第 52 节
作者:津夏      更新:2021-04-30 15:57      字数:9322
  not   a   breach   of   confidence   to   say   that   they   were   not   addressed   to   his
  professional   brothers。        Walker   was   a   single   man;   which   means   that   he
  was not restricted to a single woman。               When he had finished; he walked
  out of that little room of mine; leaving every hope and ambition of his life
  behind him。       And he might have had another year of ignorance and peace
  if it had not been for the chance illustration in his lecture。
  〃It took   five years   to kill   him; and   he stood   it well。        If   he had   ever
  been a little irregular he atoned for it in that long martyrdom。                  He kept an
  admirable record of his own symptoms; and worked out the eye changes
  more   fully  than   has   ever   been   done。      When   the   ptosis   got   very  bad   he
  would hold his eyelid up with one hand while he wrote。                      Then; when he
  could not co…ordinate his muscles to write; he dictated to his nurse。                       So
  died; in the odour of science; James Walker; aet。 45。
  〃Poor old Walker was very fond of experimental surgery; and he broke
  ground   in   several   directions。      Between   ourselves;   there   may   have   been
  some more ground…breaking afterwards; but he did his best for his cases。
  You   know  M‘Namara;  don't   you?             He   always   wears   his hair   long。      He
  lets it be understood that it comes from his artistic strain; but it is really to
  conceal the loss of one of his ears。            Walker cut the other one off; but you
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  must not tell Mac I said so。
  〃It was like this。     Walker had a fad about the portio durathe motor to
  the    face;   you    knowand       he   thought     paralysis    of   it  came    from    a
  disturbance of the blood supply。            Something else which counterbalanced
  that   disturbance   might;   he   thought;   set   it   right   again。   We   had   a   very
  obstinate case of Bell's paralysis in the wards; and had tried it with every
  conceivable thing; blistering; tonics; nerve…stretching; galvanism; needles;
  but all without result。       Walker got it into his head that removal of the ear
  would increase the blood supply to the part; and he very soon gained the
  consent of the patient to the operation。
  〃Well; we did it at night。        Walker; of course; felt that it was something
  of an experiment; and did not wish too much talk about it unless it proved
  successful。      There were half…a…dozen of us there; M‘Namara and I among
  the rest。    The room was a small one; and in the centre was in the narrow
  table;   with   a   macintosh   over   the   pillow;   and   a   blanket   which   extended
  almost to the floor on either side。           Two candles; on a side…table near the
  pillow;  supplied   all   the light。     In   came  the  patient;   with   one   side   of   his
  face as smooth as a baby's; and the other all in a quiver with fright。                    He
  lay   down;     and   the  chloroform   towel       was   placed    over   his  face;   while
  Walker threaded his needles in the candle light。               The chloroformist stood
  at the head of the table; and M‘Namara was stationed at the side to control
  the patient。     The rest of us stood by to assist。
  〃Well;   the   man   was   about   half   over   when   he   fell   into   one   of   those
  convulsive      flurries   which     come    with    the  semi…unconscious        stage。   He
  kicked and plunged and struck out with both hands。                     Over with a crash
  went the little table which held the candles; and in an instant we were left
  in total darkness。       You can think what a rush and a scurry there was; one
  to   pick   up   the   table;   one   to   find   the   matches;   and   some   to   restrain   the
  patient who was still dashing himself about。                He was held down by two
  dressers;   the   chloroform   was   pushed;   and   by   the   time   the   candles   were
  relit; his incoherent; half…smothered shoutings had changed to a stertorous
  snore。      His head was turned on the pillow and the towel was still kept
  over   his   face   while   the   operation   was   carried   through。    Then   the   towel
  was   withdrawn;   and   you   can   conceive   our   amazement   when   we   looked
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  upon the face of M‘Namara。
  〃How   did   it   happen?      Why;   simply   enough。        As   the   candles   went
  over; the chloroformist had stopped for an instant and had tried to catch
  them。     The patient; just as the light went out; had rolled off and under the
  table。    Poor   M‘Namara;   clinging   frantically   to   him;   had   been   dragged
  across it; and the chloroformist; feeling him there; had naturally claped the
  towel across his mouth and nose。              The others had secured him; and the
  more he roared and kicked the more they drenched him with chloroform。
  Walker   was very  nice   about   it;  and   made   the  most   handsome   apologies。
  He offered to do a plastic on the spot; and make as good an ear as he could;
  but   M‘Namara   had   had   enough   of   it。      As   to   the   patient;   we   found   him
  sleeping placidly under the table; with the ends of the blanket   screening
  him on both sides。        Walker sent M‘Namara round his ear next day in a jar
  of methylated spirit; but Mac's wife was very angry about it; and it led to a
  good deal of ill…feeling。
  〃Some people say that the more one has to do with human nature; and
  the closer  one  is   brought   in   contact   with it;  the  less   one  thinks of   it。    I
  don't   believe   that   those   who   know   most   would   uphold   that   view。       My
  own   experience   is   dead   against   it。    I   was   brought   up   in   the   miserable…
  mortal…clay   school   of   theology;   and   yet   here   I   am;   after   thirty   years   of
  intimate acquaintance with humanity; filled with respect for it。                  The; evil
  lies   commonly        upon    the   surface。    The     deeper    strata   are   good。     A
  hundred times I have seen folk condemned to death as suddenly as poor
  Walker was。        Sometimes it was to blindness or to mutilations which are
  worse than death。         Men   and   women;  they almost   all took   it   beautifully;
  and     some    with    such    lovely    unselfishness;     and    with   such    complete
  absorption   in   the   thought   of   how   their   fate   would   affect   others;   that   the
  man about town; or the frivolously…dressed woman has seemed to change
  into an angel before my eyes。             I have seen death… beds; too; of all ages
  and   of   all   creeds   and   want   of   creeds。 I   never   saw  any  of   them  shrink;
  save     only   one    poor;   imaginative      young     fellow;   who     had   spent    his
  blameless life in the strictest of sects。          Of course; an exhausted frame is
  incapable of fear; as anyone can vouch who is told; in the midst of his sea…
  sickness; that the ship is going to the bottom。             That is why I rate courage
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  in the face of mutilation to be higher than courage when a wasting illness
  is fining away into death。
  〃Now; I'll take a case which I had in my own practice last Wednesday。
  A lady came in to consult methe wife of a well…known sporting baronet。
  The   husband   had   come   with   her;   but   remained;   at   her   request;   in   the
  waiting…room。        I need not go into details; but it proved to be a peculiarly
  malignant   case   of   cancer。     ‘I   knew   it;'   said   she。 ‘How   long   have   I   to
  live?'    ‘I   fear  that   it  may   exhaust    your   strength    in  a  few    months;'    I
  answered。        ‘Poor    old   Jack!'    said   she。   ‘I'll   tell  him   that   it  is  not
  dangerous。'      ‘Why   should   you   deceive   him?'   I   asked。      ‘Well;   he's   very
  uneasy about it; and he is quaking now in the waiting…room。                    He has two
  old friends to dinner to…night; and I haven't the heart to spoil his evening。
  To…morrow   will   be   time   enough   for   him   to   learn   the   truth。'     Out   she
  walked; the brave little woman; and a moment later her husband; with his
  big; red face shining with joy came plunging into my room to shake me by
  the hand。      No; I respected her wish and I did not undeceive him。                  I dare
  bet that evening was one of the brightest; and the next morning the darkest;
  of his l