第 116 节
作者:不受约束      更新:2021-05-04 17:23      字数:9137
  so good as to invite me; until his daughter and his son…in…law came
  back; I inquired how little Emily was?
  ‘Well; sir;’ said Mr。 Omer; removing his pipe; that he might rub
  his chin: ‘I tell you truly; I shall be glad when her marriage has
  taken place。’
  ‘Why so?’ I inquired。
  ‘Well; she’s unsettled at present;’ said Mr。 Omer。 ‘It ain’t that
  she’s not as pretty as ever; for she’s prettier—I do assure you; she
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  is prettier。 It ain’t that she don’t work as well as ever; for she does。
  She was worth any six; and she is worth any six。 But somehow she
  wants heart。 If you understand;’ said Mr。 Omer; after rubbing his
  chin again; and smoking a little; ‘what I mean in a general way by
  the expression; “A long pull; and a strong pull; and a pull
  altogether; my hearties; hurrah!” I should say to you; that that
  was—in a general way—what I miss in Em’ly。’
  Mr。 Omer’s face and manner went for so much; that I could
  conscientiously nod my head; as divining his meaning。 My
  quickness of apprehension seemed to please him; and he went on:
  ‘Now I consider this is principally on account of her being in an
  unsettled state; you see。 We have talked it over a good deal; her
  uncle and myself; and her sweetheart and myself; after business;
  and I consider it is principally on account of her being unsettled。
  You must always recollect of Em’ly;’ said Mr。 Omer; shaking his
  head gently; ‘that she’s a most extraordinary affectionate little
  thing。 The proverb says; “You can’t make a silk purse out of a
  sow’s ear。” Well; I don’t know about that。 I rather think you may; if
  you begin early in life。 She has made a home out of that old boat;
  sir; that stone and marble couldn’t beat。’
  ‘I am sure she has!’ said I。
  ‘To see the clinging of that pretty little thing to her uncle;’ said
  Mr。 Omer; ‘to see the way she holds on to him; tighter and tighter;
  and closer and closer; every day; is to see a sight。 Now; you know;
  there’s a struggle going on when that’s the case。 Why should it be
  made a longer one than is needful?’
  I listened attentively to the good old fellow; and acquiesced;
  with all my heart; in what he said。
  ‘Therefore; I mentioned to them;’ said Mr。 Omer; in a
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  comfortable; easy…going tone; ‘this。 I said; “Now; don’t consider
  Em’ly nailed down in point of time; at all。 Make it your own time。
  Her services have been more valuable than was supposed; her
  learning has been quicker than was supposed; Omer and Joram
  can run their pen through what remains; and she’s free when you
  wish。 If she likes to make any little arrangement; afterwards; in the
  way of doing any little thing for us at home; very well。 If she don’t;
  very well still。 We’re no losers; anyhow。” For—don’t you see;’ said
  Mr。 Omer; touching me with his pipe; ‘it ain’t likely that a man so
  short of breath as myself; and a grandfather too; would go and
  strain points with a little bit of a blue…eyed blossom; like her?’
  ‘Not at all; I am certain;’ said I。
  ‘Not at all! You’re right!’ said Mr。 Omer。 ‘Well; sir; her cousin—
  you know it’s a cousin she’s going to be married to?’
  ‘Oh yes;’ I replied。 ‘I know him well。’
  ‘Of course you do;’ said Mr。 Omer。 ‘Well; sir! Her cousin being;
  as it appears; in good work; and well to do; thanked me in a very
  manly sort of manner for this (conducting himself altogether; I
  must say; in a way that gives me a high opinion of him); and went
  and took as comfortable a little house as you or I could wish to
  clap eyes on。 That little house is now furnished right through; as
  neat and complete as a doll’s parlour; and but for Barkis’s illness
  having taken this bad turn; poor fellow; they would have been man
  and wife—I dare say; by this time。 As it is; there’s a
  ‘And Emily; Mr。 Omer?’ I inquired。 ‘Has she become more
  ‘Why that; you know;’ he returned; rubbing his double chin
  again; ‘can’t naturally be expected。 The prospect of the change
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  and separation; and all that; is; as one may say; close to her and far
  away from her; both at once。 Barkis’s death needn’t put it off
  much; but his lingering might。 Anyway; it’s an uncertain state of
  matters; you see。’
  ‘I see;’ said I。
  ‘Consequently;’ pursued Mr。 Omer; ‘Em’ly’s still a little down;
  and a little fluttered; perhaps; upon the whole; she’s more so than
  she was。 Every day she seems to get fonder and fonder of her
  uncle; and more loth to part from all of us。 A kind word from me
  brings the tears into her eyes; and if you was to see her with my
  daughter Minnie’s little girl; you’d never forget it。 Bless my heart
  alive!’ said Mr。 Omer; pondering; ‘how she loves that child!’
  Having so favourable an opportunity; it occurred to me to ask
  Mr。 Omer; before our conversation should be interrupted by the
  return of his daughter and her husband; whether he knew
  anything of Martha。
  ‘Ah!’ he rejoined; shaking his head; and looking very much
  dejected。 ‘No good。 A sad story; sir; however you come to know it。 I
  never thought there was harm in the girl。 I wouldn’t wish to
  mention it before my daughter Minnie—for she’d take me up
  directly—but I never did。 None of us ever did。’
  Mr。 Omer; hearing his daughter’s footstep before I heard it;
  touched me with his pipe; and shut up one eye; as a caution。 She
  and her husband came in immediately afterwards。
  Their report was; that Mr。 Barkis was ‘as bad as bad could be’;
  that he was quite unconscious; and that Mr。 Chillip had
  mournfully said in the kitchen; on going away just now; that the
  College of Physicians; the College of Surgeons; and Apothecaries’
  Hall; if they were all called in together; couldn’t help him。 He was
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  past both Colleges; Mr。 Chillip said; and the Hall could only poison
  Hearing this; and learning that Mr。 Peggotty was there; I
  determined to go to the house at once。 I bade good night to Mr。
  Omer; and to Mr。 and Mrs。 Joram; and directed my steps thither;
  with a solemn feeling; which made Mr。 Barkis quite a new and
  different creature。
  My low tap at the door was answered by Mr。 Peggotty。 He was
  not so much surprised to see me as I had expected。 I remarked
  this in Peggotty; too; when she came down; and I have seen it
  since; and I think; in the expectation of that dread surprise; all
  other changes and surprises dwindle into nothing。
  I shook hands with Mr。 Peggotty; and passed into the kitchen;
  while he softly closed the door。 Little Emily was sitting by the fire;
  with her hands before her face。 Ham was standing near her。
  We spoke in whispers; listening; between whiles; for any sound
  in the room above。 I had not thought of it on the occasion of my
  last visit; but how strange it was to me; now; to miss Mr。 Barkis out
  of the kitchen!
  ‘This is very kind of you; Mas’r Davy;’ said Mr。 Peggotty。
  ‘It’s oncommon kind;’ said Ham。
  ‘Em’ly; my dear;’ cried Mr。 Peggotty。 ‘See here! Here’s Mas’r
  Davy come! What; cheer up; pretty! Not a wured to Mas’r Davy?’
  There was a trembling upon her; that I can see now。 The
  coldness of her hand when I touched it; I can feel yet。 Its only sign
  of animation was to shrink from mine; and then she glided from
  the chair; and creeping to the other side of her uncle; bowed
  herself; silently and trembling still; upon his breast。
  ‘It’s such a loving art;’ said Mr。 Peggotty; smoothing her rich
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  hair with his great hard hand; ‘that it can’t abear the sorrer of this。
  It’s nat’ral in young folk; Mas’r Davy; when they’re new to these
  here trials; and timid; like my little bird;—it’s nat’ral。’
  She clung the closer to him; but neither lifted up her face; nor
  spoke a word。
  ‘It’s getting late; my dear;’ said Mr。 Peggotty; ‘and here’s Ham
  come fur to take you home。 Theer! Go along with t’other loving
  art! What’ Em’ly? Eh; my pretty?’
  The sound of her voice had not reached me; but he bent his
  head as if he listened to her; and then said:
  ‘Let you stay with your uncle? Why; you doen’t mean to ask me
  that! Stay with your uncle; Moppet? When your husband that’ll be
  so soon; is here fur to take you home? Now a person wouldn’t
  think it; fur to see this little thing alongside a rough…weather chap
  like me;’ said Mr。 Peggotty; looking round at both of us; with
  infinite pride; ‘but the sea ain’t more salt in it than she has
  fondness in her for her uncle—a foolish little Em’ly!’
  ‘Em’ly’s in the right in that; Mas’r Davy!’ said Ham。 ‘Lookee
  here! As Em’ly wishes of it; and as she’s hurried and frightened;
  like; besides; I’ll leave her till morning。 Let me stay too!’
  ‘No; no;’ said Mr。 Peggotty。 ‘You doen’t ought—a married man
  like you—or what’s as good—