第 39 节
作者:铲除不公      更新:2021-10-21 08:52      字数:9322
  Wherever the French have lately appeared they have spared neither
  Rich nor Poor; Old nor Young; but like a Destructive Pestilence have
  laid waste and destroyed every Thing that before was fair and
  On this occasion no man's service is compelled; but you are invited
  voluntarily to come forward in defence of everything that is dear to
  you; by entering your Names on the Lists which are sent to the
  Tything…man of every Parish; and engaging to act either as
  As Associated Volunteers you will be called out only once a week;
  unless the actual Landing of the Enemy should render your further
  Services necessary。
  As Pioneers or Labourers you will be employed in Breaking up Roads
  to hinder the Enemy's advance。
  Those who have Pickaxes; Spades; Shovels; Bill…hooks; or other
  Working Implements; are desired to mention them to the Constable or
  Tything…man of their Parish; in order that they may be entered on
  the Lists opposite their Homes; to be used if necessary。 。 。 。
  It is thought desirable to give you this Explanation; that you may
  not be ignorant of the Duties to which you may be called。  But if
  the love of true Liberty and honest Fame has not ceased to animate
  the Hearts of Englishmen; Pay; though necessary; will be the least
  Part of your Reward。  You will find your best Recompense in having
  done your Duty to your King and Country by driving back or
  destroying your old and implacable Enemy; envious of your Freedom
  and Happiness; and therefore seeking to destroy them; in having
  protected your Wives and Children from Death; or worse than Death;
  which will follow the Success of such Inveterate Foes。
  ROUSE; therefore; and unite as one man in the best of Causes!
  United we may defy the World to conquer us; but Victory will never
  belong to those who are slothful and unprepared。 *
  * Vide Preface。
  'I must go and join at once!' said Bob。
  Anne turned to him; all the playfulness gone from her face。  'I wish
  we lived in the north of England; Bob; so as to be further away from
  where he'll land!' she murmured uneasily。
  'Where we are would be Paradise to me; if you would only make it
  'It is not right to talk so lightly at such a serious time;' she
  thoughtfully returned; going on towards the church。
  On drawing near; they saw through the boughs of a clump of
  intervening trees; still leafless; but bursting into buds of amber
  hue; a glittering which seemed to be reflected from points of steel。
  In a few moments they heard above the tender chiming of the church
  bells the loud voice of a man giving words of command; at which all
  the metallic points suddenly shifted like the bristles of a
  porcupine; and glistened anew。
  ''Tis the drilling;' said Loveday。  'They drill now between the
  services; you know; because they can't get the men together so
  readily in the week。  It makes me feel that I ought to be doing more
  than I am!'
  When they had passed round the belt of trees; the company of
  recruits became visible; consisting of the able…bodied inhabitants
  of the hamlets thereabout; more or less known to Bob and Anne。  They
  were assembled on the green plot outside the churchyard…gate;
  dressed in their common clothes; and the sergeant who had been
  putting them through their drill was the man who nailed up the
  proclamation。  He was now engaged in untying a canvas money…bag;
  from which he drew forth a handful of shillings; giving one to each
  man in payment for his attendance。
  'Men; I dismissed ye too soonparade; parade again; I say;' he
  cried。  'My watch is fast; I find。  There's another twenty minutes
  afore the worship of God commences。  Now all of you that ha'n't got
  firelocks; fall in at the lower end。  Eyes right and dress!'
  As every man was anxious to see how the rest stood; those at the end
  of the line pressed forward for that purpose; till the line assumed
  the form of a bow。
  'Look at ye now!  Why; you are all a crooking in!  Dress; dress!'
  They dressed forthwith; but impelled by the same motive they soon
  resumed their former figure; and so they were despairingly permitted
  to remain。
  'Now; I hope you'll have a little patience;' said the sergeant; as
  he stood in the centre of the arc; 'and pay strict attention to the
  word of command; just exactly as I give it out to ye; and if I
  should go wrong; I shall be much obliged to any friend who'll put me
  right again; for I have only been in the army three weeks myself;
  and we are all liable to mistakes。'
  'So we be; so we be;' said the line heartily。
  ''Tention; the whole; then。  Poise fawlocks!  Very well done!'
  'Please; what must we do that haven't got no firelocks!' said the
  lower end of the line in a helpless voice。
  'Now; was ever such a question!  Why; you must do nothing at all;
  but think HOW you'd poise 'em IF you had 'em。  You middle men; that
  are armed with hurdle…sticks and cabbage…stumps just to
  make…believe; must of course use 'em as if they were the real thing。
  Now then; cock fawlocks!  Present!  Fire! (Pretend to; I mean; and
  the same time throw yer imagination into the field o' battle。)  Very
  goodvery good indeed; except that some of you were a LITTLE too
  soon; and the rest a LITTLE too late。'
  'Please; sergeant; can I fall out; as I am master…player in the
  choir; and my bass…viol strings won't stand at this time o' year;
  unless they be screwed up a little before the passon comes in?'
  'How can you think of such trifles as churchgoing at such a time as
  this; when your own native country is on the point of invasion?'
  said the sergeant sternly。  'And; as you know; the drill ends three
  minutes afore church begins; and that's the law; and it wants a
  quarter of an hour yet。  Now; at the word PRIME; shake the powder
  (supposing you've got it) into the priming…pan; three last fingers
  behind the rammer; then shut your pans; drawing your right arm
  nimble…like towards your body。  I ought to have told ye before this;
  that at HAND YOUR KATRIDGE; seize it and bring it with a quick
  motion to your mouth; bite the top well off; and don't swaller so
  much of the powder as to make ye hawk and spet instead of attending
  to your drill。  What's that man a…saying of in the rear rank?'
  'Please; sir; 'tis Anthony Cripplestraw; wanting to know how he's to
  bite off his katridge; when he haven't a tooth left in 's head?'
  'Man!  Why; what's your genius for war?  Hold it up to your
  right…hand man's mouth; to be sure; and let him nip it off for ye。
  Well; what have you to say; Private Tremlett?  Don't ye understand
  'Ask yer pardon; sergeant; but what must we infantry of the awkward
  squad do if Boney comes afore we get our firelocks?'
  'Take a pike; like the rest of the incapables。  You'll find a store
  of them ready in the corner of the church tower。  Now then
  'There; they be tinging in the passon!' exclaimed David; Miller
  Loveday's man; who also formed one of the company; as the bells
  changed from chiming all three together to a quick beating of one。
  The whole line drew a breath of relief; threw down their arms; and
  began running off。
  'Well; then; I must dismiss ye;' said the sergeant。  'Come back
  come back!  Next drill is Tuesday afternoon at four。  And; mind; if
  your masters won't let ye leave work soon enough; tell me; and I'll
  write a line to Gover'ment!  'Tention!  To the rightleft wheel; I
  meanno; noright wheel。  Marrrrch!'
  Some wheeled to the right and some to the left; and some obliging
  men; including Cripplestraw; tried to wheel both ways。
  'Stop; stop; try again!  'Cruits and comrades; unfortunately when
  I'm in a hurry I can never remember my right hand from my left; and
  never could as a boy。  You must excuse me; please。  Practice makes
  perfect; as the saying is; and; much as I've learnt since I 'listed;
  we always find something new。  Now then; right wheel! march! halt!
  Stand at ease! dismiss!  I think that's the order o't; but I'll look
  in the Gover'ment book afore Tuesday。' *
  * Vide Preface
  Many of the company who had been drilled preferred to go off and
  spend their shillings instead of entering the church; but Anne and
  Captain Bob passed in。  Even the interior of the sacred edifice was
  affected by the agitation of the times。  The religion of the country
  had; in fact; changed from love of God to hatred of Napoleon
  Buonaparte; and; as if to remind the devout of this alteration; the
  pikes for the pikemen (all those accepted men who were not otherwise
  armed) were kept in the church of each parish。  There; against the
  wall; they always stooda whole sheaf of them; formed of new ash
  stems; with a spike driven in at one end; the stick being preserved
  from splitting by a ferule。  And there they remained; year after
  year; in the corner of the aisle; till they were removed and placed
  under the gallery stairs; and thence ultimately to the belfry; where
  they grew black; rusty; and worm…eaten; and were gradually stolen
  and carried off by sextons; parish clerks; whitewashers;
  window…menders; and other church servants for use at home as
  rake…stems; benefit…club staves; and pick…handles; in which degraded