第 43 节
作者:向前      更新:2021-04-30 17:17      字数:9322
  perhaps; Vespasian may show a more lofty spirit; Vespasian; who was
  a dependant of Vitellius; when Vitellius was the colleague of
  Claudius。 If you would act as becomes the censorship; the
  thrice…repeated consulate of your father; and all the honours of
  your illustrious house; let despair at any rate arm you to
  courageous action。 The troops are still firm; and among the people
  there is abundant zeal。 Lastly; nothing can happen to us more terrible
  than that upon which we are voluntarily rushing。 If we are
  conquered; we must die; we must die; if we capitulate。 All that
  concerns us is this; shall we draw our last breath amidst scorn and
  insult; or in a valiant struggle?〃
  The ears of Vitellius were deaf to manly counsels。 His whole soul
  was overwhelmed by a tender anxiety; lest by an obstinate resistance
  he might leave the conqueror less mercifully disposed to his wife
  and children。 He had also a mother old and feeble; but she; expiring a
  few days before; escaped by her opportune death the ruin of her house;
  having gained from the Imperial dignity of her son nothing but
  sorrow and a good name。 On the 18th of December; after hearing of
  the defection of the legion and the auxiliary infantry which had
  surrendered at Narnia; he left the palace; clad in mourning robes; and
  surrounded by his weeping household。 With him went his little son;
  carried in a litter; as though in a funeral procession。 The
  greetings of the people were flattering; but ill…suited to the time;
  the soldiers preserved an ominous silence。
  There could hardly be a man so careless of human interests as not to
  be affected by this spectacle。 There was the Roman Emperor; lord but a
  few days before of the whole human race; leaving the seat of his
  power; and passing through the midst of his people and his capital; to
  abdicate his throne。 Men had never before seen or heard of such an
  event。 Caesar; the Dictator; had fallen by sudden violence; Caligula
  by secret treason。 The shades of night and the obscurity of a rural
  hiding…place had veiled the flight of Nero。 Piso and Galba had; it
  might be said; fallen in battle。 In an assembly of his own people; and
  in the midst of his own soldiers; with the very women of his family
  looking on; Vitellius stood and spoke a few words suitable to the
  sad conjuncture。 〃He gave way;〃 he said; 〃for the sake of peace; for
  the sake of his country; let them only remember him; and think with
  compassion of his brother; of his wife; of his young and innocent
  children。〃 At the same time he held out his son; commending him
  first to individual bystanders; then to the whole assembly。 At last;
  unable to speak for weeping; he unfastened the dagger from his side;
  and offered it to the Consul; Caecilius Simplex; who was standing by
  him; as if to indicate that he surrendered the power of life and death
  over the citizens。 The Consul rejecting it; and those who were
  standing by in the assembly shouting remontrance; he departed; as if
  with the intention of laying aside the emblems of Imperial power in
  the Temple of Concord; and of betaking himself to his brother's house。
  Louder shouts here met him from the crowd; which hindered him from
  entering a private house; and invited him to return to the palace。
  Every other route was closed; and the only one open was one which
  led into the Via Sacra。 Then in utter perplexity he returned to the
  palace。 The rumour that he had renounced the Imperial dignity had
  preceded him thither; and Flavius Sabinus had sent written orders to
  the tribunes of the cohorts to keep their soldiers under restraint。
  Then; as if the whole State had passed into the hands of
  Vespasian; the leading men of the Senate; many of the Equestrian
  order; with all the city soldiery and the watch; thronged the dwelling
  of Sabinus。 Intelligence was there brought to him of the enthusiasm of
  the populace and of the threatening attitude of the German cohorts。 He
  had now gone too far to be able to retreat; and every one; fearing for
  himself; should the Vitellianists come upon them while they were
  scattered and comparatively weak; urged him; in spite of his
  reluctance; to hostilities。 As usually happens; however; in such
  cases; all gave the advice; but few shared the risk。 The armed retinue
  which was escorting Sabinus was met; as it was coming down by the Lake
  Fundanus; by some of the most determined of the Vitellianists。 From
  this unforeseen collision resulted an encounter slight indeed; but
  terminating favourably for the Vitellianists。 In the hurry of the
  moment Sabinus adopted the safest course open to him; and occupied the
  Capitol with a miscellaneous body of soldiery; and some Senators and
  Knights。 It is not easy to give the names of these persons; since
  after the triumph of Vespasian many pretended to have rendered this
  service to his party。 There were even women who braved the dangers
  of the siege; the most conspicuous among them being Verulana Gratilla;
  who was taken thither; not by the love of children or kindred; but
  by the fascination of war。 The Vitellianists kept but a careless watch
  over the besieged; and thus at the dead of night Sabinus was able to
  bring into the Capitol his own children and Domitian his brother's
  son; and to send by an unguarded route a messenger to the generals
  of the Flavianist party; with information that they were besieged; and
  that; unless succour arrived; they must be reduced to distress。 The
  night passed so quietly that he might have quitted the place without
  loss; for; brave as were the soldiers of Vitellius in encountering
  danger; they were far from attentive to the laborious duties of
  watching。 Besides this; the sudden fall of a winter storm baffled both
  sight and hearing。
  At dawn of day; before either side commenced hostilities; Sabinus
  sent Cornelius Martialis; a centurion of the first rank; to Vitellius;
  with instructions to complain of the infraction of the stipulated
  terms。 〃There has evidently;〃 he said; 〃been a mere show and
  pretence of abdicating the Empire; with the view of deceiving a number
  of distinguished men。 If not; why; when leaving the Rostra; had he
  gone to the house of his brother; looking as it did over the Forum;
  and certain to provoke the gaze of the multitude; rather than to the
  Aventine; and the family house of his wife? This would have befitted a
  private individual anxious to shun all appearance of Imperial power。
  But on the contrary; Vitellius retraced his steps to the palace; the
  very stronghold of Empire; thence issued a band of armed men。 One of
  the most frequented parts of the city was strewed with the corpses
  of innocent persons。 The Capitol itself had not been spared。 〃I;〃 said
  Sabinus; 〃was only a civilian and a member of the Senate; while the
  rivalry of Vitellius and Vespasian was being settled by conflicts
  between legions; by the capture of cities; by the capitulation of
  cohorts; with Spain; Germany; and Britain in revolt; the brother of
  Vespasian still remained firm to his allegiance; till actually invited
  to discuss terms of agreement。 Peace and harmony bring advantage to
  the conquered; but only credit to the conqueror。 If you repent of your
  compact; it is not against me; whom you treacherously deceived; that
  you must draw the sword; nor is it against the son of Vespasian; who
  is yet of tender age。 What would be gained by the slaughter of one old
  man and one stripling? You should go and meet the legions; and fight
  there for Empire; everything else will follow the issue of that
  struggle。〃 To these representations the embarrassed Vitellius answered
  a few words in his own exculpation; throwing all the blame upon the
  soldiers; with whose excessive zeal his moderation was; he said;
  unable to cope。 He advised Martialis to depart unobserved through a
  concealed part of the palace; lest he should be killed by the
  soldiers; as the negotiator of this abhorred convention。 Vitellius had
  not now the power either to command or to forbid。 He was no longer
  Emperor; he was merely the cause of war。
  Martialis had hardly returned to the Capitol; when the infuriated
  soldiery arrived; without any leader; every man acting on his own
  impulse。 They hurried at quick march past the Forum and the temples
  which hang over it; and advanced their line up the opposite hill as
  far as the outer gates of the Capitol。 There were formerly certain
  colonnades on the right side of the slope as one went up; the
  defenders; issuing forth on the roof of these buildings; showered
  tiles and stones on the Vitellianists。 The assailants were not armed
  with anything but swords; and it seemed too tedious to send for
  machines and missiles。 They threw lighted brands on a projecting
  colonnade; and follo