第 79 节
作者:恐龙王      更新:2021-03-08 19:22      字数:9322
  strong legs booted and tipped for kicking。  Number three is forty
  years of age; is short; thick…set; strong; and bow…legged; wears
  knee cords and white stockings; a very long…sleeved waistcoat; a
  very large neckerchief doubled or trebled round his throat; and a
  crumpled white hat crowns his ghastly parchment face。  This fellow
  looks like an executed postboy of other days; cut down from the
  gallows too soon; and restored and preserved by express diabolical
  agency。  Numbers five; six; and seven; are hulking; idle; slouching
  young men; patched and shabby; too short in the sleeves and too
  tight in the legs; slimily clothed; foul…spoken; repulsive wretches
  inside and out。  In all the party there obtains a certain twitching
  character of mouth and furtiveness of eye; that hint how the coward
  is lurking under the bully。  The hint is quite correct; for they
  are a slinking sneaking set; far more prone to lie down on their
  backs and kick out; when in difficulty; than to make a stand for
  it。  (This may account for the street mud on the backs of Numbers
  five; six; and seven; being much fresher than the stale splashes on
  their legs。)
  These engaging gentry a Police…constable stands contemplating。  His
  Station; with a Reserve of assistance; is very near at hand。  They
  cannot pretend to any trade; not even to be porters or messengers。
  It would be idle if they did; for he knows them; and they know that
  he knows them; to be nothing but professed Thieves and Ruffians。
  He knows where they resort; knows by what slang names they call one
  another; knows how often they have been in prison; and how long;
  and for what。  All this is known at his Station; too; and is (or
  ought to be) known at Scotland Yard; too。  But does he know; or
  does his Station know; or does Scotland Yard know; or does anybody
  know; why these fellows should be here at liberty; when; as reputed
  Thieves to whom a whole Division of Police could swear; they might
  all be under lock and key at hard labour?  Not he; truly he would
  be a wise man if he did!  He only knows that these are members of
  the 'notorious gang;' which; according to the newspaper Police…
  office reports of this last past September; 'have so long infested'
  the awful solitudes of the Waterloo Road; and out of which almost
  impregnable fastnesses the Police have at length dragged Two; to
  the unspeakable admiration of all good civilians。
  The consequences of this contemplative habit on the part of the
  Executive … a habit to be looked for in a hermit; but not in a
  Police System … are familiar to us all。  The Ruffian becomes one of
  the established orders of the body politic。  Under the playful name
  of Rough (as if he were merely a practical joker) his movements and
  successes are recorded on public occasions。  Whether he mustered in
  large numbers; or small; whether he was in good spirits; or
  depressed; whether he turned his generous exertions to very
  prosperous account; or Fortune was against him; whether he was in a
  sanguinary mood; or robbed with amiable horse…play and a gracious
  consideration for life and limb; all this is chronicled as if he
  were an Institution。  Is there any city in Europe; out of England;
  in which these terms are held with the pests of Society?  Or in
  which; at this day; such violent robberies from the person are
  constantly committed as in London?
  The Preparatory Schools of Ruffianism are similarly borne with。
  The young Ruffians of London … not Thieves yet; but training for
  scholarships and fellowships in the Criminal Court Universities …
  molest quiet people and their property; to an extent that is hardly
  credible。  The throwing of stones in the streets has become a
  dangerous and destructive offence; which surely could have got to
  no greater height though we had had no Police but our own riding…
  whips and walking…sticks … the Police to which I myself appeal on
  these occasions。  The throwing of stones at the windows of railway
  carriages in motion … an act of wanton wickedness with the very
  Arch…Fiend's hand in it … had become a crying evil; when the
  railway companies forced it on Police notice。  Constabular
  contemplation had until then been the order of the day。
  Within these twelve months; there arose among the young gentlemen
  of London aspiring to Ruffianism; and cultivating that much…
  encouraged social art; a facetious cry of 'I'll have this!'
  accompanied with a clutch at some article of a passing lady's
  dress。  I have known a lady's veil to be thus humorously torn from
  her face and carried off in the open streets at noon; and I have
  had the honour of myself giving chase; on Westminster Bridge; to
  another young Ruffian; who; in full daylight early on a summer
  evening; had nearly thrown a modest young woman into a swoon of
  indignation and confusion; by his shameful manner of attacking her
  with this cry as she harmlessly passed along before me。  MR。
  CARLYLE; some time since; awakened a little pleasantry by writing
  of his own experience of the Ruffian of the streets。  I have seen
  the Ruffian act in exact accordance with Mr。 Carlyle's description;
  innumerable times; and I never saw him checked。
  The blaring use of the very worst language possible; in our public
  thoroughfares … especially in those set apart for recreation … is
  another disgrace to us; and another result of constabular
  contemplation; the like of which I have never heard in any other
  country to which my uncommercial travels have extended。  Years ago;
  when I had a near interest in certain children who were sent with
  their nurses; for air and exercise; into the Regent's Park; I found
  this evil to be so abhorrent and horrible there; that I called
  public attention to it; and also to its contemplative reception by
  the Police。  Looking afterwards into the newest Police Act; and
  finding that the offence was punishable under it; I resolved; when
  striking occasion should arise; to try my hand as prosecutor。  The
  occasion arose soon enough; and I ran the following gauntlet。
  The utterer of the base coin in question was a girl of seventeen or
  eighteen; who; with a suitable attendance of blackguards; youths;
  and boys; was flaunting along the streets; returning from an Irish
  funeral; in a Progress interspersed with singing and dancing。  She
  had turned round to me and expressed herself in the most audible
  manner; to the great delight of that select circle。  I attended the
  party; on the opposite side of the way; for a mile further; and
  then encountered a Police…constable。  The party had made themselves
  merry at my expense until now; but seeing me speak to the
  constable; its male members instantly took to their heels; leaving
  the girl alone。  I asked the constable did he know my name?  Yes;
  he did。  'Take that girl into custody; on my charge; for using bad
  language in the streets。'  He had never heard of such a charge。  I
  had。  Would he take my word that he should get into no trouble?
  Yes; sir; he would do that。  So he took the girl; and I went home
  for my Police Act。
  With this potent instrument in my pocket; I literally as well as
  figuratively 'returned to the charge;' and presented myself at the
  Police Station of the district。  There; I found on duty a very
  intelligent Inspector (they are all intelligent men); who;
  likewise; had never heard of such a charge。  I showed him my
  clause; and we went over it together twice or thrice。  It was
  plain; and I engaged to wait upon the suburban Magistrate to…morrow
  morning at ten o'clock。
  In the morning I put my Police Act in my pocket again; and waited
  on the suburban Magistrate。  I was not quite so courteously
  received by him as I should have been by The Lord Chancellor or The
  Lord Chief Justice; but that was a question of good breeding on the
  suburban Magistrate's part; and I had my clause ready with its leaf
  turned down。  Which was enough for ME。
  Conference took place between the Magistrate and clerk respecting
  the charge。  During conference I was evidently regarded as a much
  more objectionable person than the prisoner; … one giving trouble
  by coming there voluntarily; which the prisoner could not be
  accused of doing。  The prisoner had been got up; since I last had
  the pleasure of seeing her; with a great effect of white apron and
  straw bonnet。  She reminded me of an elder sister of Red Riding
  Hood; and I seemed to remind the sympathising Chimney Sweep by whom
  she was attended; of the Wolf。
  The Magistrate was doubtful; Mr。 Uncommercial Traveller; whether
  this charge could be entertained。  It was not known。  Mr。
  Uncommercial Traveller replied that he wished it were better known;
  and that; if he could afford the leisure; he would use his
  endeavours to make it so。  There was no question about it; however;
  he contended。  Here was the clause。
  The clause was handed in; and more conference resulted。  After
  which I was asked the extraordinary question:  'Mr。 Uncommercial;
  do you real