第 12 节
作者:疯狂热线      更新:2021-03-16 00:35      字数:9322
  systematic bombardment。
  At   the   time   of   writing;   Germany   is   beginning   to   suffer   some   of   the
  annoyances she is so ready to inflict upon others。 The recently constituted
  Air    Ministry   have      just  published     figures    relating    to  the  air  raids   into
  Germany from December 1; 1917; to February 19; 1918 inclusive。 During
  these eleven weeks no fewer than thirty…five raids have taken place upon a
  variety   of   towns;   railways;   works;   and   barracks。   In   the   list   figure   such
  important   towns   as   Mannheim   (pop。   20;000)   and   Metz   (pop。   100;000)。
  The average weight of bombs dropped at each raid works out about 1000
  … Page 45…
  lbs。 This welcome official report is but one of many signs which point the
  way to the growing supremacy of the Allies in the air。
  … Page 46…
  … Page 47…
  CHAPTER XIV Early Attempts in Aviation
  The desire   to   fly  is no new  growth   in humanity。  For   countless   years
  men have longed to emulate the birds〃To soar upward and glide; free as
  a bird; over smiling fields; leafy woods; and mirror…like lakes;〃 as a great
  pioneer of aviation said。 Great scholars and thinkers of old; such as Horace;
  Homer; Pindar; Tasso; and all the glorious line; dreamt of flight; but it has
  been left for the present century to see those dreams fulfilled。
  Early    writers   of   the  fourth    century    saw   the   possibility   of   aerial
  navigation; but those who tried to put their theories in practice were beset
  by so many difficulties that they rarely succeeded in leaving the ground。
  Most of the early pioneers of aviation believed that if a man wanted to
  fly he must provide himself with a pair of wings similar to those of a large
  bird。 The story goes that a certain abbot told King James IV of Scotland
  that   he   would   fly   from   Stirling   Castle   to   Paris。   He   made   for   himself
  powerful      wings    of  eagles'   feathers;   which    he   fixed   to  his  body    and
  launched himself into the air。 As might be expected; he fell and broke his
  But   although   the  muscles   of   man   are  of   insufficient strength   to   bear
  him in the air; it has been found possible; by using a motor engine; to give
  to man the power of flight which his natural weakness denied him。
  Scientists estimate that to raise a man of about 12 stone in the air and
  enable him to fly there would be required an immense pair of wings over
  20 feet in span。 In comparison with the weight of a man a bird's weight is
  remarkably   smallthe   largest   bird   does   not   weigh   much   more   than   20
  poundsbut its wing muscles are infinitely stronger in proportion than the
  shoulder and arm muscles of a man。
  As    we   shall  see   in  a  succeeding     chapter;   the   〃wing〃    theory    was
  persevered with for many years some two or three centuries ago; and later
  on it was of much use in providing data for the gradual development of the
  modern aeroplane。
  … Page 48…
  CHAPTER XV A Pioneer in Aviation
  Hitherto we have traced the gradual development of the balloon right
  from     the   early   days    of   aeronautics;     when     the   brothers    Montgolfier
  constructed their hot…air balloon; down to the most modern dirigible。 It is
  now our purpose; in this and subsequent chapters; to follow the course of
  the pioneers of aviation。
  It must not be supposed that the invention of the steerable balloon was
  greatly     in  advance     of   that   of  the   heavier…than…air      machine。      Indeed;
  developments   in   both   the   dirigible   airship   and   the   aeroplane   have   taken
  place   side   by   side。   In   some   cases   men   like   Santos   Dumont   have   given
  earnest attention to both forms of air…craft; and produced practical results
  with both。 Thus; after the famous Brazilian aeronaut had won the Deutsch
  prize for a flight in an air…ship round the Eiffel tower; he immediately set
  to   work     to  construct    an   aeroplane     which    he   subsequently      piloted    at
  Bagatelle and was awarded the first 〃Deutsch prize〃 for aviation。
  It   is   generally   agreed   that   the   undoubted   inventor   of   the   aeroplane;
  practically in the form in which it now appears; was an English engineer;
  Sir George Cayley。 Just over a hundred years ago this clever Englishman
  worked out complete plans for an aeroplane; which in many vital respects
  embodied the principal parts of the monoplane as it exists to…day。
  There   were   wings   which   were   inclined   so   that   they  formed   a   lifting
  plane;   moreover;   the   wings   were   curved;   or   〃cambered〃;   similar   to   the
  wing of a bird; and; as we shall see in a later chapter; this curve is one of
  the salient features of the plane of a modern heavier…than…air machine。 Sir
  George      also   advocated     the   screw   propeller    worked      by  some     form   of
  〃explosion〃 motor; which at that time had not arrived。 Indeed; if there had
  been a motor available it is quite possible that England would have led the
  way   in   aviation。   But;   unfortunately;   owing   to   the   absence   of   a   powerful
  motor engine;  Sir  George's ideas   could not   be practically  carried   out   till
  nearly a century later; and then Englishmen were forestalled by the Wright
  brothers; of America; as well as by several French inventors。
  The   distinguished   French   writer; Alphonse   Berget;   in   his   book;   The
  Conquest of   the Air;   pays   a  striking   tribute   to  our  English inventor;   and
  … Page 49…
  this; coming from a gentleman who is writing from a French point of view;
  makes the praise of great value。 In alluding to Sir George; M。 Berget says:
  〃The      inventor;      the   incontestable       forerunner       of   aviation;     was     an
  Englishman; Sir George Cayley; and it was in 1809 that he described his
  project     in   detail    in  Nicholson's       Journal。    。  。   。  His   idea    embodied
  'everything'the       wings     forming     an   oblique     sail;  the   empennage;        the
  spindle   forms   to   diminish   resistance;   the   screw…propeller;   the   'explosion'
  motor; 。 。 。 he even described a means of securing automatic stability。 Is
  not all that marvellous; and does it not constitute a complete specification
  for everything in aviation?
  〃Thus   it   is   necessary   to   inscribe   the   name   of   Sir   George   Cayley   in
  letters   of   gold;   in   the   first   page   of   the   aeroplane's   history。   Besides;   the
  learned   Englishman   did   not   confine   himself   to   'drawing…paper':   he   built
  the    first  apparatus     (without     a  motor)     which    gave    him    results    highly
  promising。 Then   he   built   a   second   machine;   this   time   with   a   motor;   but
  unfortunately during the trials it was smashed to pieces。〃
  But were these ideas of any practical value? How is it that he did not
  succeed in flying; if he had most of the component parts of an aeroplane as
  we know it to…day?
  The   answer   to   the   second   question   is   that   Sir   George   did   not   fly;
  simply   because   there   was   no   light   petrol   motor   in   existence;   the   crude
  motors in use were far too heavy; in proportion to the power developed;
  for service in a flying machine。 It was recognized; not only by Sir George;
  but   by   many   other   English   engineers   in   the   first   half   of   the   nineteenth
  century; that as soon as a sufficiently powerful and light engine did appear;
  then half the battle of the conquest of the air would be won。
  But his prophetic voice was of the utmost assistance to such inventors
  as Santos Dumont; the Wright brothers; M。 Bleriot; and others now world…
  famed。   It   is   quite   safe   to   assume   that   they   gave   serious   attention   to   the
  views   held   by   Sir   George;   which   were   given   to   the   world   at   large   in   a
  number of highly…interest… ing lectures and magazine articles。 〃Ideas〃 are
  the very foundation…stones of inventionif we may be allowed the figure
  of speechand Englishmen are proud; and r