第 28 节
作者:匆匆      更新:2021-02-27 02:11      字数:9322
  Notion itself。 At first; it is real necessity; absolute identity with itself; so that the difference of
  necessity and the related determinations in it are substances; free actualities; over against one
  another。 Necessity is; in this way; inner identity; causality is the manifestation of this; in which its
  illusory show of substantial otherness has sublated itself and necessity is raised to freedom。
  In reciprocity; originative causality displays itself as an arising from its negation; from passivity;
  and as a passing away into the same; as a becoming; but in such a manner that at the same time
  this becoming is equally only illusory; the transition into an other is a reflection into itself; the
  negation; which is ground of the cause; is its positive union with itself。
  In reciprocity; therefore; necessity and causality have vanished; they contain both; immediate
  identity as connection and relation; and the absolute substantiality of the different sides;
  hence the absolute contingency of them;; the original unity of substantial difference; and
  therefore absolute contradiction。 Necessity is being; because it is…the unity of being with itself that
  has itself for ground; but conversely; because it has a ground it is not being; it is an altogether
  illusory being; relation or mediation。 Causality is this posited transition of originative being; of
  cause; into illusory being or mere positedness; and conversely; of positedness into originativeness;
  but the identity itself of being and illusory being is still an inner necessity。
  This inwardness or this in…itself; sublates the movement of causality; with the result that the
  substantiality of the sides standing in relation is lost; and necessity unveils itself。 Necessity does not
  become freedom by vanishing; but only because its still inner identity is manifested; a
  manifestation which is the identical。 movement of the different sides within themselves; the
  reflection of the illusory being as illusory being into itself。
  Conversely; at the same time; contingency becomes freedom; for the sides of necessity; which
  have the shape of independent; free actualities not reflecting themselves in one another; are now
  posited as an identity; so that these totalities of reflection…into…self in their difference are now also
  reflected as identical; or are posited as only one and the same reflection。
  Absolute substance; which as absolute form distinguishes itself from itself; therefore no longer
  repels itself as necessity from itself; nor; as contingency; does it fall asunder into indifferent;
  self…external substances; on the contrary; it differentiates itself; on the one hand; into the totality …
  heretofore passive substance … which is originative as reflection out of the determinateness into
  itself; as a simple whole; which contains within itself its positedness and is posited as
  self…identical therein…the universal; on the other hand; it differentiates itself into the totality …
  heretofore causal substance … into the reflection equally out of the determinateness into itself to a
  negative determinateness which; as thus the self…identical determinateness is likewise posited as
  the whole; but as self…identical negativity…the individual。 But because the universal is
  self…identical only in that it contains the determinateness within itself as sublated; and therefore
  the negative as negative; it is immediately the same negativity which individuality is; and
  individuality; because it is equally the determinate determinate; the negative as negative; is
  immediately the same identity which universality is。 This their simple identity is particularity;
  which contains in immediate unity the moment of determinateness of the individual and the
  moment of reflection…into…self of the universal。 These three totalities are; therefore; one and the
  same reflection; which; as negative self…relation; differentiates itself into these two; but into a
  perfectly transparent difference; namely; into a determinate simplicity or simple
  determinateness which is their one and the same identity。
  This is the Notion; the realm of subjectivity or of freedom。
  What the nature of the Notion is; can no more be stated offhand than can the Notion of any
  other object。 It might perhaps seem that; in order to state the Notion of an object; the logical
  element were presupposed and that therefore this could not in turn have something else for its
  presupposition; nor be deduced; just as in geometry logical propositions as applied to magnitude
  and employed in that science; are premised in the form of axioms; determinations of cognition that
  have not been and cannot be deduced。 Now although it is true that the Notion is to be regarded;
  not merely as a subjective presupposition but as the absolute foundation; yet it can be so only in
  so far as it has made itself the foundation。 Abstract immediacy is no doubt a first; yet in so far as
  it is abstract it is; on the contrary mediated; and therefore if it is to be grasped in its truth its
  foundation must first be sought。 Hence this foundation; though indeed an immediate; must have
  made itself immediate through the sublation of mediation。
  From this aspect the Notion is to be regarded in the first instance simply as the third to being and
  essence; to the immediate and to reflection。 Being and essence are so far the moments of its
  becoming; but it is their foundation and truth as the identity in which they are submerged and
  contained。 They are contained in it because it is their result; but no longer as being and essence。
  That determination they possess only in so far as they have not withdrawn into this their unity。
  Objective logic therefore; which treats of being and essence constitutes properly the genetic
  exposition of the Notion。 More precisely; substance is already real essence; or essence in so
  far as it is united with being and has entered into actuality。 Consequently; the Notion has
  substance for its immediate presupposition; what is implicit in substance is manifested in the
  Notion。 Thus the dialectical movement of substance through causality and reciprocity is the
  immediate genesis of the Notion; the exposition of the process of its becoming。 But the
  significance of its becoming; as of every becoming is that it is the reflection of the transient into its
  ground and that the at first apparent other into which the former has passed constitutes its truth。
  Accordingly the Notion is the truth of substance; and since substance has necessity for its specific
  mode of relationship; freedom reveals itself as the truth of necessity and as the mode of
  relationship proper to the Notion。
  The progressive determination of substance necessitated by its own nature; is the positing of what
  is in and for itself。 Now the Notion is that absolute unity of being and reflection in which being is
  in and for itself only in so far as it is no less reflection or positedness; and positedness is no less
  being that is in and for itself。 This abstract result is elucidated by the exposition of its concrete
  genesis; that exposition contains the nature of the Notion whose treatment it must have preceded。
  The chief moments of this exposition (which has been given in detail in the Second Book of the
  Objective Logic) can therefore only be briefly summarised here。
  Substance is the absolute; the actuality that is in and for itself in itself as the simple identity of
  possibility and actuality; absolute essence containing all actuality and possibility within itself; and
  for itself; being this identity as absolute power or purely self…related negativity。 The movement of
  substantiality posited by these moments consists in the following stages:
  1。 Substance; as absolute power or self…related negativity; differentiates itself into a relationship in
  which what were at first only simple moments are substances and original presuppositions。 Their
  specific relationship is that of a passive substance; of the original immediacy of the simple
  inwardness or in…itself which; powerless to posit itself; is only an original positedness and of an
  active substance; the self…related negativity which as such has posited itself in the form of an other
  and relates itself to this other。 This other is simply the passive substance which the active
  substance through its own originative power has presupposed for itself as condition。 This
  presupposing is to be understood in the sense that the movement of substance itself is; in the first
  instance; under the form of one of the moments of its Notion; the in…itself; and the
  determinateness of one of the substances standing in relationship is also the determinateness of
  this relationship itself。
  2。 The other moment is being…for…self; which means that the power posits itself as self…related
  negativity; thereby sublating again what was presupposed。 The active substance is the cause; it
  acts; that is; it now posits; whereas previously it only presupposed; so that (a) to the power is
  now added the illusory show of power; to the positedness the illusory show of positedness。