第 33 节
作者:冬恋      更新:2021-04-30 17:00      字数:9302
  You have the somewhat unusual privilege; it seems; of choosing between
  two races; and if you are a lad of spirit; as I think you are; it will not take
  you long to make your choice。             As you have all the features of a white
  man;   you   would;   at   least   in   South   Carolina;   have   simply   to   assume   the
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  place and exercise the privileges of a white man。                You might; of course;
  do the same thing anywhere; as long as no one knew your origin。                    But the
  matter   has   been   adjudicated   there   in   several   cases;   and   on   the   whole   I
  think   South   Carolina   is   the   place   for   you。  They're   more   liberal   there;
  perhaps because they have many more blacks than whites; and would like
  to lessen the disproportion。〃
  〃From this time on;〃 said the boy; 〃I am white。〃
  〃Softly;    softly;  my    Caucasian     fellow    citizen;〃   returned    the  judge;
  chuckling with quiet amusement。              〃You are white in the abstract; before
  the law。     You may cherish the fact in secret; but I would not advise you to
  proclaim it openly just yet。         You must wait until you go awayto South
  〃And can I learn to be a lawyer; sir?〃 asked the lad。
  〃It seems to me that you ought to be reasonably content for one day
  with what you have learned already。              You cannot be a lawyer until you
  are  white;   in   position   as   well   as   in   theory;   nor   until   you   are   twenty…one
  years   old。    I   need   an   office   boy。 If   you   are   willing   to   come   into   my
  office; sweep it; keep my books dusted; and stay here when I am out; I do
  not care。     To the rest of the town you will be my servant; and still a negro。
  If you choose to read my books when no one is about and be white in your
  own private opinion; I have no objection。             When you have made up your
  mind to go away; perhaps what you have read may help you。                     But mum 's
  the word!      If I hear a whisper of this from any other source; out you go;
  neck and crop!        I am willing to help you make a man of yourself; but it
  can only be done under the rose。〃
  For two years John Walden openly swept the office and surreptitiously
  read   the   law   books   of   old   Judge   Straight。   When   he   was   eighteen;   he
  asked his mother for a sum of money; kissed her good… by; and went out
  into   the   world。    When      his  sister;  then   a  pretty  child   of  seven;    cried
  because her big brother was going away; he took her up in his arms; gave
  her a silver dime with a hole in it for a keepsake; hugged her close; and
  kissed her。
  〃Nev' min'; sis;〃 he said soothingly。          〃Be a good little gal; an' some o'
  these days I'll come back to see you and bring you somethin' fine。〃
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  In after years; when Mis' Molly was asked what had become of her son;
  she would reply with sad complacency;
  〃He's gone over on the other side。〃
  As we have seen; he came back ten years later。
  Many years before; when Mis' Molly; then a very young woman; had
  taken   up   her   residence   in   the   house   behind   the   cedars;   the   gentleman
  heretofore referred to had built a cabin on the opposite corner; in which he
  had   installed   a   trusted   slave   by   the   name   of   Peter   Fowler   and   his   wife
  Nancy。      Peter was a good mechanic; and hired his time from his master
  with the provision that Peter and his wife should do certain work for Mis'
  Molly and serve as a sort of protection for her。               In course of time Peter;
  who   was   industrious   and   thrifty;   saved   enough   money   to   purchase   his
  freedom and that of his wife and their one child; and to buy the little house
  across the street; with the cooper shop behind it。             After they had acquired
  their freedom; Peter and Nancy did no work for Mis' Molly save as they
  were paid for it; and as a rule preferred not to work at all for the woman
  who   had   been   practically   their   mistress;   it   made   them   seem   less   free。
  Nevertheless;   the   two   households   had   remained   upon   good   terms;   even
  after the death of the man whose will had brought them together; and who
  had remained Peter's patron after he had ceased to be his master。                    There
  was   no   intimate   association   between   the   two   families。      Mis'   Molly   felt
  herself   infinitely   superior   to   Peter   and   his   wife;scarcely   less   superior
  than her poor white neighbors felt themselves to Mis' Molly。                  Mis' Molly
  always meant to be kind; and treated Peter and Nancy with a certain good…
  natured condescension。          They resented this; never openly or offensively;
  but always in a subconscious sort of way; even when they did not speak of
  it among themselvesmuch as they had resented her mistress…ship in the
  old days。      For after all; they argued; in spite of her airs and graces; her
  white face and her fine clothes; was she not a negro; even as themselves?
  and since the slaves had been freed; was not one negro as good as another?
  Peter's   son   Frank   had   grown   up   with   little   Rena。   He   was   several
  years   older   than   she;   and   when   Rena   was   a   small   child   Mis'   Molly   had
  often confided her to his care; and he had watched over her and kept her
  from harm。       When Frank became old enough to go to work in the cooper
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  shop; Rena; then six   or   seven;  had   often   gone   across to play  among   the
  clean white shavings。         Once Frank; while learning the trade; had let slip a
  sharp steel tool; which flying toward Rena had grazed her arm and sent the
  red blood   coursing along   the  white flesh and  soaking the  muslin sleeve。
  He   had   rolled   up   the   sleeve   and   stanched   the   blood   and   dried her   tears。
  For a long time thereafter her mother kept her away from the shop and was
  very cold to Frank。        One day the little girl wandered down to the bank of
  the   old   canal。   It   had   been   raining   for   several   days;   and   the   water   was
  quite   deep   in   the   channel。    The   child   slipped   and   fell   into   the   stream。
  From the open window of the cooper shop Frank heard a scream。                        He ran
  down to the canal and pulled her out; and carried her all wet and dripping
  to   the   house。   From   that   time   he   had   been   restored   to   favor。   He   had
  watched the girl grow up to womanhood in the years following the war;
  and had been sorry when she became too old to play about the shop。
  He never spoke to her of love;indeed; he never thought of his passion
  in such a light。       There would have been no legal barrier to their union;
  there   would   have   been   no   frightful   menace   to   white   supremacy   in   the
  marriage of the negro and the octoroon: the drop of dark blood bridged the
  chasm。      But   Frank   knew   that   she   did   not   love   him;   and   had   not   hoped
  that she might。       His was one of those rare souls that can give with small
  hope of return。       When he had made the scar upon her arm; by the same
  token she had branded him her slave forever; when he had saved her from
  a watery grave; he had given his life to her。              There are depths of fidelity
  and   devotion   in   the   negro   heart   that   have   never   been   fathomed   or   fully
  appreciated。       Now      and   then   in   the  kindlier    phases    of   slavery   these
  qualities   were   brightly   conspicuous;   and   in   them;   if   wisely   appealed   to;
  lies   the   strongest   hope   of   amity   between   the   two   races   whose   destiny
  seems bound up together in the Western world。                   Even a dumb brute can
  be    won    by  kindness。     Surely     it  were   worth    while    to  try  some    other
  weapon   than   scorn   and   contumely   and   hard   words   upon   people   of   our
  common race; the human race; which is bigger and broader than Celt or
  Saxon; barbarian or Greek; Jew or Gentile; black or white; for we are all
  children of a common Father; forget it as we may; and each one of us is in
  some measure his brother's keeper。
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