第 23 节
作者:疯狂热线      更新:2021-03-16 00:35      字数:9322
  but   he   was   seriously   handicapped   by   lack   of   funds。   His   machines   were
  built with the most primitive tools; and some of our modern constructors;
  working in well…equipped 〃shops〃; where the machinery is run by electric
  plant;   would   marvel   at   the   work   accomplished   with   such   tools   as   those
  used by Cody。 Most of Cody's flights were made on Laffan's Plain; and he
  took part in the great 〃Round Britain〃 race in 1911。 It was characteristic of
  the man that in this race he kept on far in the wake of MM。 Beaumont and
  Vedrines; though he knew that he had not the slightest chance of winning
  the    prize;   and;   days    after  the   successful     pilot   had   arrived    back    at
  Brooklands; Cody's 〃bus〃 came to earth in the aerodrome。 〃It's dogged as
  does it;〃 he remarked; 〃and I meant to do the course; even if I took a year
  … Page 94…
  over it。〃
  Of Cody's   sad   death   at   Farnborough; when   practising in the   ill…fated
  water…plane which he intended to pilot in the sea flight round Great Britain
  in 1913; we speak in a later chapter。
  … Page 95…
  CHAPTER XXXII Three Historic Flights
  When the complete history of aviation comes to be written; there will
  be three epoch…making events which will doubtless be duly appreciated by
  the historian; and which may well be described as landmarks in the history
  of flight。 These are the three great contests organized by the proprietors of
  the Daily Mail; respectively known as the 〃London to Manchester〃 flight;
  the   〃Round   Britain   flight   in   an   aeroplane〃;   and   the   〃Water…plane   flight
  round Great Britain。〃
  In any account of aviation which deals with the real achievements of
  pioneers who have helped to make the science of flight what it is to…day; it
  would be unfair not to mention the generosity of Lord Northcliffe and his
  co…directors of the Daily Mail towards the development of aviation in this
  country。 Up to the time of writing; the sum of L24;750 has been paid by
  the Daily Mail in the encouragement of flying; and prizes to the amount of
  L15;000   are   still   on   offer。   In   addition   to   these   prizes   this   journal   has
  maintained   pilots   who   may   be   described   as   〃Missionaries   of   Aviation〃。
  Perhaps   the   foremost   of   them  is   M。   Salmet;   who   has   made   hundreds   of
  flights    in  various    parts   of  the   country;   and    has  aroused     the  greatest
  enthusiasm wherever he has flown。
  The progress of aviation undoubtedly owes a great deal to the Press;
  for the newspaper has succeeded in bringing home to most people the fact
  that the possession of air…craft is a matter of national importance。 It was of
  little use for airmen to make thrilling flights up and down an aerodrome;
  with the object of interesting the general public; if the newspapers did not
  record   such   flights;   and   though   in   the   very   early   days   of   aviation   some
  newspapers   adopted        an   unfriendly   attitude   towards      the   possibilities  of
  practical   aviation;   nearly   all   the   Press   has   since   come   to   recognize   the
  aeroplane as a valuable means of national defence。 Right from the start the
  Daily Mail foresaw the importance of promoting the new science of flight
  by the award of prizes; and its public…spirited enterprise has done much to
  break up the prevailing apathy towards aviation among the British nation。
  If these three great events had been mere spectacles and nothing else
  such   as;   for   instance;   that   great   horse…race   known   as   〃The   Derby〃this
  … Page 96…
  chapter   would   never   have   been       written。   But   they   are  most   worthy   of
  record   because   all   three   have   marked   clearly…defined   stepping…stones   in
  the    progress    of  flight;  they   have   proved    conclusively     that  aviation    is
  practicable; and that its ultimate entry into the busy life of the world is no
  more than a matter of perfecting details。
  The first L10;000 prize was offered in November; 1906; for a flight by
  aeroplane from London to Manchester in twenty…four hours; with not more
  than two stoppages en route。 In 1910 two competitors entered the lists for
  the flight;   one;   an Englishman;   Mr。   Claude Grahame…White;   the   other;  a
  Frenchman; M。 Paulhan。
  Mr。   Grahame…White   made   the   first   attempt;   and   he   flew   remarkably
  well too; but he was forced to descend at Lichfieldabout 113 miles on the
  journeyowing to the high and gusty winds which prevailed in the Trent
  valley。   The   plucky   pilot   intended   to   continue   the   flight   early   the   next
  morning; but during the night his biplane was blown over in a gale while it
  stood in a field; and it was so badly damaged that the machine had to be
  sent back to London to be repaired。
  This    took   so  long   that  his  French    rival;  M。   Paulhan;     was   able  to
  complete his plans and start from Hendon; on 27th April。 So rapidly had
  Paulhan's      machine     been   transported     from   Dover;    and    〃assembled〃      at
  Hendon; that Mr。 White; whose biplane was standing ready at Wormwood
  Scrubbs; was taken by surprise when he heard that his rival had started on
  the journey and 〃stolen a march on him〃; so to speak。 Nothing daunted;
  however; the plucky British aviator had his machine brought out; and he
  went in pursuit of Paulhan late in the afternoon。 When darkness set in Mr。
  White had reached Roade; but the French pilot was several miles ahead。
  Now came one of the most thrilling feats in the history of aviation。 Mr。
  White knew that his only chance of catching Paulhan was to make a flight
  in the darkness; and though this was extremely hazardous he arose from a
  small field in the early morning; some hours before daybreak arrived; and
  flew to the north。 His friends had planned ingenious devices to guide him
  on   his   way:   thus   it   was   proposed   to   send   fast   motor…cars;   bearing   very
  powerful      lights;  along   the   route;  and   huge    flares  were   lighted   on   the
  railway; but the airman kept to his course chiefly by the help of the lights
  … Page 97…
  from the railway stations。
  Over hill and valley; forest and meadow; sleeping town and slumbering
  village; the airman flew; and when dawn arrived he had nearly overhauled
  his rival; who;  in complete  ignorance of   Mr。 White's   daring pursuit; had
  not yet started。
  But now came another piece of very bad luck for the British aviator。 At
  daybreak a strong wind arose; and Mr。 White's machine was tossed about
  like a mere play…ball; so that he was compelled to land。 Paulhan; however;
  who   was   a   pilot   with   far   more   experience;   was   able   to   overcome   the
  treacherous air gusts; and he flew on to Manchester; arriving there in the
  early morning。
  Undoubtedly   the   better   pilot   won;   and   he   had   a   truly   magnificent
  reception in Manchester and London; and on his return to France。 But this
  historic    contest    laid   the   foundation     of   Mr。   Grahame…White's         great
  reputation as an aviator; and; as we all know; his fame has since become
  … Page 98…
  CHAPTER XXXIII Three Historic Flights (Cont。)
  About   a   month   after   Paulhan   had   won   the   〃London   to   Manchester〃
  race;   the   world   of   aviation;   and   most   of   the   general   public   too;   were
  astonished to read the announcement of another enormous prize。 This time
  a much harder task was set; for the conditions of the contest stated that a
  circuit of Britain had to be made; covering a distance of about 1000 miles
  in one week; with eleven compulsory stops at fixed controls。
  This prize was offered on 22nd May; 1910; and in the following year
  seventeen competitors  entered the   lists。  It says   much   for the progress   of
  aviation at this time; when we read that; only a year before; it was difficult
  to find but two pilots to compete in the much easier race described in the
  last chapter。 Much of this progress was undoubtedly due to the immense
  enthusiasm       aroused     by   the   success    of   Paulhan     in  the   〃London      to