第 4 节
作者:      更新:2021-03-08 19:26      字数:9322
  the very agonies of death itself; he desired her to bring him his usual cup
  of water; and then to help him on with his clothes; that he might sit up; and
  so be in a better posture to take his leave of her and her friends。
  When   she   had   taken   him   up;   and   placed   him   at   a   table   where   he
  usually sat; he desired her to bring him his box of papers; and after he had
  collected those he intended should be preserved; he ordered her to bring a
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  candle; that he might see the rest burnt。 The good woman seemed at first
  to oppose the burning of his papers; till he told her they were only useless
  trifles; some unfinished observations which he had made in his youthful
  days; and were not fit to be seen by her; or anybody that should come after
  After he had seen his papers burnt; and placed the rest in their proper
  order; and had likewise settled all his other affairs; which was only fit to
  be done between himself and his sister; he desired her to call two or three
  of the most reputable neighbours; not only to be witnesses of his will; but
  likewise to hear what he had farther to communicate before the return of
  his fit; which he expected very speedily。
  His    sister;  who     had   beforehand      acquainted      two   or   three   of   her
  confidants with all that had happened; was very much rejoiced to hear her
  brother   make   so   unexpected   a   concession;   and   accordingly;   without   any
  delay   or   hesitation;   went   directly   into   the   neighbourhood;   and   brought
  home her two select friends; upon whose secrecy and sincerity she knew
  she might depend upon all accounts。
  In   her   absence   he   felt   several   symptoms   of   the   approach   of   his   fit;
  which made him a little uneasy; lest it should entirely seize him before he
  had perfected his will; but that apprehension was quickly removed by her
  speedy return。       After she had introduced her friends into his chamber; he
  proceeded   to   express   himself   in   the   following   manner;   Dear   sister;   you
  now see your brother upon the brink of eternity; and as the words of dying
  persons are commonly the most regarded; and make deepest impressions; I
  cannot   suspect   but   you   will   suffer   the   few   I   am   about   to   say   to   have
  always   some   place   in   your   thoughts;   that   they   may   be   ready   for   you   to
  make use of upon any occasion。
  Do   not   be   fond   of   anything   on   this   side   of   eternity;   or   suffer   your
  interest   to   incline   you   to   break   your   word;   quit   your   modesty;   or   to   do
  anything that will not bear the light; and look the world in the face。                    For
  be assured   of this; the person that values   the virtue of   his   mind   and the
  dignity of his reason; is always easy and well fortified both against death
  and misfortune; and is perfectly indifferent about the length or shortness of
  his life。 Such a one is solicitous about nothing but his own conduct; and
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  for fear he should be deficient in the duties of religion; and the respective
  functions of reason and prudence。
  Always go the nearest way to work。               Now; the nearest way through
  all the business of human life; are the paths of religion and honesty; and
  keeping      those   as   directly   as   you   can;   you    avoid   all  the   dangerous
  precipices that often lie in the road; and sometimes block up the passage
  Remember that life was but lent at first; and that the remainder is more
  than   you   have   reason   to   expect;   and   consequently  ought   to   be   managed
  with more than ordinary diligence。             A wise man spends every day as if it
  were his last; his hourglass is always in his hand; and he is never guilty of
  sluggishness or insincerity。
  He was about to proceed; when a sudden symptom of the return of his
  fit put him in mind that it was time to get his will witnessed; which was no
  sooner   done   but   he   took   it   up   and   gave   it   to   his   sister;   telling   her   that
  though all he had   was   hers of   right;  yet he   thought it proper;  to prevent
  even a possibility of a dispute; to write down his mind in the nature of a
  will; wherein I have given you; says he; the little that I have left; except
  my   books   and   papers;   which;   as   soon   as   I   am   dead;   I   desire   may   be
  delivered to Mr。 Anthony Barlow; a near relation of my worthy master; Mr。
  Owen Parry。
  This Mr。 Anthony Barlow was an old contemplative Welsh gentleman;
  who; being under some difficulties in his own country; was forced to come
  into Cornwall and take sanctuary among the tinners。 Dickory; though he
  kept himself as retired as possible; happened to meet him one day upon his
  walks;   and   presently   remembered   that   he   was   the   very   person   that   used
  frequently   to   come   to   visit   his   master   while   he   lived   in   Pembrokeshire;
  and so went to him; and by signs made him understand who he was。
  The     old  gentleman;      though     at  first  surprised    at  this   unexpected
  interview; soon recollected that he had formerly seen at Mr。 Parry's a dumb
  man;     whom      they   used    to  call   the  dumb     philosopher;      so  concludes
  immediately that consequently this must be he。                In short; they soon made
  themselves   known   to   each   other;   and   from   that   time   contracted   a   strict
  friendship     and   a  correspondence       by   letters;  which    for  the   future   they
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  mutually managed with the greatest exactness and familiarity。
  But to leave this as a matter not much material; and to return to our
  narrative。     By this time Dickory's speech began to falter; which his sister
  observing;      put   him   in  mind     that  he   would    do   well   to   make    some
  declaration of his faith and principles of religion; because some reflections
  had   been   made   upon   him   upon   the   account   of   his   neglect;   or   rather   his
  refusal; to appear at any place of public worship。
  〃Dear     sister;〃  says   he;   〃you   observe     very   well;   and   I  wish    the
  continuance of my speech for a few moments; that I might make an ample
  declaration   upon   that   account。     But   I   find   that   cannot   be;   my   speech   is
  leaving me so fast that I can only tell you that I have always lived; and
  now die; an unworthy member of the ancient catholic and apostolic church;
  and as to my faith and principles; I refer you to my papers; which; I hope;
  will in some measure vindicate me against the reflections you mention。〃
  He had hardly finished his discourse to his sister and her two friends;
  and given some short directions relating to his burial; but his speech left
  him; and what makes the thing the more remarkable; it went away; in all
  appearance; without giving him any sort of pain or uneasiness。
  When he perceived that his speech was entirely vanished; and that he
  was again in his original state of dumbness; he took his pen as formerly
  and   wrote   to   his   sister;   signifying   that   whereas   the   sudden   loss   of   his
  speech had deprived him of the opportunity to speak to her and her friends
  what he intended; he would leave it for them in writing; and so desired he
  might not be disturbed till the return of his fit; which he expected in six
  hours at farthest。 According to his desire they all left him; and then; with
  the    greatest   resignation     imaginable;     he   wrote    down     the  meditations
  … Page 16…
  An Abstract of his Faith; and the Principles of his Religion &c。; which
  begins thus:
  Dear Sister; I thank you for putting me in mind to make a declaration
  of my faith; and the principles of my religion。               I find; as you very well
  observe;     I  have   been    under   some     reflections   upon    that  account;    and
  therefore I think it highly requisite that I set that matter right in the first
  place。    To begin; therefore; with my faith; in which I intend to be as short
  and as comprehensive as I can:
  1。   I most firmly believe that it was the eternal will of God; and the
  result   of his infinite   wisdom;   to   create   a   wor