第 44 节
作者:向前      更新:2021-04-30 17:17      字数:9322
  machines and missiles。 They threw lighted brands on a projecting
  colonnade; and following the track of the fire would have burst
  through the half…burnt gates of the Capitol; had not Sabinus;
  tearing down on all sides the statues; the glories of former
  generations; formed them into a barricade across the opening。 They
  then assailed the opposite approaches to the Capitol; near the grove
  of the Asylum; and where the Tarpeian rock is mounted by a hundred
  steps。 Both these attacks were unexpected; the closer and fiercer of
  the two threatened the Asylum。 The assailants could not be checked
  as they mounted the continuous line of buildings; which; as was
  natural in a time of profound peace; had grown up to such a height
  as to be on a level with the soil of the Capitol。 A doubt arises at
  this point; whether it was the assailants who threw lighted brands
  on to the roofs; or whether; as the more general account has it; the
  besieged thus sought to repel the assailants; who were now making
  vigorous progress。 From them the fire passed to the colonnades
  adjoining the temples; the eagles supporting the pediment; which
  were of old timber; caught the flames。 And so the Capitol; with its
  gates shut; neither defended by friends; nor spoiled by a foe; was
  burnt to the ground。
  This was the most deplorable and disgraceful event that had happened
  to the Commonwealth of Rome since the foundation of the city; for now;
  assailed by no foreign enemy; with Heaven ready to be propitious;
  had our vices only allowed; the seat of Jupiter Supremely Good and
  Great; founded by our ancestors with solemn auspices to be the
  pledge of Empire; the seat; which neither Porsenna; when the city
  was surrendered; nor the Gauls; when it was captured; had been able to
  violate; was destroyed by the madness of our Emperors。 Once before
  indeed during civil war the Capitol had been consumed by fire; but
  then only through the crime of individuals; now it was openly
  besieged; and openly set on fire。 And what were the motives of this
  conflict? what the compensation for so great a disaster? was it for
  our country we were fighting? King Tarquinius Priscus had vowed its
  erection in his war with the Sabines; and had laid the foundations
  on a scale which suited the hopes of future greatness rather than what
  the yet moderate resources of Rome could achieve。 After him; Servius
  Tullius; heartily assisted by the allies; and Tarquinius Superbus;
  employing the spoils of war from the conquered Suessa Pometia;
  raised the superstructure。 But the glory of its completion was
  reserved for the days of liberty。 After the expulsion of the Kings;
  Horatius Pulvillus; in his second consulate; dedicated it; a
  building so magnificent; that the vast wealth afterwards acquired by
  the people of Rome served to embellish rather than increase it。 It was
  rebuilt on the same site; when; after an interval of 415 years; it was
  burnt to the ground in the consulate of Lucius Scipio and Caius
  Norbanus。 Sulla; after his final triumph; undertook the charge of
  restoring it; but did not live to dedicate it; the one thing denied to
  his uniform good fortune。 The name of Lutatius Catulus; the dedicator;
  remained among all the vast erections of the Emperors; down to the
  days of Vitellius。 This was the building that was now on fire。
  The catastrophe; however; caused more panic among the besieged
  than among the besiegers。 In fact; the troops of Vitellius lacked
  neither skill nor courage in the midst of peril。 Opposed to them
  were soldiers without self…possession; and a spiritless and; so to
  speak; infatuated commander; who had not the use of his tongue or
  his ears; who would not be guided by other men's counsels; and could
  not carry out his own; who; hurried to and fro by the shouts of the
  enemy; forbade what he had just ordered; and ordered what he had
  just forbidden。 Then; as usually happens when everything is lost;
  all gave orders; and no one obeyed。 At last; they threw away their
  arms; and began to look about for ways of escape and means of
  concealment。 The Vitellianists burst in; carrying everywhere with
  indiscriminate ferocity the firebrand and the sword。 A few of the
  military men; among whom the most conspicuous were Cornelius
  Martialis; Aemilius Pacensis; Casperius Niger; and Didius Sceva;
  ventured to resist; and were cut down。 Flavius Sabinus; who was
  unarmed; and who did not attempt to fly; was surrounded; and with
  him the consul Quinctius Atticus; marked out by his clinging to the
  shadow of office; and by his folly in having scattered among the
  people edicts highly eulogistic of Vespasian and insulting to
  Vitellius。 The rest escaped by various chances; some disguised as
  slaves; others concealed by the fidelity of dependants; and hiding
  among the baggage。 Some caught the watchword by which the
  Vitellianists recognised each other; and; themselves challenging
  others and giving it when challenged; found in their audacity an
  effectual disguise。
  When the enemy first burst in; Domitian concealed himself in the
  house of a servant of the temple。 At the ingenious suggestion of a
  freedman; he assumed a linen vestment; and passing unnoticed among a
  crowd of acolytes; found a refuge with Cornelius Primus; one of his
  father's dependants; in a house near the Velabrum。 When his father
  mounted the throne; he pulled down the chamber of the
  temple…servant; and built a small chapel; dedicated to Jupiter the
  Preserver; with an altar on which his own adventures were
  represented in marble。 Afterwards; on his own accession to the
  Imperial power; he consecrated a vast temple to Jupiter the
  Guardian; with an effigy of himself in the arms of the god。 Sabinus
  and Atticus were loaded with chains; and conducted to Vitellius; who
  received them with anything but anger in his words and looks; amidst
  the murmurs of those who demanded the privilege of slaying them and
  their pay for the work they had done。 Those who were standing near
  began the clamour; and the degraded rabble cried out for the execution
  of Sabinus; and mingled threats with their flatteries。 Vitellius;
  who was standing before the steps of the palace; and was preparing
  to intercede; was induced to desist。 The body of Sabinus; pierced
  and mutilated and with the head severed from it; was dragged to the
  Such was the end of a man in no wise contemptible。 In five and
  thirty campaigns he had served the State; and had gained distinction
  both at home and abroad。 His blamelessness and integrity no one
  could question。 He was somewhat boastful; this was the only fault of
  which rumour accused him in the seven years during which he had
  governed Moesia; and the twelve during which he was prefect of the
  city。 In the closing scene of his life some have seen pusillanimity;
  many a moderate temper; sparing of the blood of his countrymen。 One
  thing is allowed by all; that; before the accession of Vespasian;
  the distinction of the family was centred in Sabinus。 I have heard
  that his death gratified Mucianus; and many indeed asserted that the
  interests of peace were promoted by the removal of the rivalry between
  these two men; one of whom felt himself to be the brother of the
  Emperor; while the other thought himself his colleague。 Vitellius
  resisted the demands of the people for the execution of the Consul; he
  was now pacified; and wished; it would seem; to recompense Atticus;
  who; when asked who had set fire to the Capitol; had confessed his own
  guilt; and by this confession; which may indeed have been an opportune
  falsehood; was thought to have taken upon himself the odium of the
  crime; and to have acquitted the Vitellianist party。
  Meanwhile Lucius Vitellius; who was encamped near Feronia; was
  threatening Tarracina with destruction。 There were shut up in the
  place a few gladiators and seamen; who dared not leave the walls and
  risk an engagement in the plain。 I have mentioned before that Julianus
  was in command of the gladiators; Apollinaris of the seamen; two men
  whose profligacy and indolence made them resemble gladiators rather
  than generals。 They kept no watch; they did not strengthen the weak
  points of the fortifications; but; making each pleasant spot ring with
  the noise of their daily and nightly dissipation; they dispersed their
  soldiers on errands which were to minister to their luxury; and
  never spoke of war; except at their banquets。 Apinius Tiro had quitted
  the place a few days before; and was now; by the harsh exaction of
  presents and contributions from the towns; adding to the
  unpopularity rather than to the resources of his party。
  Meanwhile a slave belonging to Verginius Capito deserted to L。
  Vitellius; and having engaged; on being fur