第 2 节
作者:打死也不说      更新:2021-03-08 19:34      字数:9322
  rather live near the bay than the river; whose banks might overflow
  at any time。  But was it the tide?  So she ran again to the back
  door; and threw out a stick of wood。  It drifted away toward the
  bay。  She scooped up some of the water and put it eagerly to her
  lips。  It was fresh and sweet。  It was the river; and not the tide!
  It was thenO God be praised for his goodness! she did neither
  faint nor fall; it was thenblessed be the Saviour; for it was his
  merciful hand that touched and strengthened her in this awful
  momentthat fear dropped from her like a garment; and her
  trembling ceased。  It was then and thereafter that she never lost
  her self…command; through all the trials of that gloomy night。
  She drew the bedstead toward the middle of the room; and placed a
  table upon it and on that she put the cradle。  The water on the
  floor was already over her ankles; and the house once or twice
  moved so perceptibly; and seemed to be racked so; that the closet
  doors all flew open。  Then she heard the same rasping and thumping
  against the wall; and; looking out; saw that a large uprooted tree;
  which had lain near the road at the upper end of the pasture; had
  floated down to the house。  Luckily its long roots dragged in the
  soil and kept it from moving as rapidly as the current; for had it
  struck the house in its full career; even the strong nails and
  bolts in the piles could not have withstood the shock。  The hound
  had leaped upon its knotty surface; and crouched near the roots
  shivering and whining。  A ray of hope flashed across her mind。  She
  drew a heavy blanket from the bed; and; wrapping it about the babe;
  waded in the deepening waters to the door。  As the tree swung
  again; broadside on; making the little cabin creak and tremble; she
  leaped on to its trunk。  By God's mercy she succeeded in obtaining
  a footing on its slippery surface; and; twining an arm about its
  roots; she held in the other her moaning child。  Then something
  cracked near the front porch; and the whole front of the house she
  had just quitted fell forwardjust as cattle fall on their knees
  before they lie downand at the same moment the great redwood tree
  swung round and drifted away with its living cargo into the black
  For all the excitement and danger; for all her soothing of her
  crying babe; for all the whistling of the wind; for all the
  uncertainty of her situation; she still turned to look at the
  deserted and water…swept cabin。  She remembered even then; and she
  wonders how foolish she was to think of it at that time; that she
  wished she had put on another dress and the baby's best clothes;
  and she kept praying that the house would be spared so that he;
  when he returned; would have something to come to; and it wouldn't
  be quite so desolate; andhow could he ever know what had become
  of her and baby?  And at the thought she grew sick and faint。  But
  she had something else to do besides worrying; for whenever the
  long roots of her ark struck an obstacle; the whole trunk made half
  a revolution; and twice dipped her in the black water。  The hound;
  who kept distracting her by running up and down the tree and
  howling; at last fell off at one of these collisions。  He swam for
  some time beside her; and she tried to get the poor beast up on the
  tree; but he 〃acted silly〃 and wild; and at last she lost sight of
  him forever。  Then she and her baby were left alone。  The light
  which had burned for a few minutes in the deserted cabin was
  quenched suddenly。  She could not then tell whither she was
  drifting。  The outline of the white dunes on the peninsula showed
  dimly ahead; and she judged the tree was moving in a line with the
  river。  It must be about slack water; and she had probably reached
  the eddy formed by the confluence of the tide and the overflowing
  waters of the river。  Unless the tide fell soon; there was present
  danger of her drifting to its channel; and being carried out to sea
  or crushed in the floating drift。  That peril averted; if she were
  carried out on the ebb toward the bay; she might hope to strike one
  of the wooded promontories of the peninsula; and rest till
  daylight。  Sometimes she thought she heard voices and shouts from
  the river; and the bellowing of cattle and bleating of sheep。  Then
  again it was only the ringing in her ears and throbbing of her
  heart。  She found at about this time that she was so chilled and
  stiffened in her cramped position that she could scarcely move; and
  the baby cried so when she put it to her breast that she noticed
  the milk refused to flow; and she was so frightened at that; that
  she put her head under her shawl; and for the first time cried
  When she raised her head again; the boom of the surf was behind
  her; and she knew that her ark had again swung round。  She dipped
  up the water to cool her parched throat; and found that it was salt
  as her tears。  There was a relief; though; for by this sign she
  knew that she was drifting with the tide。  It was then the wind
  went down; and the great and awful silence oppressed her。  There
  was scarcely a ripple against the furrowed sides of the great trunk
  on which she rested; and around her all was black gloom and quiet。
  She spoke to the baby just to hear herself speak; and to know that
  she had not lost her voice。  She thought thenit was queer; but
  she could not help thinking ithow awful must have been the night
  when the great ship swung over the Asiatic peak; and the sounds of
  creation were blotted out from the world。  She thought; too; of
  mariners clinging to spars; and of poor women who were lashed to
  rafts; and beaten to death by the cruel sea。  She tried to thank
  God that she was thus spared; and lifted her eyes from the baby;
  who had fallen into a fretful sleep。  Suddenly; away to the
  southward; a great light lifted itself out of the gloom; and
  flashed and flickered; and flickered and flashed again。  Her heart
  fluttered quickly against the baby's cold cheek。  It was the
  lighthouse at the entrance of the bay。  As she was yet wondering;
  the tree suddenly rolled a little; dragged a little; and then
  seemed to lie quiet and still。  She put out her hand and the
  current gurgled against it。  The tree was aground; and; by the
  position of the light and the noise of the surf; aground upon the
  Dedlow Marsh。
  Had it not been for her baby; who was ailing and croupy; had it not
  been for the sudden drying up of that sensitive fountain; she would
  have felt safe and relieved。  Perhaps it was this which tended to
  make all her impressions mournful and gloomy。  As the tide rapidly
  fell; a great flock of black brent fluttered by her; screaming and
  crying。  Then the plover flew up and piped mournfully as they
  wheeled around the trunk; and at last fearlessly lit upon it like a
  gray cloud。  Then the heron flew over and around her; shrieking and
  protesting; and at last dropped its gaunt legs only a few yards
  from her。  But; strangest of all; a pretty white bird; larger than
  a dovelike a pelican; but not a pelicancircled around and
  around her。  At last it lit upon a rootlet of the tree; quite over
  her shoulder。  She put out her hand and stroked its beautiful white
  neck; and it never appeared to move。  It stayed there so long that
  she thought she would lift up the baby to see it; and try to
  attract her attention。  But when she did so; the child was so
  chilled and cold; and had such a blue look under the little lashes
  which it didn't raise at all; that she screamed aloud; and the bird
  flew away; and she fainted。
  Well; that was the worst of it; and perhaps it was not so much;
  after all; to any but herself。  For when she recovered her senses
  it was bright sunlight; and dead low water。  There was a confused
  noise of guttural voices about her; and an old squaw; singing an
  Indian 〃hushaby;〃 and rocking herself from side to side before a
  fire built on the marsh; before which she; the recovered wife and
  mother; lay weak and weary。  Her first thought was for her baby;
  and she was about to speak; when a young squaw; who must have been
  a mother herself; fathomed her thought and brought her the
  〃mowitch;〃 pale but living; in such a queer little willow cradle
  all bound up; just like the squaw's own young one; that she laughed
  and cried together; and the young squaw and the old squaw showed
  their big white teeth and glinted their black eyes and said;
  〃Plenty get well; skeena mowitch;〃 〃wagee man come plenty soon;〃
  and she could have kissed their brown faces in her joy。  And then
  she found that they had been gathering berries on the marsh in
  their queer; comical baskets; and saw the skirt of her gown
  fluttering on the tree from afar; and the old squaw couldn't resist
  the temptation of procuring a new garment; and came down and
  discovered the 〃wagee〃 woman and child。  And of course she gave the
  garment to the old squaw; as you may imagine; and when HE came at
  last and rushed up to her; lo