第 73 节
作者:嘟嘟      更新:2021-04-30 16:07      字数:9318
  union with Great Britain the inhabitants of Ireland are not
  likely for many ages to consider themselves as one people。
  No oppressive aristocracy has ever prevailed in the
  colonies。 Even they; however; would; in point of happiness and
  tranquility; gain considerably by a union with Great Britain。 It
  would; at least; deliver them from those rancorous and virulent
  factions which are inseparable from small democracies; and which
  have so frequently divided the affections of their people; and
  disturbed the tranquillity of their governments; in their form so
  nearly democratical。 In the case of a total separation from Great
  Britain; which; unless prevented by a union of this kind; seems
  very likely to take place; those factions would be ten times more
  virulent than ever。 Before the commencement of the present
  disturbances; the coercive power of the mother country had always
  been able to restrain those factions from breaking out into
  anything worse than gross brutality and insult。 If that coercive
  power were entirely taken away; they would probably soon break
  out into open violence and bloodshed。 In all great countries
  which are united under one uniform government; the spirit of
  party commonly prevails less in the remote provinces than in the
  centre of the empire。 The distance of those provinces from the
  capital; from the principal seat of the great scramble of faction
  and ambition; makes them enter less into the views of any of the
  contending parties; and renders them more indifferent and
  impartial spectators of the conduct of all。 The spirit of party
  prevails less in Scotland than in England。 In the case of a union
  it would probably prevail less in Ireland than in Scotland; and
  the colonies would probably soon enjoy a degree of concord and
  unanimity at present unknown in any part of the British empire。
  Both Ireland and the colonies; indeed; would be subjected to
  heavier taxes than any which they at present pay。 In consequence;
  however; of a diligent and faithful application of the public
  revenue towards the discharge of the national debt; the greater
  part of those taxes might not be of long continuance; and the
  public revenue of Great Britain might soon be reduced to what was
  necessary for maintaining a moderate peace establishment。
  The territorial acquisitions of the East India Company; the
  undoubted right of the crown; that is; of the state and people of
  Great Britain; might be rendered another source of revenue more
  abundant; perhaps; than all those already mentioned。 Those
  countries are represented as more fertile; more extensive; and;
  in proportion to their extent; much richer and more populous than
  Great Britain。 In order to draw a great revenue from them; it
  would not probably be necessary to introduce any new system of
  taxation into countries which are already sufficiently and more
  than sufficiently taxed。 It might; perhaps; be more proper to
  lighten than to aggravate the burden of those unfortunate
  countries; and to endeavour to draw a revenue from them; not by
  imposing new taxes; but by preventing the embezzlement and
  misapplication of the greater part of those which they already
  If it should be found impracticable for Great Britain to
  draw any considerable augmentation of revenue from any of the
  resources above mentioned; the only resource which can remain to
  her is a diminution of her expense。 In the mode of collecting and
  in that of expending the public revenue; though in both there may
  be still room for improvement; Great Britain seems to be at least
  as economical as any of her neighbours。 The military
  establishment which she maintains for her own defence in time of
  peace is more moderate than that of any European state which can
  pretend to rival her either in wealth or in power。 None of those
  articles; therefore; seem to admit of any considerable reduction
  of expense。 The expense of the peace establishment of the
  colonies was; before the commencement of the present
  disturbances; very considerable; and is an expense which may; and
  if no revenue can be drawn from them ought certainly to be saved
  altogether。 This constant expense in time of peace; though very
  great; is insignificant in comparison with what the defence of
  the colonies has cost us in time of war。 The last war; which was
  undertaken altogether on account of the colonies; cost Great
  Britain; it has already been observed; upwards of ninety
  millions。 The Spanish war of 1739 was principally undertaken on
  their account; in which; and in the French war that was the
  consequence of it; Great Britain spent upwards of forty millions;
  a great part of which ought justly to be charged to the colonies。
  In those two wars the colonies cost Great Britain much more than
  double the sum which the national debt amounted to before the
  commencement of the first of them。 Had it not been for those wars
  that debt might; and probably would by this time; have been
  completely paid; and had it not been for the colonies; the former
  of those wars might not; and the latter certainly would not have
  been undertaken。 It was because the colonies were supposed to be
  provinces of the British empire that this expense was laid out
  upon them。 But countries which contribute neither revenue nor
  military force towards the support of the empire cannot be
  considered as provinces。 They may perhaps be considered as
  appendages; as a sort of splendid and showy equipage of the
  empire。 But if the empire can no longer support the expense of
  keeping up this equipage; it ought certainly to lay it down; and
  if it cannot raise its revenue in proportion to its expense; it
  ought; at least; to accommodate its expense to its revenue。 If
  the colonies; notwithstanding their refusal to submit to British
  taxes; are still to be considered as provinces of the British
  empire; their defence in some future war may cost Great Britain
  as great an expense as it ever has done in any former war。 The
  rulers of Great Britain have; for more than a century past;
  amused the people with the imagination that they possessed a
  great empire on the west side of the Atlantic。 This empire;
  however; has hitherto existed in imagination only。 It has
  hitherto been; not an empire; but the project of an empire; not a
  gold mine; but the project of a gold mine; a project which has
  cost; which continues to cost; and which; if pursued in the same
  way as it has been hitherto; is likely to cost; immense expense;
  without being likely to bring any profit; for the effects of the
  monopoly of the colony trade; it has been shown; are; to the
  great body of the people; mere loss instead of profit。 It is
  surely now time that our rulers should either realize this golden
  dream; in which they have been indulging themselves; perhaps; as
  well as the people; or that they should awake from it themselves;
  and endeavour to awaken the people。 If the project cannot be
  completed; it ought to be given up。 If any of the provinces of
  the British empire cannot be made to contribute towards the
  support of the whole empire; it is surely time that Great Britain
  should free herself from the expense of defending those provinces
  in time of war; and of supporting any part of their civil or
  military establishments in time of peace; and endeavour to
  accommodate her future views and designs to the real mediocrity
  of her circumstances。 APPENDIX
  The two following accounts are subjoined in order to illustrate
  and confirm what is said in the fifth chapter of the fourth book;
  concerning the tonnage bounty to the white…herring fishery。 The
  reader; I believe; may depend upon the accuracy of both accounts。
  An account of Busses fitted out in Scotland for Eleven Years;
  with  the Number of Empty Barrels carried out; and the Number of
  Barrels   of Herrings caught; also the Bounty at a Medium on each
  Barrel of Seasteeks; and on each Barrel when fully packed。
  Empty         Barrels
  Number of      Barrels      of Herrings     Bounty
  paid on   Years    Busses      carried out      caught
  the Busses
  L     s。
  d。   1771       29           5948           2832        2085
  0    0
  1772      168          41316          22237       11055    7
  1773      190          42333          42055       12510    8
  1774      248          59303          56365       16952    2
  1775      275          69144          52879       19315   15
  1776      294          76329          51863       21290    7
  1777      240          62679          43313       17592    2
  1778      220          56390          40958       16316    2
  1779      206          55194          29367       15287    0
  1780      181          48315          19885       13445   12