第 10 节
作者:沸点123      更新:2021-02-27 02:03      字数:9322
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  transforms the scene。 The old woman who owned the obstinate pig is the
  centre of a circle in which stand only familiar images;stick; fire; water;
  cow;  and the   rest;   but   the   wonder   enters   with  the   fact that   these   usually
  inanimate or dumb objects of nature enter so humanly into the contest of
  wills。 So it is; also; with the doings of the three little pigs。 Every image is
  explicable to the youngest hearer; while none suggests actual familiarity;
  because the actors are not children; but pigs。 Simplicity; with mystery; is
  the keynote of all the pictures; and these are clear and distinct。
  Still   a   third   characteristic   common   to   the   stories   quoted   is   a   certain
  amount of repetition。 It is more definite; and of what has been called the
  〃cumulative〃        kind;    in  the   story   of   the  old   woman;       but   in  all  it  is  a
  distinctive feature。
  Here   we   have;   then;   three   marked   characteristics   common   to   three
  stories   almost   invariably   loved   by   children;action;   in   close   sequence;
  familiar images; tinged with mystery; some degree of repetition。
  It is not hard to see why these qualities appeal to a child。 The first is
  the   prime   characteristic   of   all   good   stories;〃stories   as   is   stories〃;   the
  child's demand for it but bears witness to the fact that his instinctive taste
  is often better than the taste he later develops under artificial culture。 The
  second   is   a   matter   of   common…sense。   How   could   the   imagination   create
  new worlds; save out of the material of the old? To offer strange images is
  to   confuse   the   mind   and   dull   the   interest;   to   offer   familiar   ones   〃with   a
  difference〃 is to pique the interest and engage the mind。
  The charm of repetition; to children; is a more complex matter; there
  are   undoubtedly  a   good   many  elements   entering   into   it;   hard   to   trace   in
  analysis。 But one or two of the more obvious may be seized and brought to
  view。   The   first   is   the   subtle   flattery   of   an   unexpected   sense   of   mastery。
  When       the  child…mind;      following      with    toilful   alertness    a  new    train   of
  thought; comes suddenly on a familiar epithet or expression; I fancy it is
  with much the same sense of satisfaction that we older people feel when in
  the   midst   of   a   long   programme   of   new   music   the   orchestra   strikes   into
  something   we   have   heard   before;Handel;   maybe;   or   one   of   the   more
  familiar Beethoven sonatas。  〃I   know  that!   I   have heard   that before!〃   we
  think;  triumphant;   and   settle down   to   enjoyment   without   effort。   So   it   is;
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  probably; with the 〃middle…sized〃 articles of the bears' house and the 〃and
  I   sha'n't   get   home   to…night〃 of   the old   woman。   Each   recurrence   deepens
  the note of familiarity; tickles the primitive sense of humour; and eases the
  strain of attention。
  When   the   repetition   is   cumulative;   like   the   extreme   instance   of   The
  House   that   Jack   Built;   I   have   a   notion   that   the   joy   of   the   child   is   the
  pleasure of intellectual gymnastics; not too hard for fun; but not too easy
  for excitement。 There is a deal of fun to be got out of purely intellectual
  processes; and child… hood is not too soon for the rudiments of such fun to
  show。   The   delight   the   healthy   adult   mind   takes   in   working   out   a   neat
  problem      in   geometry;     the   pleasure     a  musician     finds   in   following     the
  involutions of a fugue; are of the same type of satisfaction as the liking of
  children for cumulative stories。 Complexity and mass; arrived at by stages
  perfectly   intelligible   in   themselves;   mounting   steadily   from   a   starting…
  point of simplicity; then the same complexity and mass resolving itself as
  it were miraculously back into simplicity; this is an intellectual joy。 It does
  not differ materially; whether found in the study of counterpoint; at thirty;
  or in the story of the old woman and her pig; at five。 It is perfectly natural
  and wholesome; and it may perhaps be a more powerful developing force
  for the budding intellect than we are aware。
  For these reasons let me urge you; when you are looking for stories to
  tell little  children;  to   apply  this   threefold test   as   a kind of   touchstone to
  their quality of fitness: Are they full of action; in close natural sequence?
  Are their images simple without being humdrum? Are they repetitive? The
  last   quality   is   not   an   absolute   requisite;   but   it   is   at   least   very   often   an
  attribute of a good child…story。
  Having this touchstone in mind for general selection; we can now pass
  to the matter of specific choices for different ages of children。 No one can
  speak with absolute conviction in this matter; so greatly do the taste and
  capacity   of   children   of   the   same   age   vary。   Any   approach         to   an   exact
  classification of juvenile books according to their suitability for different
  ages   will   be   found   impossible。 The   same   book   in   the   hands   of   a   skilful
  narrator may  be   made   to   afford delight to children   both of five   and ten。
  The following are merely the inferences drawn from my own experience。
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  They must be modified by each teacher according to the conditions of her
  small   audience。   In   general;   I   believe   it   to   be   wise   to   plan   the   choice   of
  stories much as indicated in the table。
  At   a   later   stage;   varying   with   the   standard   of   capacity   of   different
  classes; we find the temper of mind which asks continually; 〃Is that true?〃
  To meet this demand; one draws on historical and scientific anecdote; and
  on    reminiscence。   But   the   demand   is   never   so        exclusive   that    fictitious
  narrative need be cast aside。 All that is necessary is to state frankly that the
  story you are telling is 〃just a story;〃 orif it be the casethat it is 〃part
  true and part story。〃
  At   all   stages   I   would   urge   the   telling   of   Bible   stories;   as   far   as   is
  allowed by the special circumstances of the school。 These are stories from
  a source unsurpassed in our literature for purity of style and loftiness of
  subject。 More especially I urge the telling of the Christ…story; in such parts
  as seem  likely to   be within the grasp   of the   several classes。  In all   Bible
  stories it is well to keep as near as possible to the original unimprovable
  text。'1' Some amplification can be made; but no excessive modernising or
  simplifying       is  excusable      in   face   of   the   austere    grace    and    majestic
  simplicity      of  the   original。    Such    adaptation      as  helps    to  cut   the   long
  narrative   into   separate   units;   making   each   an   intelligible   story;   I   have
  ventured to   illustrate according   to   my own   personal taste; in two   stories
  given in Chapter VI。 The object of the usual modernising or enlarging of
  the text may be far better attained for the child listener by infusing into the
  text as it stands a strong realising sense of its meaning and vitality; letting
  it give its own message through a fit medium of expression。
  '1'    Stories    from    the   Old   Testament;      by   S。   Platt;  retells   the   Old
  Testament story as nearly as possible in the actual words of the Authorised
  The stories given are grouped as illustrations of the types suitable for
  different stages。 They are; however; very often interchangeable; and many
  stories can be told successfully to all classes。 A vitally good story is little
  limited in its appeal。 It is; nevertheless; a help to have certain plain results
  of experience as a basis for choice; that which is given is intended only for
  such a basis; not in the least as a final list。
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  Little Rhymed Stories (including the best of the nursery rhymes and
  the more poetic fragments of Mother Goose) Stories with Rhyme in Parts
  Nature     Stories   (in  which     th