第 29 节
作者:精灵王      更新:2021-04-30 17:23      字数:9312
  servant of the public; turned out          of his bed instantly and went in search;
  till he discovered;      hanging among what he judged to be the stems of ore…
  weed      (Laminaria); three or four large pieces of stale thornback; of most
  evil savour; and highly prejudicial to the purity of the sea; and               the health
  of   the   neighbouring      herrings。    Happy   Squinado!         He    needed      not  to
  discover   the   limits   of   his   authority;   to   consult   any lengthy   Nuisances'
  Removal Act; with its clauses; and counter… clauses; and explanations of
  interpretations;   and   interpretations       of   explanations。      Nature;   who     can
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  afford   to   be   arbitrary;   because    she   is   perfect;   and   to   give   her   servants
  irresponsible   powers;        because   she   has   trained   them   to   their   work;   had
  bestowed   on   him   and       on   his   forefathers;   as   general   health   inspectors;
  those    very    summary        powers     of  entrance     and   removal     in   the  watery
  realms      for     which       common        sense;    public     opinion;     and     private
  philanthropy       are    still   entreating    vainly    in   the  terrestrial    realms;    so
  finding a      hole; in he went;  and began   to remove   the  nuisance;  without
  〃waiting twenty…four hours;〃 〃laying an information;〃 〃serving a                      notice;〃
  or any other vain delay。           The evil was there; … and there             it should not
  stay; so having neither cart nor barrow; he just                began putting it into his
  stomach; and in the meanwhile set his                assistants to work likewise。          For
  suppose not; gentle reader; that            Squinado went alone; in his train were
  more than a hundred thousand               as good as he; each in his office; and as
  cheaply  paid;   who   needed         no   cumbrous baggage   train   of   force…pumps;
  hose;   chloride   of   lime     packets;   whitewash;   pails   or   brushes;   but   were
  every man his own           instrument; and; to save expense of transit; just grew
  on     Squinado's   back。       Do   you   doubt   the   assertion?      Then   lift   him   up
  hither; and putting him gently into that shallow jar of salt water;                    look at
  him     through    the   hand…magnifier;       and   see   how    Nature     is  maxima       in
  There     he   sits;  twiddling     his   feelers    (a  substitute;    it  seems;    with
  crustacea for biting their nails when they are puzzled); and by no                      means
  lovely to look on in vulgar eyes; … about the  bigness of a                     man's fist;   a
  round…bodied;        spindle…shanked;        crusty;   prickly;    dirty    fellow;     with   a
  villanous   squint;   too;   in   those   little   bony   eyes;  which   never   look   for   a
  moment   both   the   same   way。        Never   mind:      many       a   man   of   genius   is
  ungainly  enough;   and   Nature;  if   you   will        observe;   as   if   to   make   up   to
  him for his uncomeliness; has arrayed                him as Solomon in all his glory
  never was arrayed; and so fulfilled             one of the proposals of old Fourier …
  that    scavengers;      chimney…      sweeps;     and    other    workers     in   disgusting
  employments; should be             rewarded for their self…sacrifice in behalf of the
  public   weal   by     some   peculiar   badge   of   honour;   or   laurel   crown。       Not
  that   his   crown;   like   those   of   the   old   Greek   games;   is   a   mere   useless
  badge;      on   the   contrary;   his   robe   of   state   is   composed   of   his   fellow…
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  servants。       His    whole     back    is  covered      with   a   little  grey    forest   of
  branching hairs; fine as a spider's web; each branchlet carrying                      its little
  pearly ringed club; each club its rose…coloured polype;                  like (to quote Mr。
  Gosse's comparison) the unexpanded birds of the                   acacia。 (28)
  On that leg grows; amid another copse of the grey polypes; a                     delicate
  straw…coloured Sertularia; branch on branch of tiny double                      combs; each
  tooth of the comb being a tube containing a living                 flower; on another leg
  another   Sertularia;   coarser;   but   still     beautiful;   and   round   it   again   has
  trained   itself;   parasitic   on   the   parasite;   plant   upon   plant   of   glass   ivy;
  bearing crystal bells;        (29) each of which; too; protrudes its living flower;
  on   another     leg   is   a   fresh   species;   like   a   little   heather…bush   of   whitest
  ivory;  (30)   and   every  needle   leaf   a polype   cell   …   let   us   stop before   the
  imagination   grows   dizzy   with   the   contemplation   of   those            myriads   of
  beautiful   atomies。       And   what   is   their   use?    Each   living     flower;   each
  polype     mouth     is  feeding    fast;  sweeping      into   itself;  by   the    perpetual
  currents caused by the delicate fringes upon its rays                (so minute these last;
  that    their  motion     only   betrays    their    presence);      each   tiniest   atom    of
  decaying       matter    in  the   surrounding       water;     to   convert    it;  by   some
  wondrous alchemy; into fresh cells              and buds; and either build up a fresh
  branch in their thousand… tenanted tree; or form an egg…cell; from whence
  when ripe may         issue; not a fixed zoophyte; but a free swimming animal。
  And   in   the   meanwhile;   among   this   animal   forest   grows   a   vegetable
  one of delicatest sea…weeds; green and brown and crimson; whose                         office
  is;   by   their  everlasting   breath;   to    reoxygenate   the   impure        water;    and
  render it fit once more to be breathed by the higher                animals who swim or
  creep around。
  Mystery   of   mysteries!       Let   us   jest   no   more;   …   Heaven   forgive   us   if
  we have jested too much on so simple a matter as that poor spider… crab;
  taken out of   the  lobster…pots;  and   left   to   die  at   the  bottom      of   the   boat;
  because his more aristocratic cousins of the blue and                  purple armour will
  not enter the trap while he is within。
  I am not aware whether the surmise; that these tiny zoophytes help                      to
  purify   the   water   by   exhaling   oxygen   gas;   has   yet   been   verified。        The
  infusorial animalcules do so; reversing the functions of animal                      life; and
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  instead of evolving carbonic acid gas; as other animals                 do; evolve pure
  oxygen。      So;   at   least;   says   Liebig;   who   states   that he   found   a   small
  piece of matchwood; just extinguished; burst out                 again into a flame on
  being immersed in the bubbles given out by               these living atomies。
  I   myself    should    be  inclined    to  doubt    that   this  is  the  case   with
  zoophytes; having found water in which they were growing (unless;                        of
  course; sea…weeds were present) to be peculiarly ready to become                      foul;
  but it is difficult to say whether this is owing to their            deoxygenating the
  water while alive; like other animals; or to the             fact that it is very rare to
  get a specimen of zoophyte in which a              large number of the polypes have
  not been killed in the transit        home; or at least so far knocked about; that
  (in the Anthozoa;       which are far the most abundant) the polype … or rather
  living    mouth; for it   is little more   … is   thrown off to   decay; pending   the
  growth of a fresh one in the same cell。
  But    all  the  sea…weeds;     in  common      with   other   vegetables;    perform
  this   function    continually;   and    thus  maintain    the   water   in  which     they
  grow in a state fit to support animal life。
  This   fact   …   first   advanced   by   Priestley   and   Ingenhousz;   and   though
  doubted      by    the   great   Ellis;   satisfactorily    ascertained     by   Professor
  Daubeny; Mr。 Ward; Dr。 Johnston; and Mr。 Warrington … gives an                     answer
  to the question; which I hope has ere now arisen in the