第 44 节
作者:插翅难飞      更新:2021-04-30 17:18      字数:9322
  yet his blood was within three inches of the hilt。              His horse galloped on
  and he kept his saddle for a hundred yards before he sank down with his
  face on the mane and then dived over the side of the neck on to the road。
  For my own part I was already at his horse's heels。                A few seconds had
  sufficed for all that I have told。
  I heard the cry of rage and vengeance which rose from the Prussians as
  they passed their dead comrade; and I could not but smile as I wondered
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  what they could think of the Emperor as a horseman and a swordsman。                        I
  glanced back cautiously as before; and I saw that none of the seven men
  stopped。     The fate of their comrade was nothing compared to the carrying
  out of their mission。
  They were as untiring and as remorseless as bloodhounds。
  But   I   had   a   good   lead   and   the   brave   Arab   was   still   going   well。 I
  thought that I was safe。        And yet it was at that very instant that the most
  terrible danger befell me。        The lane divided; and I took the smaller of the
  two divisions because it was the more grassy and the easier for the horse's
  hoofs。     Imagine my horror when; riding through a gate; I found myself in
  a square of stables and farm…buildings; with no way out save that by which
  I had come!       Ah; my friends; if my hair is snowy white; have I not had
  enough to make it so?
  To retreat was impossible。         I could hear the thunder of the Prussians'
  hoofs   in   the lane。   I   looked   round   me;  and   Nature   has   blessed   me   with
  that quick eye which is the first of gifts to any soldier; but most of all to a
  leader of cavalry。      Between a long; low line of stables and the farm…house
  there was a pig…sty。        Its front was made of bars of wood four feet high;
  the back was of stone; higher than the front。              What was beyond I could
  not tell。    The space between the front and the back was not more than a
  few   yards。    It   was   a   desperate   venture;   and   yet   I   must   take   it。 Every
  instant the beating of those hurrying hoofs was louder and louder。                    I put
  my Arab at the pig…sty。         She cleared the front beautifully and came down
  with her forefeet upon the sleeping pig within; slipping forward upon her
  knees。     I was thrown over the wall beyond; and fell upon my hands and
  face   in   a   soft   flower…bed。  My   horse   was   upon   one   side   of   the   wall;   I
  upon the other; and the Prussians were pouring into the yard。                   But I was
  up in an instant and had seized the bridle of the plunging horse over the
  top of the wall。      It was built of loose stones; and I dragged down a few of
  them to   make   a   gap。     As   I tugged   at the bridle   and   shouted the   gallant
  creature rose to the leap; and an instant afterward she was by my side and I
  with my foot on the stirrup。
  An   heroic   idea   had   entered   my   mind   as   I   mounted   into   the   saddle。
  These Prussians; if they came   over the pig… sty;  could only come one   at
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  once; and their attack would not be formidable when they had not had time
  to recover from such a leap。          Why should I not wait and kill them one by
  one  as they  came  over?         It   was   a glorious thought。      They  would   learn
  that   Etienne   Gerard   was   not   a   safe   man   to   hunt。 My   hand   felt   for   my
  sword; but you can imagine my feelings; my friends; when I came upon an
  empty scabbard。         It had been shaken out when the horse had tripped over
  that infernal pig。      On what absurd trifles do our destinies hanga pig on
  one side; Etienne Gerard on the other!              Could I spring over the wall and
  get the sword?        Impossible!      The Prussians were already in the yard。              I
  turned my Arab and resumed my flight。
  But for a moment it seemed to me that I was in a far worse trap than
  before。     I found myself in the garden of the farm…house; an orchard in the
  centre   and   flower…   beds   all   round。    A  high   wall   surrounded   the   whole
  place。    I   reflected;   however;   that   there   must   be   some   point   of   entrance;
  since   every   visitor   could   not   be   expected   to   spring   over   the   pig…sty。 I
  rode round the wall。        As I expected; I came upon a door with a key upon
  the   inner   side。   I   dismounted;   unlocked   it;   opened   it;   and   there   was   a
  Prussian Lancer sitting his horse within six feet of me。
  For a moment we each stared at the other。               Then I shut the door and
  locked it again。      A crash and a cry came from the other end of the garden。
  I   understood   that   one   of   my  enemies   had   come   to   grief   in   trying   to   get
  over   the   pig…sty。   How   could   I   ever   get   out   of   this   cul…de…sac? It   was
  evident     that  some     of  the  party   had    galloped    round;    while   some    had
  followed straight upon my tracks。             Had I my sword I might have beaten
  off the Lancer at the door; but to come out now was to be butchered。                    And
  yet if I waited some of them would certainly follow me on foot over the
  pig…sty; and what could I do then?            I must act at once or I was lost。         But
  it is at such moments that my wits are most active and my actions most
  prompt。      Still leading my horse; I ran for a hundred yards by the side of
  the   wall   away   from   the   spot   where   the   Lancer   was   watching。     There   I
  stopped;   and   with   an   effort   I   tumbled   down   several   of   the   loose   stones
  from the top of the wall。         The instant I had done so I hurried back to the
  door。    As I had expected; he thought I was making a gap for my escape at
  that point; and I heard the thud of his horse's hoofs as he galloped to cut
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  me off。      As I reached the gate I looked back; and I saw a green…coated
  horseman; whom  I   knew  to be   Count   Stein;  clear the pig…sty  and   gallop
  furiously with a shout of triumph across the garden。
  〃Surrender;   your   Majesty;   surrender!〃   he   yelled;   〃we   will   give   you
  quarter!〃     I   slipped   through   the   gate;   but   had   no   time   to   lock   it   on   the
  other side。     Stein was at my very heels; and the Lancer had already turned
  his horse。     Springing upon my Arab's back; I was off once more with a
  clear stretch of grass land before me。             Stein had to dismount to open the
  gate; to lead his horse through; and to mount again before he could follow。
  It was he that I feared rather than the Lancer; whose horse was coarse…
  bred and weary。        I galloped hard for a mile before I ventured to look back;
  and then Stein was a musket…shot from me; and the Lancer as much again;
  while   only   three   of   the   others   were   in   sight。 My   nine   Prussians   were
  coming down to more manageable numbers; and yet one was too much for
  an unarmed man。
  It had surprised me that during this long chase I had seen no fugitives
  from the army; but I reflected that I was considerably to the west of their
  line of flight; and that I must edge more toward the east if I wished to join
  them。     Unless   I   did   so   it   was   probable   that   my   pursuers;   even   if   they
  could   not   overtake   me   themselves;   would   keep   me   in   view   until   I   was
  headed   off   by   some   of   their   comrades   coming   from   the   north。         As   I
  looked   to   the   eastward   I   saw   afar   off   a   line   of   dust   which   stretched   for
  miles across the country。          This was certainly the main road along which
  our   unhappy   army   was   flying。       But   I   soon   had   proof   that   some   of   our
  stragglers had wandered into these side tracks; for I came suddenly upon a
  horse grazing at the corner of a field; and beside him; with his back against
  the bank; his master; a French Cuirassier; terribly wounded and evidently
  on the point of death。         I sprang down; seized his long; heavy sword; and
  rode on with it。       Never shall I forget the poor man's face as he looked at
  me with his failing sight。          He was an old; grey…moustached soldier; one
  of the real fanatics; and to him this last vision of his Emperor was like a
  revelation from on high。
  Astonishment;        love;   prideall   shone    in  his   pallid   face。   He     s