第 20 节
作者:沸点123      更新:2021-02-27 02:03      字数:9322
  which   I   have   recently   had   the   pleasure   of   seeing   exemplified   in   great
  completeness in the schools of Providence; Rhode Island。
  Some   four   years   ago;   the   assistant   superintendent   of   schools   of   that
  city;   Miss   Ella   L。   Sweeney;   introduced   a   rather   unusual   and   extended
  application of the story in her primary classes。 While the experiment was
  in   its  early   stages;   it  was    my   good    fortune    to  be   allowed     to  make
  suggestions for its development; and as the devices in question were those
  I had been accustomed to use as a pastime for children; I was able to take
  some slight hand in the formative work of its adoption as an educational
  method。 Carried out most ably by the teachers to whom it was entrusted;
  the plan has evolved into a more inclusive and systematic one than was at
  first hoped for; it is one from which I have been grateful to learn。
  Tersely     stated;   the  object    of  the   general    plan   is  the   freeing   and
  developing of the power of expression in the pupils。
  I   think   there   can   be   no   need   of   dwelling   on   the   desirability   of   this
  result。 The apathy and 〃woodenness〃 of children under average modes of
  pedagogy is   apparent to   anyone   who is interested   enough to   observe。  In
  elementary       work;    the   most    noticeable     lack   of   natural   expression      is
  probably in the reading classes; the same drawback appears at a later stage
  in   English   composition。   But   all   along   the   line   every   thoughtful   teacher
  knows      how    difficult   it  is  to  obtain  spontaneous;      creative    reaction    on
  material given。
  … Page 70…
  Story…telling has a real mission to perform in setting free the natural
  creative expression of children; and in vitalising the general atmosphere of
  the    school。   The    method     in   use   for  this  purpose     in  Providence      (and
  probably elsewhere; as ideas usually germinate in more than one place at
  once) is a threefold GIVING BACK of the story by the children。 Two of
  the   forms   of   reproduction   are   familiar   to   many   teachers;   the   first   is   the
  obvious one of telling the story back again。
  It   is   such  fun   to   listen   to   a   good   story   that   children  remember   it
  without effort; and later; when asked if they can tell the story of The Red…
  Headed Woodpecker or The little Red Hen; they are as eager to try it as if
  it were a personal experience which they were burning to impart。
  Each   pupil;   in   the   Providence   classes;   is   given   a   chance   to   try   each
  story; at some time。 Then that one which each has told especially well is
  allotted to him for his own particular story; on which he has an especial
  claim thereafter。
  It   is   surprising   to   note   how   comparatively   individual   and   distinctive
  the expression of voice and manner becomes; after a short time。 The child
  instinctively emphasises the points which appeal to him; and the element
  of fun in it all helps to bring forgetfulness of self。 The main inflections and
  the general tenor of the language; however; remain imitative; as is natural
  with children。 But this is a gain rather than otherwise; for it is useful in
  forming good habit。 In no other part of her work; probably; has a teacher
  so good a chance to foster in her pupils pleasant habits of enunciation and
  voice。 And this is especially worth while ill the big city schools; where so
  many   children   come   from   homes   where   the   English   of   the   tenement   is
  I have since wished that every city primary teacher could have visited
  with    me    the  first…  grade    room    in  Providence      where     the  pupils    were
  German; Russian; or Polish Jews; and where some of them had heard no
  English previous to that year;it being then May。 The joy that shone  on
  their   faces   was   nothing   less   than   radiance   when   the   low…voiced   teacher
  said; 〃Would you like to tell these ladies some of your stories?〃
  They told us their stories; and there was truly not one told poorly or
  inexpressively;       all  the  children    had    learned    something      of  the   joy  of
  … Page 71…
  creative effort。 But one little fellow stands out in my memory beyond all
  the rest; yet as a type of all the rest。
  Rudolph was very small; and square; and merry of eye; life was one
  eagerness and expectancy to him。 He knew no English beyond that of one
  school year。 But he stood staunchly in his place and told me the story of
  the Little Half Chick with an abandon and bodily emphasis which left no
  doubt of his sympathetic understanding of every word。 The depth of moral
  reproach   in   his   tone   was   quite   beyond   description   when   he   said;   〃Little
  Half   Chick;   little   Half   Chick;   when   I   was   in   trubbul   you   wouldn't   help
  me!〃 He heartily relished that repetition; and became more dramatic each
  Through it all; in the tones of the tender little voice; the sidewise pose
  of the neat dark head; and the occasional use of a chubby pointing finger;
  one   could   trace   a   vague   reflection   of   the   teacher's   manner。   It   was   not
  strong   enough   to   dominate   at   all   over   the   child's   personality;   but   it   was
  strong enough to suggest possibilities。
  In different rooms; I was told The Half Chick; The Little Red Hen; The
  Three Bears; The Red… Headed Woodpecker; The Fox and the Grapes; and
  many   other   simple   stories;   and   in   every   instance   there   was   a   noticeable
  degree of spontaneity and command of expression。
  When   the   reading   classes   were   held;   the   influence   of   this   work   was
  very visible。 It had crept into the teachers' method; as well as the children's
  attitude。 The story  interest   was   still paramount。   In   the   discussion;  in   the
  teachers' remarks; and in the actual reading; there was a joyousness and an
  interest in the subject… matter which totally precluded that preoccupation
  with sounds and syllables so deadly to any real progress in reading。 There
  was less of the mechanical in the reading than in any I had heard in my
  visits to schools; but it was exceptionally accurate。
  The second form of giving back which has proved a keen pleasure and
  a stimulus to growth is a kind of 〃seat…work。〃 The children are allowed to
  make original illustrations of the stories by cutting silhouette pictures。
  It will be readily seen that no child can do this without visualising each
  image very perfectly。 In the simplest and most unconscious way possible;
  the small artists are developing the power of conceiving and holding the
  … Page 72…
  concrete image of an idea given; the power which is at the bottom of all
  arts of expression。
  Through the kindness of Miss Sweeney; I am able to insert several of
  these illustrations。 They are entirely original; and were made without any
  thought of such a use as this。
  The    pictures    and   the  retelling   are  both   popular    with   children;    but
  neither is as dear to them as the third form of reproduction of which I wish
  to speak。 This third kind is taken entirely on the ground of play; and no
  visibly   didactic   element   enters   into   it。   It   consists   simply   of   PLAYING
  When a good story with a simple sequence has been told; and while
  the children are still athrill with the delight of it; they are told they may
  play it。
  〃Who would like to be Red Riding Hood?〃 says the teacher; up go the
  little girls' hands; and Mary or Hannah or Gertrude is chosen。
  〃Who   will   be   the   wolf?〃   Johnny   or   Marcus   becomes   the   wolf。   The
  kind woodchopper and the mother are also happily distributed; for in these
  little   dramatic   companies   it   is   an   all…star   cast;   and   no   one   realises   any
  indignity in a subordinate role。
  〃Now; where shall we have little Red Riding Hood's house? ‘Over in
  that   corner;'   Katie?   Very   well;   Riding   Hood   shall   live   over   there。   And
  where shall the grandmother's cottage be?〃
  The children decide that it must be a long distance through the wood;
  half…way round the schoolroom; in fact。 The wolf selects the spot where he
  will meet Red Riding Hood; and the woodchopper chooses a position from
  which he