第 11 节
作者:辩论      更新:2021-11-05 20:32      字数:7074
  Carry in the corner〃to be taken at once。〃
  〃Then Mrs。 Tretherick has given her permission?〃
  〃Not much; if I know the sentiments of that lady;〃 replied Kate
  〃Then how did you get away?〃 asked Prince gravely。
  When Mr。 Prince had left Carry in the arms of her stepmother; he
  returned to the parlor。
  〃Well?〃 demanded Kate。
  〃She will stayYOU will; I hope; alsotonight。〃
  〃As I shall not be eighteen; and my own mistress on the twentieth;
  and as I haven't a sick stepmother; I won't。〃
  〃Then you will give me the pleasure of seeing you safely through
  the window again?〃
  When Mr。 Prince returned an hour later; he found Carry sitting on a
  low stool at Mrs。 Starbottle's feet。  Her head was in her
  stepmother's lap; and she had sobbed herself to sleep。  Mrs。
  Starbottle put her finger to her lip。  〃I told you she would come。
  God bless you; Jack! and good night。〃
  The next morning Mrs。 Tretherick; indignant; the Rev。 Asa Crammer;
  principal; injured; and Mr。 Joel Robinson; Sr。; complacently
  respectable; called upon Mr。 Prince。  There was a stormy meeting;
  ending in a demand for Carry。  〃We certainly cannot admit of this
  interference;〃 said Mrs。 Tretherick; a fashionably dressed;
  indistinctive…looking woman。  〃It is several days before the
  expiration of our agreement; and we do not feel; under the
  circumstances; justified in releasing Mrs。 Starbottle from its
  conditions。〃  〃Until the expiration of the school term; we must
  consider Miss Tretherick as complying entirely with its rules and
  discipline;〃 imposed Dr。 Crammer。  〃The whole proceeding is
  calculated to injure the prospects; and compromise the position; of
  Miss Tretherick in society;〃 suggested Mr。 Robinson。
  In vain Mr。 Prince urged the failing condition of Mrs。 Starbottle;
  her absolute freedom from complicity with Carry's flight; the
  pardonable and natural instincts of the girl; and his own assurance
  that they were willing to abide by her decision。  And then; with a
  rising color in his cheek; a dangerous look in his eye; but a
  singular calmness in his speech; he added:
  〃One word more。  It becomes my duty to inform you of a circumstance
  which would certainly justify me; as an executor of the late Mr。
  Tretherick; in fully resisting your demands。  A few months after
  Mr。 Tretherick's death; through the agency of a Chinaman in his
  employment; it was discovered that he had made a will; which was
  subsequently found among his papers。  The insignificant value of
  his bequestmostly land; then quite valuelessprevented his
  executors from carrying out his wishes; or from even proving the
  will; or making it otherwise publicly known; until within the last
  two or three years; when the property had enormously increased in
  value。  The provisions of that bequest are simple; but
  unmistakable。  The property is divided between Carry and her
  stepmother; with the explicit condition that Mrs。 Starbottle shall
  become her legal guardian; provide for her education; and in all
  details stand to her IN LOCO PARENTIS。〃
  〃What is the value of this bequest?〃 asked Mr。 Robinson。  〃I cannot
  tell exactly; but not far from half a million; I should say;〃
  returned Prince。  〃Certainly; with this knowledge; as a friend of
  Miss Tretherick I must say that her conduct is as judicious as it
  is honorable to her;〃 responded Mr。 Robinson。  〃I shall not presume
  to question the wishes; or throw any obstacles in the way of
  carrying out the intentions; of my dead husband;〃 added Mrs。
  Tretherick; and the interview was closed。
  When its result was made known to Mrs。 Starbottle; she raised
  Jack's hand to her feverish lips。  〃It cannot add to MY happiness
  now; Jack; but tell me; why did you keep it from her?〃  Jack
  smiled; but did not reply。
  Within the next week the necessary legal formalities were
  concluded; and Carry was restored to her stepmother。  At Mrs。
  Starbottle's request; a small house in the outskirts of the town
  was procured; and thither they removed to wait the spring; and Mrs。
  Starbottle's convalescence。  Both came tardily that year。
  Yet she was happy and patient。  She was fond of watching the
  budding of the trees beyond her windowa novel sight to her
  Californian experienceand of asking Carry their names and
  seasons。  Even at this time she projected for that summer; which
  seemed to her so mysteriously withheld; long walks with Carry
  through the leafy woods; whose gray; misty ranks she could see
  along the hilltop。  She even thought she could write poetry about
  them; and recalled the fact as evidence of her gaining strength;
  and there is; I believe; still treasured by one of the members of
  this little household a little carol so joyous; so simple; and so
  innocent that it might have been an echo of the robin that called
  to her from the window; as perhaps it was。
  And then; without warning; there dropped from Heaven a day so
  tender; so mystically soft; so dreamily beautiful; so throbbing and
  alive with the fluttering of invisible wings; so replete and
  bounteously overflowing with an awakening and joyous resurrection
  not taught by man or limited by creed; that they thought it fit to
  bring her out and lay her in that glorious sunshine that sprinkled
  like the droppings of a bridal torch the happy lintels and doors。
  And there she lay beatified and calm。
  Wearied by watching; Carry had fallen asleep by her side; and Mrs。
  Starbottle's thin fingers lay like a benediction on her head。
  Presently she called Jack to her side。
  〃Who was that;〃 she whispered; 〃who just came in?〃
  〃Miss Van Corlear;〃 said Jack; answering the look in her great
  hollow eyes。
  〃Jack;〃 she said; after a moment's silence; 〃sit by me a moment;
  dear Jack: I've something I must say。  If I ever seemed hard; or
  cold; or coquettish to you in the old days; it was because I loved
  you; Jack; too well to mar your future by linking it with my own。
  I always loved you; dear Jack; even when I seemed least worthy of
  you。  That is gone now。  But I had a dream lately; Jack; a foolish
  woman's dreamthat you might find what I lacked in HER;〃 and she
  glanced lovingly at the sleeping girl at her side; 〃that you might
  love her as you have loved me。  But even that is not to be; Jack;
  is it?〃 and she glanced wistfully in his face。  Jack pressed her
  hand; but did not speak。  After a few moments' silence; she again
  said: 〃Perhaps you are right in your choice。  She is a goodhearted
  girl; Jackbut a little bold。〃
  And with this last flicker of foolish; weak humanity in her
  struggling spirit; she spoke no more。  When they came to her a
  moment later; a tiny bird that had lit upon her breast flew away;
  and the hand that they lifted from Carry's head fell lifeless at
  her side。