第 8 节
作者:疯狂热线      更新:2021-03-16 00:35      字数:9321
  character; he refused to be beaten。 His difficulties were formidable。 In the
  first   place;   he   had   to   master   the   whole   science   of   aeronautics;   which
  implies some knowledge of mechanics; meteorology; and electricity。 This
  in itself was no small task for a man of over fifty years of age; for it was
  not until Count Zeppelin had retired from the army that he began to study
  these subjects at all deeply。
  The next step was to construct a large shed for the housing of his air…
  ship; and also for the purpose of carrying out numerous costly experiments。
  The Count selected Friedrichshafen; on the shores of Lake Constance; as
  his   head…quarters。   He   decided   to   conduct   his   experiments   over   the   calm
  waters of the lake; in order to lessen the effects of a fall。 The original shed
  was constructed on pontoons; and it could be turned round as desired; so
  … Page 29…
  that    the  air…ship    could   be   brought     out   in  the  lee   of  any    wind    from
  whatsoever quarter it came。
  It is said that the Count's private fortune of about L25;000 was soon
  expended   in   the   cost   of   these   works   and   the   necessary   experiments。   To
  continue his work he had to appeal for funds to all his friends; and also to
  all patriotic Germans; from the Kaiser downwards。
  At   length;   in   1908;   there   came   a   turning…point   in   his   fortunes。   The
  German Government; which had watched the Count's progress with great
  interest; offered to buy his invention outright if he succeeded in remaining
  aloft in one of his dirigibles for twenty…four hours。 The Count did not quite
  succeed in his task; but he aroused the great interest of the whole German
  nation;  and   a   Zeppelin   fund   was   established; under   the   patronage   of   the
  Kaiser; in every town and city in the Fatherland。 In about a month the fund
  amounted to over L300;000。 With this sum the veteran inventor was able
  to   extend   his   works;  and   produce   air…ship   after   air…ship   with   remarkable
  rapidity。   When;   war   broke   out   it   is   probable   that   Germany   possessed   at
  least   thirteen   air…ships   which   had   fulfilled   very   difficult   tests。   One   had
  flown   1800   miles   in   a   single   journey。   Thus   the   East   Coast   of   England;
  representing a return journey of less than 600 miles was well within their
  range of action。
  … Page 30…
  CHAPTER X A Zeppelin Air…ship and its
  After    the   Zeppelin     fund   had    brought    in  a   sum   of   money     which
  probably      exceeded      all  expectations;     a  company       was   formed     for   the
  construction of dirigibles in the Zeppelin works on Lake Constance; and in
  1909 an enormous air…ship was produced。
  In   shape   a   Zeppelin   dirigible   resembled   a   gigantic   cigar;   pointed   at
  both   ends。   If   placed   with   one   end   on   the   ground   in   Trafalgar   Square;
  London; its other end would be nearly three times the height of the Nelson
  Column; which; as you may know; is 166 feet。
  From   the   diagram   here   given;   which   shows   a   sectional   view   of   a
  typical Zeppelin air…ship; we may obtain a clear idea of the main features
  of   the   craft。   From   time   to   time;   during   the   last   dozen   years   or   so;   the
  inventor has added certain details; but the main features as shown in the
  illustration are common to all air…craft of this type。
  Zeppelin L1 was 525 feet in length; with a diameter of 50 feet。 Some
  idea   of   the   size   may   be   obtained   through   the   knowledge   that   she   was
  longer than a modern Dreadnought。 The framework was made of specially
  light    metal;   aluminium      alloy;   and   wood。    This    framework;      which    was
  stayed with steel wire; maintained the shape and rigidity of her gas…bags;
  hence  vessels of   this   type   are known   as   RIGID   air…ships。  Externally  the
  hull was covered with a waterproof fabric。
  Though;   from   outside;   a   rigid   air…ship   looks   to   be   all   in   one   piece;
  within   it   is   divided   into   numerous   compartments。   In   Zeppelin   L1   there
  were eighteen separate compartments; each of which contained a balloon
  filled   with   hydrogen   gas。   The   object   of   providing   the   vessel   with   these
  small balloons; or ballonets; all separate from one another; was to prevent
  the gas collecting all at one end of the ship as the vessel travelled through
  the   air。   Outside   the   ballonets   there   was   a   ring…shaped;   double   bottom;
  containing non…inflammable   gas;   and   the   whole   was   enclosed   in   rubber…
  coated fabric。
  The crew and motors were carried in cars slung fore and aft。 The ship
  … Page 31…
  was propelled by three engines; each of 170 horse…power。 One engine was
  placed in the forward car; and the two others in the after car。 To steer her
  to right or left; she had six vertical planes somewhat resembling box…kites;
  while eight horizontal planes enabled her to ascend or descend。
  In Zeppelin L2; which was a later type of craft; there were four motors
  capable     of   developing     820   horse…power。      These    drove    four   propellers;
  which gave the craft a speed of about 45 miles an hour。
  The cars were connected by a gangway built within the framework。 On
  the top of the gas…chambers was a platform of aluminium alloy; carrying a
  1…pounder gun; and used also as an observation station。 It is thought that
  L1 was also provided with four machine…guns in her cars。
  Later  types   of   Zeppelins   were  fitted   with   a   〃wireless〃   installation   of
  sufficient   range   to   transmit   and   receive   messages   up   to   350   miles。   L1
  could rise to the height of a mile in favourable weather; and carry about 7
  tons over and above her own weight。
  Even     when     on   ground     the   unwieldy     craft   cause    many     anxious
  moments to the officers and mechanics who handle them。 Two of the line
  have broken loose from their anchorage in a storm and have been totally
  destroyed。 Great difficulty is also experienced in getting them in and out
  of their sheds。 Here; indeed; is a contrast with the ease and rapidity with
  which an aeroplane is removed from its hangar。
  It   was   maintained   by   the   inventor   that;   as   the   vessel   is   rigid;   and
  therefore no pressure is required in the gas…chamber to maintain its shape;
  it   will   not   be   readily   vulnerable   to   projectiles。   But   the   Count   did   not
  foresee that the very 〃frightfulness〃 of his engine of war would engender
  counter…destructives。   In   a   later   chapter   an   account   will   be   given   of   the
  manner      in  which    Zeppelin     attacks   upon    these   islands   were    gradually
  beaten off by the combined efforts of anti…aircraft guns and aeroplanes。 To
  the latter; and the intrepid pilots and fighters; is due the chief credit for the
  final overthrow of the Zeppelin as a weapon of offence。 Both the British
  and    French     airmen    in  various    brilliant  sallies   succeeded     in  gradually
  breaking up and destroying this Armada of the Air; and the Zeppelin was
  forced back to the one line of work in which it has proved a success; viz。;
  scouting   for   the   German   fleet   in   the   few   timid   sallies   it   has   made   from
  … Page 32…
  home ports。
  … Page 33…
  CHAPTER XI The Semi…rigid Air…ship
  Modern air…ships are of three general types: RIGID; SEMI…RIGID; and
  NON…RIGID。 These differ from one another; as the names suggest; in the
  important      feature;    the   RIGIDITY;       NON…RIGIDITY;           and    PARTIAL
  RIGIDITY of the gas envelope。
  Hitherto we have discussed the RIGID type of vessel with which the
  name   of   Count   Zeppelin   is   so   closely   associated。   This   vessel   is;   as   we
  have seen; not dependent for its form on the gas…bag; but is maintained in
  permanent       shape    by  means     of  an   aluminium      framework。      A   serious
  disadvantage to this type of craft is that it lacks the