第 33 节
作者:疯狂热线      更新:2021-03-16 00:36      字数:9322
  the   pantomime   does   when   he   climbs   to   the   top   of   a   staircase   and   rolls
  deliberately over and over until he reaches the ground。 But this funny man
  stopped before he reached the ground; and took his last flight as gracefully
  as a Columbine with outspread skirts。〃
  Time after time Pegoud made a series of S…shaped dives; somersaults;
  and spiral descents; until; after an exhibition which thrilled quite 50;000
  people; he planed gently to Earth。
  Hitherto Pegoud's somersaults have been made by turning over from
  front    to  back;   but   the   daring   aviator;   and   others    who    followed    him;
  afterwards   turned   over   from   right   to   left   or   from   left   to   right。   Pegoud
  claimed to have demonstrated that the aeroplane is uncapsizeable; and that
  if a parachute be attached to the fuselage; which is the equivalent of a life
  boat on board a ship; then every pilot should feel as safe in a heavier…than…
  air machine as in a motor…car。
  … Page 134…
  CHAPTER XLIV The First Englishman to Fly
  Upside Down
  After M。 Pegoud's exhibition of upside…down flying in this country it
  was only to be expected that British aviators would emulate his daring feat。
  Indeed; on the same day that the little Frenchman was turning somersaults
  in the air at Brooklands Mr。 Hamel was asking M。 Bleriot for a machine
  similar to that used by Pegoud; so that he might demonstrate to airmen the
  stability of the aeroplane in almost all conceivable positions。
  However; it was not the daring and skilful Hamel who had the honour
  of first following in Pegoud's footsteps; but another celebrated pilot; Mr。
  Mr。   Hucks   was   an   interested   spectator   at   Brooklands   when   Pegoud
  flew there in September; and he felt that; given similar conditions; there
  was    no   reason    why   he   should    not  repeat   Pegoud's    performance。      He
  therefore talked the matter over with M。 Bleriot; and began practising for
  his great ordeal。
  His first feat was to hang upside…down in a chair supported by a beam
  in one of the sheds; so that he would gradually become accustomed to the
  novel position。 For a time this was not at all easy。 Have you ever tried to
  stand   on   your   hands   with   your   feet   upwards   for   any  length   of   time? To
  realize    the  difficulty  of  being    head   downwards;      just  do  this;  and   get
  someone to hold your legs。 The blood will; of course; 〃rush to the head〃;
  as we say; and the congestion of the blood…vessels in this part of the body
  will make you feel extremely dizzy。 Such an occurrence would be fatal in
  an aeroplane nearly a mile high in the air at a time when one requires an
  especially clear brain to manipulate the various controls。
  But; strange to say;  the   airman gradually  became   used   to   the   〃heels…
  over…head〃 position; and; feeling sure of himself; he determined to start on
  his perilous undertaking。 No one with the exception of M。 Bleriot and the
  mechanics were present at the Buc aerodrome; near Versailles; when Mr。
  Hucks   had   his   monoplane   brought   out   with   the   intention   of   looping   the
  … Page 135…
  He quickly rose to a height of 1500 feet; and then; slowly dipping the
  nose   of   his   machine;   turned   right   over。   For   fully   half   a   minute   he   flew
  underneath   the   monoplane;   and   then   gradually   brought   it   round   to   the
  normal position。
  In the afternoon he continued his experiments; but this time at a height
  of   nearly   3000   feet。  At   this   altitude   he   was   flying   quite   steadily;   when
  suddenly he assumed a perpendicular position; and made a dive of about
  600 feet。 The horrified spectators thought that the gallant aviator had lost
  control of his machine and was dashing straight to Earth; but quickly he
  changed      his   direction    and   slowly     planed    upwards。     Then    almost    as
  suddenly he turned a complete somersault。 Righting the aeroplane; he rose
  in a succession of spiral flights to a height of between 3000 and 3500 feet;
  and then looped the loop twice in quick succession。
  On    coming      to  earth   M。   Bleriot    heartily   congratulated     the   brave
  Englishman。   Mr。   Hucks   admitted   a   little   nervousness   before   looping   the
  loop;   but;   as   he   remarked:   〃Once   I   started   to   go   round   my   nervousness
  vanished; and then I knew I was coming out on top。 It is all a question of
  keeping control of your nerves; and Pegoud deserved all the credit; for he
  was the first to risk his life in flying head downwards。〃
  Mr。 Hucks intended to be the first Englishman to fly upside down in
  England;      but  he   was   forestalled    by   one  of  our   youngest     airmen;    Mr。
  George      Lee   Temple。    On    account    of  his  youthMr。     Temple     was    only
  twenty…one at the time when he first flew upside…downhe was known as
  the 〃baby airman〃; but there was probably no more plucky airman in the
  There were special difficulties which Mr。 Temple had to overcome that
  did not exist in the experiments of M。 Pegoud or Mr。 Hucks。 To start with;
  his    machinea     50…horse…power        Bleriot    monoplanewas        said   by   the
  makers      to  be  unsuitable     for  the  performance。      Then    he   could   get   no
  assistance from the big aeroplane firms; who sought to dissuade him from
  his hazardous undertaking。 Experienced aviators wisely shook their heads
  and told   the  〃baby  airman〃 that   he should   have more  practice before  he
  took such a risk。
  But notwithstanding this lack of encouragement he practised hard for a
  … Page 136…
  few   days   by   hanging   in   an   inverted   position。   Meanwhile   his   mechanics
  were working night and day in strengthening the wings of the monoplane;
  and fitting it with a slightly larger elevator。
  On 24th November; 1913; he decided to 〃try his luck〃 at the London
  aerodrome。       He   was   harnessed     into   his  seat;  and;   bidding    his  friends
  farewell; with the words 〃wish me luck〃; he went aloft。 For nearly half an
  hour he climbed upward; and swooped over the aerodrome in wide circles;
  while his friends far below were watching every action of his machine。
  Suddenly  an   alarming   incident   occurred。 When   about   a   mile   high   in
  the air the machine tipped downwards and rushed towards Earth at terrific
  speed。 Then the tail of the machine came up; and the 〃baby airman〃 was
  hanging head downwards。
  But at this point the group of airmen standing in the aerodrome were
  filled with alarm; for it was quite evident to their experienced eyes that the
  monoplane   was   not   under   proper   control。   Indeed;   it   was   actually   side…
  slipping; and a terrible disaster appeared imminent。 For hundreds of feet
  the young pilot; still hanging head downwards; was crashing to Earth; but
  when   down   to   about   1200   feet   from   the   ground   the   machine   gradually
  came round; and Mr。 Temple descended safely to Earth。
  The   airman   afterwards   told   his   friends   that   for   several   seconds   he
  could not get the machine to answer the controls; and for a time he was
  falling   at   a   speed   of   100   miles   an   hour。   In   ordinary   circumstances   he
  thought   that   a   dive   of   500   feet   after   the   upside…down   stretch   should   get
  him the right way up; but it really took him nearly 1500 feet。 Fortunately;
  however; he commenced the dive at a great altitude; and so the distance
  side…slipped did not much matter。
  It is sad to relate that Mr。 Temple lost his life in January; 1914; while
  flying at Hendon in a treacherous wind。 The actual cause of the accident
  was never clearly understood。 He had not fully recovered from an attack
  of influenza; and it was thought that he fainted and fell over the control
  lever while descending near one of the pylons; when the machine 〃turned
  turtle〃; and the pilot's neck was broken。
  … Page 137…
  CHAPTER XLV Accidents and their Cause
  〃Another      airman    killed!〃   〃There'll    soon   be   none    of  those   flying
  fellows left!〃 〃Far too risky a game!〃 〃Ought to be stopped by law!〃
  How many times have we heard these; a