第 57 节
作者:匆匆      更新:2021-02-27 02:11      字数:9322
  determination rests the difference between what the Notion is in itself or as subjective and what
  it is when submerged in objectivity; and then in the Idea of life。
  In the latter it is indeed distinguished from its external reality and posited for itself; yet this its
  being…for…self it possesses only as the identity that is a relation to itself as submerged in its
  subjugated objectivity; or to itself as indwelling; substantial form。 The elevation of the Notion
  above life means that its reality is the Notion form liberated into universality。 Through this
  judgement the Idea is duplicated into the subjective Notion whose reality is the Notion itself; and
  into the objective Notion that is in the form of life。 Thinking; spirit; self…consciousness; are
  determinations of the Idea where it has itself for object; and its determinate being; that is; the
  determinateness of its being; is its own difference from itself。
  The metaphysics of the spirit; or; as it was more commonly expressed; of the soul revolved
  round the determinations of substance; simplicity; immateriality … determinations in which the
  general idea of spirit taken from empirical consciousness; was laid down as subject; and it was
  then asked; What predicates agree with our observations? This kind of procedure could get no
  further than the procedure of physics; which reduces the world of phenomena to general laws and
  reflective determinations since it too was based on spirit merely in its phenomenal aspect; in fact
  this procedure was bound to fall short even of the scientific character of physics。
  Since spirit is not only infinitely richer than nature; but also; its essence is constituted by the
  absolute unity of opposites in the Notion; it exhibits in its phenomenal aspect and relation to
  externality contradiction in its extreme form。 Consequently; it must be possible to adduce an
  experience in support of each of the opposed reflective determinations; or starting from experience
  it must be possible to arrive at opposite determinations by way of formal syllogistic reasoning。
  Since the predicates immediately yielded by spirit's phenomenal aspect in the first instance still
  belong to empirical Psychology; there only remain; strictly speaking; for the metaphysical
  consideration; the wholly inadequate determinations of reflection。 Kant; in his criticism of rational
  psychology adheres to this metaphysics; insisting that; in so far as rational psychology purports to
  be a rational science; the smallest addition from observation to the general idea of
  selfconsciousness would transform that science into an empirical one and mar its rational purity
  and its independence of all experience。 Consequently; on this view; nothing is left but the simple
  representation; 'I'; a representation devoid of any content of its own; of which we cannot even say
  that it is a notion but a mere consciousness that accompanies every notion。 Now according to
  the further Kantian conclusions; by this 'I'; or if you like; it (the thing) that thinks; nothing further is
  represented than a transcendental subject of thoughts = x; which is cognised only through the
  thoughts which are its predicates; and of which; taken in its isolation; we can never have the least
  conception。 In this context; the 'I' has the inconvenience; to use Kant's own expression that we
  must already make use of it whenever we want make any judgement about it; for it is not so
  much a single representation by which a particular object is distinguished; but rather a form of
  representation in general in so far as this is to be called cognition。 Now the paralogism committed
  by rational psychology; says Kant; consists in this; that modes of self…consciousness in thinking are
  converted into notions of the understanding as applied to an object; that the 'I think' is taken as
  a thinking being; a thing…in…itself; and that in this way; from the fact that I always occur in
  consciousness as a subject; and that too as a singular subject; identical in all the multiplicity of
  representation; and distinguishing myself from the latter as from something external to me; the
  unjustified inference is drawn that the 'I' is a substance; and further a qualitatively simple being;
  and a one; and something that has a real existence independently of the things of time and space。
  I have drawn out this exposition in some detail; because it shows clearly the nature of the previous
  metaphysics of the soul and especially; too; the nature of the criticism by which it was made
  obsolete。 The former aimed at determining the abstract essence of the soul; in doing so; it started
  originally from observation and converted the empirical universality of observation and the wholly
  external reflective determination attaching to the individuality of the actual; into the form of the
  above…mentioned determinations of essence。 Kant in his criticism had generally in mind only the
  state of the metaphysics of his time; which in the main adhered to these abstract; one…sided
  determinations wholly devoid of dialectic; the genuinely speculative ideas of older philosophers on
  the notion of spirit he neither heeded nor examined。 In his criticism then of those determinations; he
  followed quite simply Hume's style of scepticism; that is to say; he holds fast to the 'I' as it appears
  in self…consciousness; from which; however; since it is its essence … the thing…in…itself … that we are
  to cognise; … everything empirical must be omitted; nothing then is left but this phenomenon of the
  'I think' that accompanies every representation … of which 'I think' we have not the slightest
  Certainly; it must be conceded that we have not the least conception the 'I'; or of anything
  whatever; not even of the Notion itself; so long as we do not really think; but stop short at the
  simple; fixed general idea and the name。 It is an odd thought … if it can be called a thought at all …
  that I must already make use of the 'I' in order to judge of the 'l'; the 'I' that makes use of
  selfconsciousness as a means in order to judge; this is indeed an x of which; as well as of the
  relationship of such 'making use'; we cannot have the slightest conception。 But surely it is ridiculous
  to call this nature of self…consciousness; namely; that the 'I' thinks itself; that the 'I' cannot be
  thought without its being the 'I' that thinks; an inconvenience and; as though there was a fallacy in
  it; a circle。 It is this relationship through which; in immediate self…consciousness; the absolute;
  eternal nature of self…consciousness and the Notion itself manifests itself; and manifests itself for
  this reason; that selfconsciousness is just the existent pure Notion; and therefore empirically
  perceptible; the absolute relation…to…self that; as a separating judgement; makes itself its own
  object and is solely this process whereby it makes itself a circle。
  A stone does not have this inconvenience; when it is to be thought or judged it does not stand in
  its own way。 It is relieved from the burden of making use of itself for this task; it is something else
  outside it that must give itself this trouble。
  Kant's Critique of Rational Psychology
  A The Idea of the True
  The subjective Idea is in the first instance an urge。 For it is the contradiction of the Notion to have
  itself for object and to be its own reality; yet without the object being an other; that is;
  self…subsistent over against it; or without the difference of the Notion from itself possessing at the
  same time the essential determination of diversity and indifferent existence。 The specific nature of
  this urge is therefore to sublate its own subjectivity; to make its first; abstract reality into a concrete
  one and to fill it with the content of the world presupposed by its subjectivity。
  From the other side; this urge is determined in the following manner: the Notion is; it is true; the
  absolute certainty of itself; but its being…for…self is confronted by its presupposition of a world
  having the form of implicit being; but a world whose indifferent otherness has for the
  self…certainty of the Notion the value merely of an unessentiality; it is thus the urge to sublate this
  otherness and to intuit in the object its identity with itself。 This reflection…into self is the sublated
  opposition; and the individuality which initially appears as the presupposed implicit being of a
  world is now posited as individuality and made actual for the subject; accordingly the
  reflection…into…self is the self…identity of the form restored out of the opposition … an identity that is
  therefore determined as indifferent to the form in its distinctiveness and is content。
  This urge is therefore the urge to truth in so far as truth is in cognition; accordingly to truth in its
  proper sense as theoretical Idea。 Objective truth is no doubt the Idea itself as the reality that
  corresponds to the Notion; and to this extent an object may or may not possess truth; but; on the
  other hand; the more precise meaning of truth is that it is truth for or in the subjective Notion; in
  knowing。 It is the relation of the Notion judgement which showed itself to be the formal
  judgement of truth; in it; namely; the pr