第 11 节
作者:疯狂热线      更新:2021-03-16 00:35      字数:9321
  heartening effect of the raids upon the German populace is evidenced by
  the mental attitude of men made prisoners on any of the fronts。 Only with
  the utmost difficulty were their captors able to persuade them that London
  and   other   large   towns   were   not   in   ruins;   that   shipbuilding   was   not   at   a
  standstill;   and   that   the   British   people   was   not   ready   at   any   moment   to
  purchase indemnity from the raids by concluding a German peace。 When
  one method of terrorism fails try another; was evidently the German motto。
  After the Zeppelin the Gotha; and after that the submarine。
  The     next   year1917brought        in   a  very    welcome      change     in  the
  situation。 One Zeppelin after another met with its just deserts; the British
  navy   in   particular   scoring   heavily   against   them。   Nor   must   the   skill   and
  enterprise   of   our   French   allies   be   forgotten。   In   March;   1917;   they   shot
  down   a   Zeppelin   at   Compiegne;   and   seven   months   later   dealt   the   blow
  which finally rid these islands of the Zeppelin menace。
  For nearly a year London; owing to its greatly increased defences; had
  been free from attack。 Then; on the night of October 19; Germany made a
  colossal effort to make good their boast of laying London in ruins。 A fleet
  of eleven Zeppelins came over; five of which found the city。 One; drifting
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  low and silently; was responsible for most of the casualties; which totalled
  34 killed and 56 injured。
  The   fleet   got   away  from  these   shores   without   mishap。 Then;   at   long
  last; came retribution。 Flying very high; they seem to have encountered an
  aerial storm which drove them helplessly over French territory。 Our allies
  were swift to seize this golden opportunity。 Their airmen and anti…aircraft
  guns shot down no less than four of the Zeppelins in broad daylight; one
  of which was captured whole。 Of the remainder; one at least drifted over
  the Mediterranean;  and  was   not heard   of again。 That   was   the last   of  the
  Zeppelin; so far as the civilian population was concerned。 But; for nearly a
  year; the work of killing citizens had been undertaken by the big bomb…
  dropping Gotha aeroplanes。
  The work of the Gotha belongs rightly to the second part of this book;
  which   deals   with   aeroplanes   and   airmen;   but   it   would   be   convenient   to
  dispose   here   of   the   part   played   by   the   Gotha   in   the   air   raids   upon   this
  The reconnaissance took place on Tuesday; November 28; 1916; when
  in   a   slight   haze   a   German   aeroplane   suddenly   appeared   over   London;
  dropped six bombs; and flew off。 The Gotha was intercepted off Dunkirk
  by    the    French;    and    brought     down。     Pilot   and    observer…two      naval
  lieutenants…were       found    to  have   a  large…scale    map    of  London     in  their
  possession。 The new era of raids had commenced。
  Very   soon   it   became   evident   that   the   new   squadron   of   Gothas   were
  much     more    destructive    than   the   former    fleets  of  unwieldy     Zeppelins。
  These great Gothas were each capable of dropping nearly a ton of bombs。
  And     their   heavy    armament      and    swift   flight  rendered     them    far  less
  vulnerable than the air…ship。
  From March 1 to October 31; 1917; no less than twenty…two raids took
  place; chiefly on London and towns on the south…east coast。 The casualties
  amounted to 484 killed and 410 wounded。 The two worst raids occurred
  June 13 on East London; and September 3 on the Sheerness and Chatham
  A squadron of fifteen aeroplanes carried out the raid; on June 13; and
  although they were only over the city for a period of fifteen minutes the
  … Page 43…
  casualty list was exceedingly heavy104 killed and 432 wounded。 Many
  children were among the killed and injured as the result of a bomb which
  fell upon a Council school。 The raid was carried out in daylight; and the
  bombs      began    to  drop    before    any   warning     could   be   given。   Later;   an
  effective and comprehensive system of warnings was devised; and when
  people had acquired the habit of taking shelter; instead of rushing out into
  the street to see the aerial combats; the casualties began to diminish。
  It   is   worthy   of   record   that   the   possible   danger   to   schools   had   been
  anticipated; and for some weeks previously the children had taken part in
  〃Air Raid   Drill〃。 When the   raid   came;  the   children behaved in the   most
  exemplary fashion。 They went through the manoeuvres as though it   was
  merely a rehearsal; and their bearing as well as the coolness of the teachers
  obviated all danger from panic。 In this raid the enemy first made use of
  aerial torpedoes。
  Large loss of life; due to a building being struck; was also the feature
  of   the   moonlight   raid   on   September   4。   On   this   occasion   enemy   airmen
  found   a   mark   on   the   Royal   Naval   barracks   at   Sheerness。   The   barracks
  were fitted with hammocks for sleeping; and no less than 108 bluejackets
  lost their lives; the number of wounded amounting to 92。 Although the raid
  lasted   nearly   an   hour   and   powerful   searchlights   were   brought   into   play;
  neither guns nor our airmen succeeded in causing any loss to the raiders。
  Bombs were dropped at a number of other places; including Margate and
  Southend; but without result。
  No   less   than   six   raids   took   place   on   London   before   the   end   of   the
  month; but the greatest number of killed in any one of the raids was eleven;
  while on September 28 the raiders were driven off before they could claim
  any victims。 The establishment of a close barrage of aerial guns did much
  to   discourage   the   raiders;   and   gradually   London;   from   being   the   most
  vulnerable spot in the British Isles; began to enjoy comparative immunity
  from attack。
  Paris; too; during the Great War has had to suffer bombardment from
  the   air;   but   not   nearly   to   the   same   extent   as   London。   The   comparative
  immunity   of   Paris   from   air   raids   is   due   partly   to   the   prompt   measures
  which were taken to defend the capital。 The French did not wait; as did the
  … Page 44…
  British; until the populace was goaded to the last point of exasperation; but
  quickly   instituted   the   barrage   system;   in   which   we   afterwards   followed
  their   lead。   Moreover;   the   French   were   much   more   prompt   in   adopting
  retaliatory   tactics。   They   hit   back   without   having   to   wade   through   long
  moral   and   philosophical   disquisitions   upon   the   ethics   of   〃reprisals〃。   On
  the    other    hand;    it  must    be   remembered         that   Paris;   from    the   aerial
  standpoint;   is   a   much   more   difficult   objective   than   London。   The   enemy
  airman has to cross the French lines; which; like his own; stretch for miles
  in the rear。 Practically he is in hostile country all the time; and he has to
  get   back   across   the   same   dangerous   air   zones。   It   is   a   far   easier   task   to
  dodge  a   few   sea…planes   over  the   wide   seas   en   route   to   London。 And   on
  reaching the coast the airman has to evade or fight scattered local defences;
  instead of penetrating the close barriers which confront him all the way to
  Since the first Zeppelin attack on Paris on March 21; 1915; when two
  of   the   air…ships   reached   the   suburbs;   killing   23   persons   and   injuring   30;
  there   have   been   many   raids   and   attempted   raids;   but   mostly   by   single
  machines。 The first air raid in force upon the French capital took place on
  January 31; 1918; when a squadron of Gothas crossed the lines north of
  Compiegne。         Two    hospitals    were    hit;  and    the   casualties    from    the   raid
  amounted to 20 killed and 50 wounded。
  After the Italian set…back in the winter of 1917; the Venetian plain lay
  open to   aerial bombardment   by the   Germans; who had given substantial
  military aid to their Austrian allies。 This was an opportunity not to be lost
  by   Germany;   and   Venice   and   other   towns   of   the   plain   were   subject   to
  systematic bombardment。
  At   the   time   of   writing;   Germany   is   beginning   to   suffer   some   of   the