第 24 节
作者:炒作      更新:2021-04-30 16:07      字数:9322
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  inside of his shanty to the best of his means and ideas; for there was no
  knowing when the only 〃she〃 would take it into her pretty; capricious head
  to pay a call。 In this latter line the Scholar had a decided pull。 Education
  had    taught    him   taste;  necessity;    handiness;     and   by   aid  of  the   two   he
  transformed   his   rude   dwelling   into   something   approaching   the   rooms   in
  which he   used   to   dawdle away  the happy  hours; time   ago。  It   was   partly
  drawing…room; partly curiosity…shop。 Cups; saucers; and spoons appeared
  as if by magicians' call; and one blazing afternoon the news flashed round
  the diamond…pits that Miss Musgrave was 〃taking afternoon tea with the
  Scholar。〃 But when the Scholar saw the dismay his simple act had spread
  around   him;   he   dissipated   it   with   a   kindly   laugh   and   a   few   reassuring
  〃Don't mind me; boys。 I was only doing the civil in a purely platonic
  manner。      Miss   Musgrave       is  nothing   to  me;    nor  am   I   anything    to  her。
  Heaven   forbid!   I'm   too   hard   a   bargain   for   any   girl。   If   any   one   of   you
  marries her I'll act as his best man if he asks me to; and wish him every
  felicity without a thought of regret。〃
  〃Bully     for   the   Scholar!〃     yelled    the   delighted    crowd;     and    Miss
  Musgrave's smiles were more sought after than ever。
  So things went on day after day; week after week; till Miss Musgrave
  became little short of an autocratic empress。 But still she showed no signs
  of taking unto herself a consort; she kept all men at a cousinly distance;
  and    those    who    felt  intimate    enough     to  address     her  as   〃Miss    Mary〃
  accounted   themselves   uncommonly  fortunate。 Thus   the   little   machine   of
  state   worked   perfectly  harmoniously;   and   Big   Stone   Hole   was   as   steady
  and prosperous a settlement as need be。
  Had these diggers refreshed their minds by looking back for historical
  parallels;    they    might    have    been    prepared     in  some     degree    for   Miss
  Musgrave's exit from among them; but as none of them indulged in such
  retrospections the manner of it took the camp somewhat by surprise。
  It   was   first   discovered in   this   wise。 Work   was   over  for   the  day。  The
  Kaffirs   had   been   searched   and   had   returned   to   their   kraal。   Pipes   were
  being lit after the evening meal; and a picturesque assembly was grouping
  itself   in   an   expectant   semicircle   on   the   sun…baked   turf   in   front   of   Miss
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  Musgrave's dwelling。 She was usually outside to welcome the first comers;
  and her absence naturally formed the staple topic of conversation。 Digger
  after   digger    arrived;   threw    himself    down;    and   joined   in  the   general
  wonderment   as   to   why   Miss   Mary   wasn't   there;   and   at   last   some   one
  hazarded   a   suggestion   that   she   〃must   be   asleep。〃   There   was   a   general
  epidemic of noisy coughing for a full minute; and then silence for another;
  but no sound from within the hut。
  〃Perhaps she's ill;〃 was the next surmise。
  After   the   etiquette   to   be   followed   had   been   strictly   discussed;   and   a
  rigid course of procedure set down; the Scholar got up and knocked at the
  door。    He   received    no  answer;    and   so  knocked     againknocked      several
  times; in fact; and then rattled the handle vigorously; but without result。
  〃Better open it;〃 said a voice。
  And he did so; and after looking inside; announced:
  〃She's not there。〃
  At this moment Dan came up。
  〃My ole mar' 's gone;〃 he said; 〃an' she ain't stampeded; neither; but
  was stole。 Tote…rope's been untied; an' saddle an' bridle took as well。〃
  There was uncomfortable silence; which the Scholar broke by a low;
  long…drawn whistle。
  〃Boys;〃 said he; 〃let's look inside the safe。〃
  The three men who held the keys brought them up; the bolts were shot;
  and the massive door swung back。 There was every man's little sack with
  his name on it; but somehow or other the sacks looked limper than of yore。
  Each one was eagerly clutched and examined; and many a groan and not a
  few curses went up on the still night air as it was found that every sack
  save Dan's had been relieved of the more valuable part of its contents。
  So much heart…breaking labour under the burning sun thrown away for
  nothing; the dreary work to commence afresh; almost from the beginning!
  Had   the  thief  been   any  ordinary  one;  the   denunciation   would   have   been
  unbounded;       but   no   one   lifted  his   tongue    very   loudly    against   Mary
  Musgrave。 Yet mounted men were despatched on the three trails to bring
  back the booty if possible; and the rest moved dejectedly toward their old
  club。 The greasy Jew did not attempt to conceal his exultation。 He served
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  his customers with his wicked old face glowing with smiles; and when a
  moment's breathing…time came he observed:
  〃We all 'az hour lettle surbrizes in dis wairld; an' I most confaiss I am
  asdonished   myself   to   lairn   that   Mess   Mosgrave   is   a   thief〃   But   here   a
  crashing     among     the   glassware     announced      that  Tommy       Dartmoor     had
  begun   shooting   with   his   left hand;   and   Herr   Gustave   sputtered   out   from
  behind   the   fingers   he   held   before   his   face;   〃Ach    Gott!   I   say   nozzing
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  The Cafe Paradiso was full of people; for the inhabitants of Alexandria
  had dined; and the opera season was over。 The seats at every table were
  occupied;   and   the   fumes   of   smoke   from  a   hundred   cigars   partly  hid   the
  ladies of the orchestra。 As the waiters pushed aside the swing…doors of the
  buffet and staggered into the salon with whisky; absinthe; and coffee; the
  click of billiard…balls was heard。 The windows facing the sea were wide
  open; for the heat was intense; and the murmur of the waves mingled with
  the plaintive voices of the violins。
  Seated by a table at the far end of the hall; Gregorio Livadas hummed
  softly an accompaniment to Suppe's 〃Poete et Paysan;〃 puffing from time
  to time a cloudlet of blue smoke from his mouth。 When the music ceased
  he   joined   in  the  applause;    leaning   back   happily   in  his  chair  as  the
  musicians     prepared   to  repeat   the  last  movement。    Meanwhile      his  eyes
  wandered idly over the faces of his neighbors。
  When the last chord was struck he saw the women hurry down from
  the platform and rush toward the tables where their acquaintances sat。 He
  heard them demand beer and coffee; and they drank eagerly; for fiddling in
  that heat was thirsty work。 He watched the weary waiters hastening from
  table to table;   and he   heard   the voices   around   him  grow   more   animated
  and the laughter more frequent。 One man was fastening a spray of flowers
  on the ample bosom of the flautiste; while another sipped the brown lager
  from the glass of the big drum; and the old wife of the conductor left her
  triangle   and   cymbals   to   beg some   roses   from  an Arab   flower…girl。 Truly
  the world was enjoying itself; and Gregorio smiled dreamily; for the sight
  of so much gaiety pleased him。 He wished one of the women would come
  and talk to him; he would have liked to chat with the fair…haired girl who
  played the first violin so well。 He began to wonder why she preferred that
  ugly Englishman with his red face and bald head。 He caught snatches of
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  their  conversation。   Bah!   how   uninteresting   it   was!   for  they  could   barely
  understand each other。 What pleasure did she find in listening to his bad
  French? and in her native Hungarian he could not even say; 〃I love。〃 Why
  had she not come to him; Gregorio Livadas; who could talk to her well and
  would not mumble like an idiot and look red and uncomfortable! Then he
  saw she was drinking champagne; and he sighed。 Ah; yes; these English
  were rich; and women only cared for m