第 6 节
作者:雨霖铃      更新:2021-05-03 16:33      字数:9322
  uncertain。 There is little opportunity to follow it to the net。
  The 〃cannon…ball〃 service is nothing but a slice as regards swing and
  stance; but it is hit with a flat racquet face; thus imparting no spin to the
  ball。 It is a case of speed alone。 This service is a point winner when it goes
  in; but its average must necessarily be poor since its margin of error is so
  small。 It is only useful to a tall man。
  Varied pace and varied speed is the keynote to a good service。 I spent
  hours in serving alone; striving to disguise the twist and pace of the ball。 I
  would take a box of a dozen balls out on the court and serve the whole
  dozen to No。 1 court with one style of delivery。 Then; crossing; I would
  serve them  back   with another type   of service。  Next;  I would   try  the left
  court   from   both   sides。   My   next   move   would   be   to   pick   out   a   certain
  section of the   service   court;   and   serve   for that until   I   could   put the   ball
  where I wanted it。 Finally; I would strive to put it there with speed。
  … Page 23…
  All the time spent in this practice has stood me in good stead; for to…
  day  it   is   my  service   that   pulls   me   out   of   many   a   deep   hole;   and   causes
  many a player to wish he was delivering the ball。 William M。 Johnston; the
  American   Champion;   has   a   remarkable   service   for   so   short   a   man。   He
  times his stroke perfectly; and hits it at the top of his reach; so that he gets
  the full benefit of every inch of his stature and every pound of his weight。
  He uses the slice delivery in the majority of matches。
  Do not try freak services。 They are useless against high…class players。
  Sharp   breaking   underhand   cuts   can   be   easily   angled   off   for   points   by   a
  man      who    knows      anything     of   the   angles    and    effects   of   twist。   These
  deliveries are affectation if used more than once or twice in a long match。
  A sudden shift may surprise your opponent; but to continue to serve these
  freaks is to destroy their use。
  Mishu;   the   Rumanian   star;   has   many   very   peculiar   deliveries;   but;
  when   playing   against   high…class   tennis;   he   has   brains   enough   to   use   a
  straight   service。   The   freak   services   delight   and   yet   annoy   a   gallery;   for
  once the novelty has worn off; nothing but the conceit remains。
  The     object    of   service    is  to  obtain    the   maximum        return    with    the
  minimum   effort。   This   statement   holds   true   for   all   tennis   strokes;   but   in
  none so strongly as in service。
  The   average   player   hits;   his   first   service   so   hard;   and   with   so   little
  regard for   direction; that   about nine out of ten first   deliveries are   faults。
  Thus; one half your chances are thrown away; and the chance of double
  faulting increased proportionately。
  There   is   a   well…known   tennis   saying   to   the   effect   that   one   fault   is   a
  mistake;   but   two   faults   are   a   crimethat   sums   up   the   idea   of   service
  adequately。 A player should always strive to put his first delivery in court。
  In   the   first   place   it   is   apt   to   catch   your   opponent   napping;   as   he   half
  expects a fault。 Secondly; it conserves your energy by removing the need
  of a second delivery; which; in a long five…set match; is an item of such
  importance that it may mean victory or defeat。
  I urge all players to put their service into court with just as much speed
  as they can be sure of; but to serve both deliveries at about the same speed。
  Do   not   slog   the   first   ball   and   pat   the   second;   but   hit   both   with   average
  … Page 24…
  Try for service aces whenever reasonable; but never do so at the risk of
  double faulting。 The first ball is the ball to ace。 The second should never
  be risked。 Your aces must at least equal your double faults; or your service
  is a handicap and not an advantage。
  The   importance   of   service   in   doubles   is   more   pronounced   than   in
  singles as regards holding it; but the need for individual brilliancy is not so
  great; as you have a partner already at the net to kill off any weak returns。
  Service is an attack; and a successful attack should never break down。
  … Page 25…
  The net attack is the heavy artillery of tennis。 It is supposed to crush
  all defence。 As such it must be regarded as a point…winning stroke at all
  times; no matter whether the shot is volley or smash。
  Once at the net hit from the point at the first opportunity given to get
  the racquet squarely on the ball。 All the laws of footwork explained for the
  drive are theoretically the same in volleying。 In practice you seldom have
  time   to   change   your   feet   to   a   set   position;   so   you   obviate   trouble   by
  throwing the weight on the foot nearest to the ball and pushing it in the
  Volleys are   of   two   classes:   (1)   the low volley;   made   from  below   the
  waist;     and   (2)   the   high    volley;    from    the   waist    to  the   head。    In
  contradistinction      to  the   hitting   plane   classification    are  the   two   styles
  known as (1) the deep volley and (2) the stop volley。
  All low volleys are blocked。 High volleys may be either blocked or hit。
  Volleys   should   never   be   stroked。   There   is   no   follow   through   on   a   low
  volley and very little on a high one。
  You will hear much talk of 〃chop〃 volleys。 A chop stroke is one where
  the   racquet   travels   from   above   the   line   of   flight   of   the   ball;   down   and
  through     it;   and  the  angle   made   behind   the    racquet   is   greater   than  45
  degrees; and many approach 90 degrees。 Therefore I say that no volleys
  should be chopped; for the tendency is to pop the ball up in the air off any
  chop。 Slice volleys if you want to; or hit them flat; for both these shots are
  made at a very small angle to the flight…line of the ball; the racquet face
  travelling almost along its plane。
  In all volleys; high or low; the wrist should be locked and absolutely
  stiff。 It should always be below the racquet head; thus bracing the racquet
  against the impact of the ball。 Allow the force of the incoming shot; plus
  your own   weight; to   return the ball;  and   do not   strive to 〃wrist〃 it   over。
  The    tilted  racquet    face   will  give   any   required    angle   to  the  return   by
  glancing the ball off the strings; so no wrist turn is needed。
  … Page 26…
  Low volleys can never be hit hard; and owing to the height of the net
  should usually be sharply angled; to allow distance for the rise。 Any ball
  met at a higher plane than the top of the net may be hit hard。 The stroke
  should be crisp; snappy; and decisive; but it should stop as it meets the ball。
  The follow through should be very small。 Most low volleys should be soft
  and short。 Most high volleys require speed and length。
  The 〃stop〃 volley is nothing more than a shot blocked short。 There is
  no force used。 The racquet simply meets the oncoming ball and stops it。
  The   ball   rebounds   and   falls   of   its   own   weight。  There   is   little   bounce   to
  such   a   shot;   and   that   may   be   reduced   by   allowing   the   racquet   to   slide
  slightly under the ball at the moment of impact; thus imparting back spin
  to the ball。
  Volleying is a science based on the old geometric axiom that a straight
  line   is   the   shortest   distance   between   two   points。   I   mean   that   a   volleyer
  must   always   cover   the   straight   passing   shot   since   it   is   the   shortest   shot
  with which to pass him; and he must volley straight to his opening and not
  waste time trying freakish curving volleys that give the base… liner time to
  recover。     It  is  Johnston's    great   straight   volley   that  makes     him    such   a
  dangerous net man。 He is always 〃punching〃 his volley straight and hard
  to the opening in his opponent's court。
  A   net   player   must    have   ground     strokes   in  order    to  attain  the   net
  position。 Do not think that a service and volley will suffice against first…