第 4 节
作者:赖赖      更新:2021-02-27 02:48      字数:9322
  not the road。
  So   over   the   mead   and   over   the   hithe;                    And
  away to the wild…wood wend we forth;                          There dwell we yeomen
  bold    and   blithe                     Where     the   Sheriff's   word   is  nought    of
  worth。                                       Bent     is  the   bow     on   the   lily  lea
  Betwixt the thorn and the oaken tree。
  But here the song dropped suddenly; and one of the men held up his
  hand as who would say; Hist!            Then through the open window came the
  sound of another song; gradually swelling as though sung by men on the
  march。     This time the melody was a piece of the plain…song of the church;
  familiar enough to me to bring back to my mind the great arches of some
  cathedral in France and the canons singing in the choir。
  All leapt up and hurried to take their bows from wall and corner; and
  some had bucklers withal; circles of leather; boiled and then moulded into
  shape and hardened: these were some two hand… breadths across; with iron
  or brass bosses in the centre。          Will   Green went to the corner where the
  bills leaned against the wall and handed them round to the first…comers as
  far   as   they   would   go;   and   out   we   all   went   gravely   and   quietly   into   the
  … Page 13…
  village street and the fair sunlight of the calm afternoon; now beginning to
  turn   towards evening。      None had   said   anything   since   we   first   heard   the
  new…come singing; save that as we went out of the door the ballad…singer
  clapped me on the shoulder and said: 〃Was it not sooth that I said; brother;
  that Robin Hood should bring us John Ball?〃
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  The   street   was   pretty  full   of   men   by  then   we   were out   in   it;   and   all
  faces turned toward the cross。         The song still grew nearer and louder; and
  even as we looked we saw it turning the corner through the hedges of the
  orchards and closes; a good clump of men; more armed; as it would seem;
  than our villagers; as the low sun flashed back from many points of bright
  iron and steel。      The words of the song could now be heard; and amidst
  them I could pick out Will Green's late challenge to me and my answer;
  but   as   I   was   bending   all   my   mind   to   disentangle   more   words   from   the
  music;   suddenly   from   the   new   white   tower   behind   us   clashed   out   the
  church bells; harsh and hurried at first; but presently falling into measured
  chime; and at the first sound of them a great shout went up from us and
  was echoed by the new… comers; 〃John Ball hath rung our bell!〃                      Then
  we pressed on; and presently we were all mingled together at the cross。
  Will Green had good…naturedly thrust and pulled me forward; so that I
  found   myself   standing   on   the   lowest   step   of   the   cross;   his   seventy…two
  inches of man on one side of me。           He chuckled while I panted; and said:
  〃There's for thee a good hearing and seeing stead; old lad。               Thou art
  tall across thy belly and not otherwise; and thy wind; belike; is none of the
  best;   and   but   for   me   thou   wouldst   have   been   amidst   the   thickest   of   the
  throng;  and   have   heard  words   muffled by  Kentish   bellies   and   seen   little
  but swinky woollen elbows and greasy plates and jacks。                  Look no more
  on the ground; as though thou sawest a hare; but let thine eyes and thine
  ears be busy to gather tidings to bear back to Essexor heaven!〃
  I grinned good…fellowship at him but said nothing; for in truth my eyes
  and ears were as busy as he would have them to be。                  A buzz of general
  talk   went   up   from   the   throng   amidst   the   regular   cadence   of   the   bells;
  which now seemed far away and as it were that they were not swayed by
  hands; but were living creatures making that noise of their own wills。
  I   looked   around   and   saw   that   the   newcomers   mingled   with   us   must
  have been a regular armed band; all had bucklers slung at their backs; few
  … Page 15…
  lacked a sword at the side。         Some had bows; some 〃staves〃that is; bills;
  pole…axes;  or pikes。       Moreover;  unlike   our   villagers;  they  had   defensive
  arms。     Most   had   steel…caps   on   their   heads;   and   some   had   body   armour;
  generally a 〃jack;〃 or coat into which pieces of iron or horn were quilted;
  some had also steel or steel…and…leather arm or thigh pieces。                  There were
  a few mounted men among them; their horses being big…boned hammer…
  headed   beasts;   that   looked     as   if   they   had  been   taken   from   plough    or
  waggon; but their riders were well armed with steel armour on their heads;
  legs; and arms。       Amongst the horsemen I noted the man that had ridden
  past me when I first awoke; but he seemed to be a prisoner; as he had a
  woollen hood on his head instead of his helmet; and carried neither bill;
  sword; nor dagger。        He seemed by no means ill…at…ease; however; but was
  laughing and talking with the men who stood near him。
  Above the heads of the crowd; and now slowly working towards the
  cross;   was   a   banner   on   a   high…raised   cross…pole;   a   picture   of   a   man   and
  woman   half…clad   in   skins   of   beasts   seen   against   a   background   of   green
  trees; the man holding a spade and the woman a distaff and spindle rudely
  done     enough;     but  yet   with   a   certain   spirit  and   much     meaning;     and
  underneath   this   symbol   of   the   early   world   and   man's   first   contest   with
  nature were the written words:
  When Adam delved and Eve span                                   Who
  was then the gentleman?
  The   banner   came   on   and   through   the   crowd;   which   at   last   opened
  where we stood for its passage; and the banner…bearer turned and faced the
  throng and stood on the first step of the cross beside me。
  A   man    followed     him;   clad   in  a  long   dark…brown      gown     of  coarse
  woollen; girt with a cord; to which hung a 〃pair of beads〃 (or rosary; as we
  should   call   it   to…day)   and   a  book   in   a   bag。 The   man   was   tall   and   big…
  boned; a ring of dark hair surrounded his priest's tonsure; his nose was big
  but   clear   cut   and   with   wide   nostrils;   his   shaven   face   showed   a   longish
  upper lip and a big but blunt chin; his mouth was big and the lips closed
  firmly; a face not very noteworthy but for his grey eyes well opened and
  wide   apart;   at   whiles   lighting   up   his   whole   face   with   a   kindly   smile;   at
  whiles set and stern; at whiles resting in that look as if they were gazing at
  … Page 16…
  something   a   long   way  off;   which   is   the   wont   of the   eyes   of   the   poet   or
  He went slowly up the steps of the cross and stood at the top with one
  hand laid on the shaft; and shout upon shout broke forth from the throng。
  When the shouting died away into a silence of the human voices; the bells
  were still quietly chiming with that far…away voice of theirs; and the long…
  winged dusky swifts; by no means scared by the concourse; swung round
  about the cross with their wild squeals; and the man stood still for a little;
  eyeing the throng; or rather looking first at one and then another man in it;
  as   though   he   were trying to think   what such   an one   was   thinking   of; or
  what he were fit for。        Sometimes he caught the eye of one or other; and
  then    that  kindly   smile    spread    over   his  face;  but   faded   off  it  into  the
  sternness and sadness of a man who has heavy and great thoughts hanging
  about him。 But when John Ball first mounted the steps of the cross a lad at
  some   one's   bidding   had   run   off to   stop   the   ringers;  and   so presently  the
  voice of the bells fell dead; leaving on men's minds that sense of blankness
  or even disappointment which is always caused by the sudden stopping of
  a sound one has got used to and found pleasant。                 But a great expectation
  had fallen by now on all that throng; and no word was spoken even in a
  whisper;   and   all   men's