waited patiently; and asked her what he was to do
  with all that: invest it?
  〃Yes; yes; for my little Christie。〃
  〃And pay you the interest quarterly。〃
  〃Oh; no; no。  Dribble us out a little as we want it。  That is the
  way to be truly kind to a simpleton。  I hate that word。〃
  〃And suppose I run off with it?  Such confiding geese as you
  corrupt a man。〃
  〃I shall never corrupt you。  Crusty people are the soul of honor。〃
  〃Crusty people!〃 cried Philip; affecting amazement。  〃What are
  She bit her lip and colored a little; but answered adroitly; 〃They
  are people that pretend not to have good hearts; but have the best
  in the world; far better ones than your smooth ones: that's crusty
  〃Very well;〃 said Philip; 〃and I'll tell you what simpletons are。
  They are little transparent…looking creatures that look shallow;
  but are as deep as Old Nick; and make you love them in spite of
  your judgment。  They are the most artful of their sex; for they
  always achieve its great object; to be lovedthe very thing that
  clever women sometimes fail in。〃
  〃Well; and if we are not to be loved; why live at allsuch useless
  things as I am?〃 said Rosa simply。
  So Philip took charge of her money; and agreed to help her save
  money for her little Christopher。  Poverty should never destroy
  him; as it had his father。
  As months rolled on; she crept out into public a little; but always
  on foot; and a very little way from home。
  Youth and sober life gradually restored her strength; but not her
  color; nor her buoyancy。
  Yet she was perhaps more beautiful than ever; for a holy sorrow
  chastened and sublimed her featu