第 2 节
作者:疯狂热线      更新:2021-03-16 00:35      字数:9318
  atmosphere which makes the smoke from chimneys and elsewhere rise in
  opposition to the force of gravity? If so; cannot we discover this power;
  and apply it to the service of mankind?〃
  We may imagine that such questions were in the minds of those two
  French paper…makers; just as similar questions were in the mind of James
  Watt when he was discovering the power of steam。 But one of the most
  important attributes of an inventor is an infinite capacity for taking pains;
  together with great patience。
  And so we find the two brothers employing their leisure in what to us
  would; be a childish pastime; the making of paper balloons。 The story tells
  us that their room was filled with smoke; which issued from the windows
  as though the house were on fire。 A neighbour; thinking such was the case;
  rushed in; but; on being assured that nothing serious was wrong; stayed to
  watch the tiny balloons rise a little way from the thin tray which contained
  the   fire  that   made    the  smoke     with   which    the  bags    were   filled。  The
  experiments were not altogether successful; however; for the bags rarely
  rose more than a foot or so   from the tray。 The neighbour suggested that
  they   should   fasten   the   thin   tray   on   to   the   bottom   of   the   bag;   for   it   was
  thought that the bags would not ascend higher because the smoke became
  cool; and if the smoke were imprisoned within the bag much better results
  would be obtained。 This was done; and; to the great joy of the brothers and
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  their visitor; the bag at once rose quickly to the ceiling。
  But though they could make the bags rise their great trouble was that
  they did   not   know the  cause of this   ascent。 They  thought; however;  that
  they were on the eve of some great discovery; and; as events proved; they
  were not far wrong。 For a time they imagined that the fire they had used
  generated some special gas; and if they could find out the nature of this
  gas; and the means of making it in large quantities; they would be able to
  add to their success。
  Of course; in the light of modern knowledge; it seems strange that the
  brothers did not know that the reason the bags rose; was not because of
  any special gas   being   used; but   owing   to   the   expansion   of   air under the
  influence of heat; whereby hot air tends to rise。 Every schoolboy above the
  age of twelve knows that hot air rises upwards in the atmosphere; and that
  it continues to rise until its temperature has become the same as that of the
  surrounding air。
  The next experiment was to try their bags in the open air。 Choosing a
  calm;     fine  day;   they   made     a  fire  similar   to  that   used   in   their  first
  experiments; and succeeded in making the bag rise nearly 100 feet。 Later
  on; a much larger craft was built; which was equally successful。
  And   now   we   must   leave   the   experiments   of   the   Montgolfiers   for   a
  moment; and turn to the discovery of hydrogen gas by Henry Cavendish; a
  well…known London chemist。 In 1766 Cavendish proved conclusively that
  hydrogen gas was not more than one…seventh the weight of ordinary air。 It
  at once occurred to Dr。 Black; of Glasgow; that if a thin bag could be filled
  with   this   light   gas   it   would   rise   in   the   air;   but   for   various   reasons   his
  experiments did not yield results of a practical nature for several years。
  Some      time    afterwards;     about     a   year   before     the   Montgolfiers
  commenced their experiments which we have already described; Tiberius
  Cavallo;   an    Italian   chemist;   succeeded   in   making;   with   hydrogen        gas;
  soap…bubbles which rose in the air。 Previous to this he had experimented
  with bladders and paper bags; but the bladders he found too heavy; and the
  paper too porous。
  It must not be thought that the Montgolfiers experimented solely with
  hot air in the inflation of their balloons。 At one time they used steam; and;
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  later  on;  the  newly…discovered hydrogen   gas; but   with both   these   agents
  they were   unsuccessful。   It can   easily  be seen   why  steam was   of   no   use;
  when we consider that paper was employed; hydrogen; too; owed its lack
  of success to the same cause for the porosity of the paper allowed the gas
  to escape quickly。
  It  is  said  that   the  name    〃balloon〃     was   given    to  these   paper   craft
  because they resembled in shape a large spherical vessel used in chemistry;
  which was known by that name。 To the brothers Montgolfier belongs the
  honour of having given the name to this type of aircraft; which; in the two
  succeeding centuries; became so popular。
  After   numerous   experiments   the   public   were   invited   to   witness   the
  inflation of a particularly huge balloon; over 30 feet in diameter。 This was
  accomplished        over   a  fire   made    of  wool     and   straw。   The   ascent    was
  successful; and the balloon; after rising to a height of some 7000 feet; fell
  to earth about two miles away。
  It may be imagined that this experiment aroused enormous interest in
  Paris;   whence   the news   rapidly  spread   over   all   France   and to   Britain。 A
  Parisian   scientific   society   invited   Stephen   Montgolfier   to   Paris   in   order
  that the citizens of the metropolis should have their imaginations excited
  by seeing the hero of these remarkable experiments。 Montgolfier was not a
  rich   man;    and   to  enable    him   to  continue     his  experiments      the  society
  granted     him    a  considerable     sum    of  money。     He   was    then   enabled    to
  construct   a   very   fine   balloon;   elaborately   decorated   and   painted;   which
  ascended at Versailles in the presence of the Court。
  To add to the value of this experiment three animals were sent up in a
  basket attached to the balloon。 These were a sheep; a cock; and a duck。 All
  sorts   of   guesses   were   made   as   to   what   would   be   the   fate   of   the   〃poor
  creatures〃。 Some people imagined that there was little or no air in those
  higher regions and that the animals would choke; others said they would
  be frozen to death。 But when the balloon descended the cock was seen to
  be strutting about in his usual dignified way; the sheep was chewing the
  cud; and the duck was quacking for water and worms。
  At this point we will leave the work of the brothers Montgolfier。 They
  had succeeded in firing the imagination of nearly every Frenchman; from
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  King   Louis   down   to   his   humblest   subject。   Strange;   was   it   not;   though
  scores   of   millions   of   people   had   seen   smoke   rise;   and   clouds   float;   for
  untold   centuries;   yet   no   one;   until   the   close   of   the   eighteenth   century;
  thought of making a balloon?
  The learned Franciscan friar; Roger Bacon; who lived in the thirteenth
  century;      seems     to   have    thought      of   the   possibility     of   producing      a
  contrivance        that   would     float   in   air。  His    idea    was    that   the    earth's
  atmosphere   was   a   〃true   fluid〃;   and   that   it   had   an   upper   surface   as   the
  ocean   has。   He   quite   believed   that   on   this   upper   surfacesubject;   in   his
  belief;   to   waves   similar   to   those   of   the   seaan   air…ship   might   float   if   it
  once succeeded in rising to the required height。 But the difficulty was to
  reach the surface of this aerial sea。 To do this he proposed to make a large
  hollow globe of metal; wrought as thin as the skill of man could make it;
  so that it might be as light as possible; and this vast globe was to be filled
  with     〃liquid   fire〃。   Just  what    〃liquid    fire〃  was;    one   cannot     attempt    to
  explain;   and   it   is   doubtful   if   Bacon   himself   had   any   clear   idea。   But   he
  doubtless   thought   of   some   gaseous   substance  lighter  than   air;   and   so   he
  would      seem     to  have;    at  least;   hit  upon     the  principle     underlying      the
  construction of the modern balloon。 Roger Bacon had ideas far in advance
  of his time; and his experiments made such an impression of wonder on
  the popular mind that they were believed to be wrought by black magic;
  and the worthy monk was classed among those who were supposed to be
  in league with Satan。
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